
  1. Jagster

    Newly set up 15 gallon freshwater tank

    Hey guys I am new to the hobby and bought a tank after months of research. My newly set up 15 gallon freshwater planted overhead filter tank has been cycling for 3 weeks now. I have made a list of the fish would like to keep and need your opinion on it. 6× zebra danio 6× neon tetra 2× oto 1×...
  2. Cameronb_01

    All My Plants Are Dying

    Hi Guys,   I was going to post this last week in Tropical Discussions but I think that now it is an emergency. As seen in the second picture the bottoms of my plants are all black and I think they are dying? Also as seen in the first picture there is stuff on all the leaves which I don't know...
  3. Cameronb_01

    Fuzzy Algae Identification And Treatment

    Hi Guys,   The stuff attached in the picture has been growing in my planted discus tank. What is it? And how do I treat it?   Best wishes,   Cameron
  4. Cameronb_01

    Plants For Discus Tank

    Hi Guys,   On the 1st of September 3 Discus fish, (Leopard Snakeskin, Checkerboard and Red Turquoise), are arriving for my 450L tank which is empty apart from substrate and gravel 5 cm deep. I was wondering if I could please run some ideas past you guys regarding the planting of the tank. My...
  5. Cameronb_01

    Jbl Proflora M603 Not Working

    Hi Everyone,   A couple of months ago I bought a brand new JBL pro flora m603 complete unit. I have now come to the time for setting it up and yesterday I followed all the instructions, did the calibration etc… However it does not inject any CO2 into the tank. The only way of me getting it to do...
  6. Cameronb_01

    Planted Discus Tank Emergency

    Hi Guys,   So basically I have been impatient and made a mistake. 4 weeks ago I filled my empty tank with RO water and rasied the Kh to 4 and then began the cycling process. My tank is fully cycled and ready for fish as of yesterday, (I tested the Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia levels). And so I...
  7. Waterfins

    Good Light Fixtures For A 75 Gallon Planted Aquarium?

    I plan to start a 75 gallon planted aquarium, does anyone know a good brand of aquarium lights to use for it? Also does anyone know any hardy plants that can sustain a bit of wear and tear from a large fish?   
  8. B

    Planted Freshwater Aquarium

    So I thought since ive been here for a bit (like a week 1/2 lol I don't even know) I thought I would make a journal about my tanks and how they are like they are! And ill tell the story as well of how they GOT to where they are...   So lets get started   About 1 year ago when I was 13 just...
  9. N

    Need Help Making Decision On Led Lighting...

    Hi everyone,    So I've just got a brand new tropical tank from ND Aquatics - 6ft x 2ft x 2ft and I'm currently getting all the gear together.    I've got everything sorted except for the lighting, I've spent night after night researching and have come to the conclusion that I need some help...
  10. snowflake311

    36Gal Planted Tank

    I have not set this tank up in over 5 years. It was setting in my Garage. I was using a 20gal long and thought WHY use a smaller tank when I can use a larger tank. So I set this up a little while ago. The Val still needs to grow in. I think in a month of so it will look awesome.    looking at is...
  11. Robbo85

    Leaking Tank Leads To New Beginnings

    So woke up to leaking tank this morning , must be a seal leaked or a crack I can't see but water is coming from all sides slowly and dripping on the floor. As my Jewel rio 125 is 11 years old and was bought second hand, rather than trying to find the cause and repair I'm gonna replace it with a...
  12. notg2009

    Driftwood Fungus

    Hi everyone, I setup this 10 gallon tank about 2-3 weeks ago. I tied willow moss to the wood, placed in the tank and planted dwarf hairgrass and AR mini at the same time. I noticed white fuzzy growth on the wood that I had seen before in my other tank and thought it was just fungus that grows on...
  13. S

    Need Help Choosing Setup

    Ok so im new to the whole fish world and i love it i currently have a 5 US Gallon tank filter heater fake plants decor gravel and its cycled and has been doing well for about a month with my betta fish in it, well i want a new tank :D this time bigger and i want it to be planted but my problem...
  14. S

    Circulation And Diatoms

    I recently started a 20 gal long planted aquarium. I have had many aquariums but this is the first one I have had fully stocked with live plants, so I am new to the planted tank world. It has been up and running (and cycled) for about 8 weeks and no plants seem to be flourishing.  I have a T5...
  15. cooledwhip

    Dirting My Tank... Is This Good Soil?

    I have a 10 gallon tank I am currently using to house my spare plants because my current 20g is too filled with plants. I have a little bit of seachem flourite left over from when I made my 20g and on top of that is a lot of sand. I regret using the sand now and plan on replacing it with some...
  16. cooledwhip

    20 Gallon Long Aquascape.. I Kinda Messed Up And It Looks Ugly

    Hey everyone. So I recently got a 20 gallon long and want to turn it into a planted tank/aquascape. I love aquascapes, they look so beautiful but I tried to set up my tank and it just looks ugly REALLY ugly. The two pieces of drift wood I got are ugly and I just don't like them at all. I also...
  17. W

    Tetra Ideas For 20 Gallon Tall

    I have a 20 gallon tall planted tank, thats been dirted with mineralized top soil with peat added and pool filter sand as the cap. I also have some bunches of Anacharis growing. Its only stocked with 4 cory's right now, but i have a pair of German blue rams i'm adding soon. All that aside, I'm...
  18. cooledwhip

    My Bacopa Caroliniana Won't Grow.

    I have had my planted 20 gal for about a week with a small bubble filter and a 20 gallon quiet filter as well. I have seachem flourite as substrate with some java fern, anubius, and some Bacopa Caroliniana. But almost all of the bacopa isn't growing, like it turns into just stalks now, there are...
  19. cooledwhip

    My Beginner Planted Tank Is Very Murky And Poopy

    Hello everyone I am new to these forums and I had some questions about my tank..   I have had tanks on and off my childhood but they never lasted long, now I am older (16) I can apprechiate these tanks. I recently bought a 20 gal and want a really heavy planted aquarium with some water grass and...
  20. M

    My Planted Tropical Tank

    Well with my new found love for aquariums i thought it best to share my little pals in a short clip on my planted tropical aquarium. Hope you like it :)
  21. notg2009

    Plants Not Doing Well Or Are They?

    Hey everyone, I have a 29G  freshwater planted tank. I have been using a 24" 17watts T8 Florasun bulb by Zoomed (5000K) for the past month or so. I dose with Seachem Flourish, Flourish Excel, API leaf zone, and API root tabs per instructions.The tank is cycled and I dose with Seachem Stability...
  22. notg2009

    I Thought Lighting Would Fix The Problem!

    Hey everyone, I have a 29G Marineland planted tank. I used to use the stock LED unit but decided to upgrade to better lighting in order to get better plant quality. I dose with Seachem Flourish and Flourish Excel per bottle instructions.The tank is cycled and I dose with Seachem Stability when...
  23. McCool

    Tank Revival

    Haven't been on here in a while! I tore down the last of my tanks nearly... a year ago I think? Well, I bought a 20 gallon last night, since I can never stand to stay away from tanks for long. Not sure on what specific plants I plan on doing yet, but won't be doing anything that needs real high...
  24. RRaquariums

    Planted Betta Tank

    So I have a 60 gallon freshwater tank I'm taking down but decided I wanted to keep some of my live plants that I'm kinda attached to lol. And since I didn't want to set up anything huge but still have a cool fish and tank to watch I decided to do a betta tank. What I have is a 10 gallon standard...
  25. S

    Where Do I Stand In Terms Of Overstocking In My 10 Gal.

    I went to a fish stocking calculator site and it said I was something like 90% stocked, and I just wanted to check it out, if you can give me some feedback.  I believe in understocking and I thought I was.   10 gal. tank heavily planted 50% water change weekly Fluval U2 internal filter. potting...
  26. The Sandman

    17G/65L Low Tech Soil Planted Tank

    Hi everyone, I thought I'd post a few pics of my Aquastart 500 planted tank on here, mainly because of the dearth of information on the web regarding these tanks. Specifically, whether a planted setup would indeed be viable given their 'unique' lighting system. These reasons almost put me off...
  27. simonero

    Not An Emergency Yet, But..... With This Level Of Consistent Ph Droppi

    I have a 55gal freshwater aquarium.  Recently the pH dropped from ~neutral to ~6.4.   Got worried, bought some supplies, went on chat to discuss it.   Within just a couple days, it is now down to 6.0.  This is frightening, because I added a bubble stone and half a cup of aragonite sand (in a...
  28. Zikofski

    Zikofski's Ada 60H (45) Iwagumi Tank Journal

    this is my second tank and i decided to take a different approach to this tank, usually i go for a jungle style tank densely planted and lots of difference species but wit this tank i had been inspired by a load of videos and pictures online of the Japanese Iwagumi style tanks so if i wanted to...
  29. M

    Planted Tank Lighting Help

    I have a 100L tank with a aquael f24t5/D and his light isnt good enough as my plants are getting covered in Algae because of it can someone suggest a type of bulb that is bright and make my tank look real nice and that helps my plant in every way possible. Thanks
  30. Xzavier247

    Foreground Discussion

          What is your favorite foreground plant? This is an open discussion for others to see whats available and what it looks like. Please submit your answer following with a picture.  This is to also help others who are new to the planted tank.    I'll start off with Dwarf Hairgrass.    Another...
  31. Vspeck23

    Cabomba Cuttings Re-Potting Help & Tips

    Hi all ! ive had my tank setup for over a month n a half now i think... Anyways i have 6 barbs and a cabomba plant in a little clay pot and i got it from the aquarium when i got my tiger barbs as i new they like that plant...    So they have been nipping it and eating it like normal and brushing...
  32. Wreckzone

    Planarians Attacked Neon Tetra

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to the forum and I signed up today to specifically ask (and warn) about planarian.   Last night I witnessed a horrible, terrifying scene, but I'll get to that in a minute.   My 6 gallon Fluval Edge was hit with a fungus outbreak a few month ago and two of my five neon...
  33. P

    Oto Cats Not Eating Algae Wafers

    hello fish people,   I have been a fish keeper around a year and algae growth started to i decided to buy some oto cats to eat the algae. I bought them several weeks ago but they wont touh the algae or even attempt to eat the algae wafers. I never see it eat but it still alive so i...
  34. Dandx13

    Research Paper On Stocking My Tank? Help!?

    I am currently writing as research paper on stocking my 125 gallon tank. I would like to add 5 angelfish to this tank plus some other fish. The dimensions are 48" x 24" x 24" so this would be perfect for angels. I have plenty of caves and driftwood with some plants (definitely not heavily...
  35. xautomaticflowersx

    Aqua One Aquamode 300 - New Planted Nano Shrimp Tank

    I recently bought a little bowfront Aqua One Aquamode 300 on eBay for £25 and have decided to plant it up for some shrimp. It's not fully planted yet as the Lilaeopsis brasiliensis that I bought didn't arrive. Also going to add a black background so that the filter and heater blend in a little...
  36. monahan95

    Snail Eggs?

    I have had these white spots all over my bogwood since I got my 2 red spotted snails and my zebra snail, can someone please tell me, are these snails eggs? and am I going to have an infestation on my hands?
  37. monahan95

    Starting A New Nano Aquarium, Need Advice!

    Hi everyone :)   I am considering starting up a new nano aquarium (no more than 70lt) and I need some advice on the best way to go about setting it up and what to stock it with? I was thinking along the lines of cardinal tetra'a and some nano shrimp like bee's and cherry's but I would really...
  38. S

    Is Anything Wrong With This Fish?

    I have a tiger barb that is starting to take the form of a previous large tiger barb that ended up dying. We did not know the cause. It almost looks like the fish is pregnant. Does anyone know what it could be or do tiger barbs naturally take this form? Please follow this link. My pic will not...
  39. P

    4Ft Community Tank Start To Finish

    So, after month of waiting to be messed about a final time I thought my dreams of a bigger tank were shattered. And then I saw this beauty on Facebook. ( won't let me post it as it's too big, will try from the laptop later) basically it's a 4ft tank, stand and all the trimmings for £100. I...
  40. Q

    Mold On Emergent Driftwood!

    DIDNT KNOW WHERE ELSE TO ASK THIS! Figured planted people may have experienced the same thing. I recently finished my natural planted tank. Used the ol' Walstad method, and its working flawlessly. My only issue is I have a piece of driftwood that sticks probably 6-7 inches out of the top of the...