
  1. G

    Help! My betta fish is acting strange

    i just bought a half-moon betta a month ago and he was perfectly fine for most of that time. I started him out in water that had been cleaned with filter charcoal. After about 3 weeks he got lethargic and started to sit at the bottom of the tank more often. My tank has a waterfall filter so I...
  2. E

    Rainbow ID - Boesmani? Sold as Turquoise Hello, is this a female or juvenile Boesmani? It was sold as a turquoise and looked like one in the shop, but now in the tank at home I'm thinking it's a boesmani.
  3. N

    My Molly is very pregnant but hasn't given birth, is there any way to induce labor?

    my molly has not given birth yet but she has the gravid spot and has boxed out, sh has nesting habits, and gets the shakes, yet still no fry. I'm worried something may be wrong. Is there any way to induce labor?
  4. E

    Lone Rainbow Shark with Rainbows

    Hi again. Just looking for a little insight as to how this setup might sound for a 55 gallon (hard water at 13 degrees G, near 7 pH, 101cm x 41cm x 50cm, live plants, lots of driftwood). I currently have: 8 Bronze Corys 6 Duplicareus Corys 6 Otocinclus 6 Neon Dwarf Rainbows I was wondering...
  5. M

    Help! Missing scales and gold!

    Hi! I recently purchased 4 Dwarf Gouramis (1 by accident and will be going to a friend's tank soon if all goes well), but I noticed that (only today in the evening have they first appeared) spots where the scales of the gourami is missing! Only my powder blue has this strange affliction. And no...
  6. E

    Suggestions: Tankmates for non-competitive fish?

    Hi guys. I currently have a 55 gallon aquarium (101cm x 41cm x 50cm) up and running with the following fish: 8 Bronze Corys 6 Corydoras duplicareus 4 Amano Shrimp 6 Otocinclus (Soon) and I might be getting some Psuedomugil luminatus (Red Neon Rainbow) soon. My water is fairly hard, and my pH...
  7. E

    How many corys for a 55 gal (more info in thread)

    Hi Guys. Got a 55 gal (101cm x 41cm x 50cm) going at the moment, currently being occupied by 8 bronze corys and 3 adolfi corys. I want to increase the amount of adolfi up to a minimum of 6 so they feel safe, but I also don't want to overcrowd the bottom level of my tank. So how many corys can...
  8. SteakNShrimp

    Fish acting weird please help!

    I have a 55g tank that houses - 1 Rainbow Shark - 2 Cherry Barbs - 1 Male Swordtail - 1 Zebra Loach I recently (yesterday) added 3 Tiger barbs 2 Green Tiger Barbs and 3 Albino Tiger Barbs as well as 2 Rose-line Sharks/Denison Barbs, a RainbowFish and a Blue CrayFish. The problem is one...
  9. E

    Starting new tank with established water

    Hi guys, I’ve just set up a 180 litre tank, and I used about 25 litres of well established tank water. The tank took a while to heat up to 24 degrees Celsius (overnight). I’ve added safe start bacteria, as well as tap safe and added some fish food for ammonia. I also placed 3 moss balls from...
  10. Blameng

    Your thoughts?

    I have a very strange question and I think that not everyone will understand what I am talking about: my friend in London has a caviar trading company and I constantly quarrel with him on this topic, because I believe that it is wrong to treat fish like that, etc. But he does not listen to me...
  11. E

    Best CO2 system for about £100?

    Title. Hi guys, wanted to know if there are any decent CO2 systems that are relatively easy to just hook up to a tank and go. never used anything other than a tropica 60 system before so an all-in-one system would be preferred. Cheers!
  12. E

    Stocking a 55 Gal

    Hi guys, made a few of these posts in the past but I think I finally have it sussed what I want! - Adolfoi Cory x6 - Bronze Cory x6 - Silver Hatchetfish x8 - Neon Dwarf Rainbow x6 - Red Neon Rainbow (Pseudomugil luminatus) x6 - Siamese Algae Eater (True SAE) x1 (or x3 if you think its...
  13. L

    Platy has pale lower body and sitting on bottom of tank

    Hi, late yesterday night I noticed that my platy’s lower body was quite pale/white and there was a scratch looking thing on the edge of it (video included). She was eating and swam to the top of tank, but I was still concerned. Today she has been sitting at the bottom of the tank all day...
  14. M

    Help stocking 60gal with dojo

    Hi, I am still fairly new to the fishkeeping hobby. (And new to this forum) I wasn't very smart at all when I first got into it and purchased a Golden Dojo Loach with only the information the store gave me in a small conversation. This Dojo has become my favorite pet very quickly, and I recently...
  15. E

    Tropica Plant Growth System 60 Kit

    Hi, Anyone know if this kit is any good? I've got it for a 5 gal. Thanks!
  16. S

    Red tail catfish HELP!!

    hey guys so I currently have a 14inch red tail catfish. Yesterday I fed him his usual amount of goldfish and soon after he became unusually lethargic. Much more than normal. And this morning I awoke to all the fish he had ate being dead across the tank most of them still whole and he is still...
  17. E

    Regarding Rotala acrandra and Hygrophila 'araguaia'

    Hi guys, I recently used some aquarium solvent, clay root tabs (clay balls with nutrients), and some rocks to plant the flora named in the title onto the rocks. Does anyone have any experience regarding growing these? I am using CO2 and high light levels. Thanks in advance!
  18. RedSarah

    Help with Possible Parasites??

    Hello folks! I'm getting worried about my honey gourami buddy, Cheese... I have had him for just over a year and noticed that his color has been fading slowly over the past month. He is in a moderately planted 5.5 gallon (will be upgrading in the next few months after I move). I struggled with...
  19. Inkweaver313

    Goldfish hanging out in corner

    Hi! I have a 4 year old comet goldfish in 125g fish tank. Lately I’ve been noticing he’s hanging out in the back corner of the tank and isn’t swimming around like he normally would. His fins aren’t clamped and he’s not resting on the bottom, just sitting in the corner. He comes out to eat. Any...
  20. J

    Are my Molly fish pregnant?

    Hello everyone, Firstly I apologise for any mistakes I make whilst posting to this forum as this is my first ever post. I am wondering if anyone could help me by informing me if the any of the two mollies of which i have included pictures are pregnant. I am also new to breeding and therefore...
  21. pjwilford

    Pregnant Molly!

    Beautiful black molly. Brought home not too long ago. How long do you think this mommy-to-be has left until she meets her babes?? Hard to tell on the black mollies. Sorry about the quality of the pic. Maybe I can get a better one...
  22. W

    My betta may be dying. I need help.

    I have a sweet little half-moon female bettaI've only had around for maybe a month and a half now. Last night she got sucked into the filter intake (it didn't have a cap and I didn't notice it was defective) and she came out pretty strong once I unplugged it, bent up a bit and missing scales...
  23. margaritari

    Young Harlequin Rasboras DYING RAPIDLY!!

    Hello, sorry my first post is so desperate but I REALLY NEED HELP. My new Harlies are dropping like flies and I have no idea why! Tank size: 20 gal pH: 7.5 tank temp: 75ºF Fish Symptoms: Three fish have died within the two days since I bought them. The first two were found dead on the bottom...
  24. C

    Boesemani Rainbow Fish Not Swimming Around

    Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums and I've been having a hard time getting advice about my two boesemani rainbow fish. I bought them maybe 2-3 months ago and haven't really had any issues with them. While other fish have been added and removed during that period (some too aggressive or just...
  25. F

    Help! BETTA FISH

    My beloved fish has been sick for about a month now. Ive tried desperately to figure out what is wrong with him and despite all my research I cant figure out whats wrong. He is visable fine scale and fin wise. He isnt constipated. However, he is extremely lethargic. When he does eat, he throws...
  26. E

    Stocking 200 Litre

    What do you guys think of (for a planted): 8 x Cardinal Tetra 7 x Silver Hatchetfish 6 x Emperor Tetra 5 x Pentazona/Odessa Barb 6 x Adolfo Cory 6 x Bronze Cory 1 x Siamese Algae Eater (True one, not false or flying fox etc.) Ramshorn Snails Cherry Shrimp
  27. A

    Is This Fin Rot Or Worms On My Betta?

    I got a male betta recently to breed with my female later and I realized when he flares his bottom fins dont flare and I realised a little white wormish thing on there. I dont know if its worms or fin rot but can someone tell me? I'll post links to photos because this space limit wont let me...
  28. E

    Adolfo Cory - small, darker, lethargic, doesn't eat much, independent - help?

    Hi guys. I currently have a small Adolfoi corydoras which I bought at the same time as 3 others (about an inch or so long each). This one is slightly smaller than the rest, he has always been more independent - going off on his own, and he moves very lethargically and sits around most of the...
  29. F

    Platy in need of a good home

    I rescued two platys from Walmart last night. Seeing the two of them in the smallest most disgusting looking tank, I'd ever seen and knowing that my betta's 6.5-gallon tank was cycled, heated and filtered sitting empty. (Betta's in quarantine for a nasty case of fin rot) I had to do something...
  30. A

    Pleco Died, Platy sick? Also wood question.

    I have a 10 gallon aquarium. I have recently taken out all the gravel and decorations as I am setting up a 15 gallon column tank to be my main tank and going to use the 10 gallon for platy fry. All thats left in there besides fish is java moss(i think is what she called it) and a small peice...
  31. ukdamon

    Personal Website

    As a lover of fish keeping and photography, I love taking photos of my fish, shrimp and frogs. So as a bit of fun, I have created my own website called 'Soggy Friends'. The site is still fairly new and I still need to do some work on it, but I thought i'd share it with you.
  32. E

    Ram Bloated and Sitting at top of tank

    My female Mikrogeophagus Ramerizi is looking very bloated, and she’s only sitting at the top of the tank with her body tilted towards the surface. All other fish in the tank are fine. Could this be because I’ve started using frozen foods more often, or those little tabs you stick on the side of...
  33. E

    Male Ram attacking Female after eggs were eaten overnight

    I made some posts about my GBRs spawning recently. Basically this morning I turned on the light and all the eggs were gone (corys ate them most likely). But now the male is seeking out the female ram and chasing her - I can distract them with food and they leave each other alone for a few...
  34. E

    Removing Eggs - Will it stop aggressive Rams?

    My GBRs recently spawned - but now they are stressing out all my other fish and actively seeking them out to chase them, even though they can't go anywhere. Will removing the eggs halt this territorial behavior until they next spawn?
  35. C

    Help. My friend's betta is sick.

    My friend asked me to take a look at her betta. He'd been doing fine until a few days ago when she noticed a white spot near his anus. I was hoping someone might be able to help us diagnose him.
  36. F

    Sick Betta. HELP!

    My betta fish, Clifford, is in a 3.5 gallon tank with a heater and filter (and two moss balls). Last week I noticed blackish fin edges vs. his normal white fin edges. I suspected fin rot so I put him on tetra lifeguard and have been doing 50% water changes every day, at the end of treatment he...
  37. Verminator89

    Sump Plumbing Help Needed

    Hellooooo! First post in nearly 6 years (probably!) Im trying to plumb a sump. Local plumbing shops have palmed me off, local Aquarium shops directed me to said plumbing shops and videos and threads I've come across haven't given me the confidence/answers i need. Has someone a good guide to...
  38. A

    Guppy Tail Rotted In Less Than A Day?!

    My guppy's tail just rotted completely throughout the day. I ordered some seachem kanaplex and it should arrive by the evening of January 22. His tail are just white strands now and I dont know how much longer he can last. If anyone knows why his tail rotted in less than a day please help. All...
  39. Charlie’s Keeper

    Do Charlie’s fins look normal?

    Hi there! I’m new to fish keeping, but I recently saw Charlie at Walmart and I couldn’t leave him there. He is now my baby and lives in a 5 gallon, heated, and filtered tank. I let the tank sit for a couple days to try and cycle and have been adding Stability from Seachem to help it, but I added...
  40. E

    54 litre/ 14 gal tank stocking.

    Hi guys. Im new to tropical keeping as ive always been temperate/ coldwater. I have aquired a 54 litre/ 14 gallon. The previous owner gave me six baby female guppies. I was just wondering if it is okay to put anything else in with them?. My partner suggested a Male Betta just to add a bit of...