
  1. G

    Guppy is not getting better after 4 weeks... need cruelty free options :'(

    Hi, I have been treating a sick guppy in a hospital tank for about 4 weeks now. He isn't getting better at all. There have been zero improvements in his condition. I have tried giving him a treatment for fungus and fin decay... since his fins are ripped and there is white stuff coming off of it...
  2. T

    Betta constantly shifting pattern, water levels seem normal

    Hey all, my first post here. I have an issue with my betta I can't find anywhere else, I've had him for a couple months, when I first got him he was the normal fresh out of petshop dull and limp blue, but after a while, he perked up to be a beauty. But just over a month ago he started to develop...
  3. H

    Help! Guppy Sick!

    Hi everyone! I'm still pretty new at this, but I have had had 3 neon tetras for about half a year now. When I moved back home for the summer, one of them suddenly died. I assumed it was because of the stress of moving between states. Currently, I have a 3.5-gallon tank. Two neon tetras, two...
  4. E

    Weight down an ornament

    i have recently bought a fake rock for my tank and when i used sand it was weighted down quite well but i found that the sand was getting dirty too quickly and i was disturbing the fish too much so we went and got some gravel however when i put the rock in it now keeps floating as it is hollow...
  5. MyFishKaren

    Cyanobacteria Outbreak Help!

    I have in my tall 20 gallon tank what I believe to be as cyanobacteria. It's a green, slime-like film covering the gravel on the bottom of my tank. It appeared days after I put in a marimo moss ball. I have some questions regarding the outbreak. - Is it imperative I clean the cyanobacteria...
  6. S

    MTS infestation and Assassin snails

    I was wondering if anyone has any experience with getting rid of MTS. I was thinking about getting assassin snails to eat them, but I read that they also reproduce quite a bit.
  7. C

    Goldfish's face has suddenly turned red

    My shubunkin was completely fine yesterday, but today her face is completely red. (It is normally pale pink). There is also red at the base of her dorsal and tail fin. She is swimming about our pond, but slowly, and showed no interest in food (she is normally always very hungry). There are...
  8. Nebula

    My fighter looks ill and weak need urgent help!!!

    Hi, the last week or so I've realized my fighter has been getting weaker and weaker until the last few days where he's been laying on the gravel, today I have notice that there is odd colouring on his gills and think it may be a disease or parasites but can't tell what it is, I have attached...
  9. K

    My betta has brown spots wtf

    iv had my betta boy for months now and I love him so much but over the past few days his gotten spots on his head these brown ones I have no clue why is whatever is clean and so is his tank I checked all the levels and it’s all how it should be! I’m so confused please help what should I use to...
  10. A

    Tank Stocking Aggression Issues & Fish ID help?

    Hi All, Tried my hand at salt water fish a few years back and let's just say I'm better off here LOL! Any how, I've had my 29g Biocube running for about 2 months now (recycled from the saltwater experience) About a month ago I stopped at Petsmart and bought some cheap fish in case any died in...
  11. Reaeve

    Bristlenose or rubber lip?

    I have a 37 gal highly decorated tank. Currently I have 3 mollies my stocking plan as of now is: The 3 mollies 3 platies 6 panda or peppered cories 1 dwarf gourami And either BN or RL pleco. Which would get along with the cories best or are they pretty much similar?
  12. Reaeve

    6 weeks into fishless cycle and ammonia is dropping slow

    Hi. I don't post much on here but I'm at a loss. I started cycling my first tank (37 gal, ph 8.2, KH and GH between 15 and 17, temp is around 84-85F) I've added tss+ twice once before I got a new filter (switch as much media as I could to new filter) then added another a little later. Just this...
  13. MissyKay

    What is this?

    Hi, I am new to this site. Even though I have kept fish for several years now, I am still very much an ameture on the subject. We got this "shark" for my daughter under the assumption it wouldn't get big and be freshwater. Now I am not sure. Can you please help me identify this fish? I am...
  14. L

    looking for advice on guppy fry.

    this is the first time raising guppy fry i have some that are 9 days old and some that are 3 days old. i would like more information on growth rates when they get their colors etc.. does anyone know of a guppy fry journal or growth/color chart. currently they are receiving 50% water changes...
  15. Vengified

    Black "Scab" on male guppy tail fin?

    As title says, my male guppy has developed a black spot, and I'm not sure how or why, and possibly a second one. I'll enter all pertinent info and include pictures below: Tank size: 10g pH: 8.0 (very hard city water) ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0.12ppm kH: unknown (but I know it's full of...
  16. E

    Elephant fish not eating need help!

    I recently bought an elephant fish from a local pet store to add to my tank. The woman who worked there said that they will eat freeze dried blood worms and I also read that they may eat flakes as well. My elephant fish is not eating although it shows interest in the worms. I’m worried it starve...
  17. J

    Ammonia through the roof

    I am having trouble cycling my tank. I know I've made a lot of mistakes, I'm just trying to get it back on track. Any help is sincerely appreciated. I have a 20 gallon tank, had 4 glo tetras, 1 betta, 3 dwarf frogs, and 2 snails. Everything was fine except ammonia. Got a liquid organic starter...
  18. Brendt

    Off the Chart GH & KH Reading

    hi all, my fish tank is currently in a Fishless cycle a 10 Gal and today i decided to test the GH and KH of my tap water as some people on here were saying for me to test the GH and KH to see what kind of fish are compatible with my tank. well either i did it wrong or my GH and KH are off the...
  19. Cassiopeia

    Help me lower my ammonia levels

    I am new to fish keeping so bear with me. I was gifted 2 common plecostomus, 5 fruit tetra and a 20 gallon tank. I went to the store and got what I thought was everything to go with. Soon found out this tank is way too small so am in the process of getting a 180 gallon tank. YES, IM SURE. Before...
  20. A

    New Baby Betta- Concerned About Health?

    I got a baby betta boy recently, his name is Kenny. He seems to be around 5-7 weeks old. I’m a little concerned about his health, he’s been very lethargic and has spent much of his time at the bottom of his tank. His fins are mostly clamped, even when swimming. He swims pretty slowly as well...
  21. K

    wound on betta? not sure whats wrong?

    so recently my male betta fish has (i think) an opened wound on the side of his body. I was changing his water last week when i noticed it and there was a few drops of blood in the container I had him in prior changing the water. I have been using betafix and changing 1/4 of the water to keep...
  22. B

    Molly’s sitting upside down at bottom of tank please help!!

    I have a 25 gallon fish tank, In the last 3 day I’ve lost 11 out of 13 fish ( 2 angles 6 tetras 2 mollies and 1 telescope eyed goldfish) the only survivors were two other balloon belly Molly’s. The fish all did the same thing, go to the bottom of the tank lay upside down or on there side then...
  23. M

    General Questions

    I have had fish for about 2 years and they usually all died after 6 months. I always got 5 livebearers at a time for a 20 gal tank. Whenever I clean it out, there is a bunch of poop and particles that rise from within the rocks, however my ammonia levels have remained at 0, as well as basically...
  24. L

    Fish emergency!

    So, I have a 60 gal freshwater tank with guppys, platy's, swordtails and two Rainbows. About a month ago, one of my guppy girls started getting fat, assumed she was pregnant because we do have males in the tank as well. Recently though, she's started getting... blocky? We figured she was close...
  25. S

    Guppy missing an eye?

    Hi, I was watching my fish swim around for a few minutes then noticed my lyretail guppy was missing an eye. When I got him he had both and I don't know what happened. He seems fine, there's no blood or any signs of fighting. Is something wrong with him or will he be okay?? I have a 3.5 gallon...
  26. ToriAndAlice

    Hi! I'm new and i have a few questions :)

    Hi, I'm Tori and I have 10 cherry barbs in my tank which is relatively small in comparison to all the enormous ones everyone else seems to be able to afford. I also have two yellow rabbit snails called Francis and Alice, who was my first ever aquatic creature, hence ToriAndAlice. I'm wondering...
  27. fishlover22346

    Gourami Emergency!!!!!! Help!!!

    ok, so my paradise gourami is usually a very peaceful fish, he’s very curious and doesn’t bother the other fish, however, I got a few cory catfish yesterday and I woke up this morning to one missing most of his wiskers and missing an eye, and he was swimming in the middle collum of the tank and...
  28. L

    Help with temperatures please

    Hi, i have recently set up a 135l tank its been cycling for nearly 4 weeks so yesterday i put my first group of fish in. I thought the water felt cold (i keep meaning to buy a thermometer) so i bought another heater. Currently I have 2 200w heaters on either side of the tank at 30 degrees C...
  29. L

    Beheaded fish in tank

    Hi there, I'm a newbie to the forum, and was wondering if anyone can help me out on this issue. I have had 3 fish in total now over the course of a couple of months, brutally attacked and killed. 2 of my sucker fish had their heads clean ripped off (none of the fish was eaten), and this morning...
  30. P

    Blood Parrot Friends???

    Hi i have a 65 gallon tank with a 3 inch pictus catfish 2 blue gourami 1 three inch and another about 2 inches. A blue acara cichlid about 3 inches and a blood parrot about 3 inches. The blood is extremely docile and so curious he doesn't attack anyone and just goes to hang out with them, the...
  31. A

    Betta caught in gravel syphon

    I was finishing up a partial water change when I accidentally sucked my betta up in the syphon. He was tucked in a back corner and blended in with the background, so I didn’t realize I had sucked him up for a second, but as soon as I did I stopped the syphon and he fell back into the water. He...
  32. F

    Almost lost all my cardinal tetra

    Hello Im really hoping someone can help me out. Im new to having an Aquarium and I have hit a serious snag. I attmpted a water only cycle for approx 6 weeks. I then purchased 12 cardinal tetra. After another 6 weeks to my delight all 12 were still with me. I'm religious on my weekly water...
  33. fishlover22346

    can anyone ID these fish?

    I adopted thes little guys someone’s pond, I thought they were Molly’s but now that I look at them they look a little different. this pond also had guppies and mosquito fish in it, could they be a hybrid? sorry if they look a little unhealthy, the person with the pond was not caring for them...
  34. fishlover22346

    can anyone ID these fish?

    I adopted thes little guys someone’s pond, I thought they were Molly’s but now that I look at them they look a little different. this pond also had guppies and mosquito fish in it, could they be a hybrid? sorry if they look a little unhealthy, the person with the pond was not caring for them...
  35. S

    Betta Identification

    Can anyone help me identify this little guy? I was thinking plakat but his tail is getting pretty long, so maybe veiltail? He’s only about 1.5 inches now and I’ve had him for over a month. Petco was selling him as a ‘Baby Boy’ but I’m not even sure of that. Any ideas or speculation would be...
  36. Gracie1275

    Fin Rot??

    I have a male Halfmoon Twintail Betta named Craig. He is my first fish and I have only had him for three days. I have him in a 10 gallon tank with a heater, filter, and plenty of decorations and hiding spots. The first day I had him, his color was fine. His body is a beautiful dark blue, and his...
  37. fishlover22346

    Is this a wild molly?

    hello guys, I was netting fish for my aquarium at this pond, since it has fish like various cichlids, and mosquito fish. I thought the only livebearing fish in this pond was a mosquito fish, but I caught a fish that somewhat looks like a wild molly. can anyone tell me what this livebearer is...
  38. D

    What is this fish?

    Hi, I got some Endler fries from LFS a few weeks ago. There are two fish among them which I'm curious about their type. They are small and the same size of the Endler fish, I have attached the pictures.
  39. D

    Does my fish have dropsys?

    My female platy just had babies last week. She had a really big belly and 2 of my guppies were chasing her like crazy. We figured that they just wanted her eggs. Fast forward a week after the babies and now they’re still chasing her... and becoming more and more aggressive. I tried adding...
  40. hyrulelegend091

    How Does He Look?

    Hi everyone! If you are on as well, you may have already seen this post, but I always love getting a variety of opinions! Here's the story: A few months ago, my sister got three bettas. Cool, except she claims she "didn't know how to clean the tanks." I only found this out after the...