
  1. RoxaStitchXIII

    Pleco died, new to hobby please help!

    I am new to the hobby and I have done a lot of research on keeping fish but I just can't figure out why my little pleco died(he was on the top of the tank when I woke up this morning). His belly wasn't sunken in and I saw him eating last night after I turned the tank light off, he was quite...
  2. L

    Please help! Cannot find any info on this

    Can someone please help me? One of my Dalmatian molly fish is going to die if I can't figure this out. I have a 60gallon tank, with 35+ other mollies (they keep having babies and I don't know what to do with them... but that is a problem for a different day). The tank has been established...
  3. A

    Fin rot won't stop

    About a week and a half ago I noticed my Betta had some fin rot starting, and after some reading I started doing daily 90% water changes and adding salt, but nothing seems to work really and it's getting pretty bad - he's lost about a quarter of his fin's length and honestly I'm pretty freaked...
  4. C

    Found my guppy nose up in plant and a funny colour help!

    Hey! So I got this guppy for my brother about 3 months ago now and I just found him nose up in a plant dead very sad brother, I got him with 1 other guppy who is fine but when I got him he was acting strange straight away, when I got him he was black then he turned white and this carried on I...
  5. D

    Sick betta!!

    Around Christmas my little sister got a betta, but I pretty much took care of him. About a month ago he got ich, we gave him medicine it sorta cleaned up but there still are spots on him, so we still give him the treatment. A few days ago I noticed ALOT of fluffy algae, so today I cleaned out...
  6. M

    Sick Livebearer

    i have a livebearer that has become swollen and his scales are sticking up. He has been sick like this for a few days. He still comes up and eats food, but usually stays at the bottom, other than that he doesn't show any odd behavior. I shined a flashlight on him and didn't see any specs or...
  7. A

    Please Help!!

    I'm afraid my fish, John Quincy Adams, is sick! He had a white spot on his fin when I first got him 9 months ago but it did not grow or change so I left it alone. I've begun to notice that his tail looks like it might be deteriorating and some of his dark blue color is lightening. He has...
  8. musicalbetta

    update on my betta pls help

    I recently posted a thread about how my betta was inactive and other stuff I explained (link to thread is ) and I did everything that people suggested (basically everything I was able to) and I didn't notice any of...
  9. D

    I need help quick

    hello, basically I got a Betta fish last week and he has a 5 gallon tank with a heater and filter but he seems to contracted a disease. He has a big stomach and floats on his side but he occasionally swims down and just floats back up now I'm unsure if this is dropsy or swim bladder disease . I...
  10. M

    do i have endler's, guppie's, or a hybrid

    I got a bunch of free fry and was told they were guppies. They have since grown up and they look like endler's to me. I don't know enough to tell the difference between them and wanted to know if someone could tell me. they arent the best photos if i need better ones please let me know.
  11. AnnAlfie

    How to stop other fish eating catfish food

    After years of keeping fish I have successfully come up with a solution to stop tank mates of catfish eating all the catfish food before the catfish get a chance to eat it themselves. I have a community tank with some aggressive eaters such as Angel fish and barbs. I had to come up with a...
  12. Thatg1r1

    All my Tetra fish died overnight!

    Hi all, this is my first post so please forgive me If I've posted this in the wrong area. 2 days ago I purchased some Tetra fish to go into my cycled shrimp and Kuhli loach tank, all the new tetras seemed to be doing fine until today when I awoke to find all of the newly purchased tetras dead...
  13. J

    Cloudy water 2 days after set up

    Im very new to having fish, so just figuring things out. I set up my tank on Tuesday. I did everything as I should have eg rinsed the tank, rinsed the gravel etc I added the Bio-boost and Tap water conditioner as instructed to by the aquatic shop I bought the tank from and followed the...
  14. E

    Ammonia levels will not go down

    Hi there, I am new to this forum and fish keeping in general and have run into a problem that i need advice on fixing. About 2 weeks ago i purchased an Aquaduo 20 gallon tank that came with the tank, a filter, filter media, hydrocorn, and a heater. Initially i started cycling my freshwater...
  15. entefan_li

    Can someone help me identify my blue bettas gender?

    I have this beautiful betta fish. Can someone help me identify the gender? -Thanx
  16. entefan_li

    Help me identlify my red bettas gender.

    Currently have a red betta and is very aggresive. I wonder what the gender is.
  17. entefan_li

    Help me identify my betta.

    I find that my betta is a male, but they sold me a female. Im kind of confused. If someone can help who knows about the subject, it would be awesome.
  18. K

    Opinions on where my cycle is?

    My readings are Ammonia- 0.25 ppm Nitirite- 5 ppm Nitrate - 20 ppm Do I need to continue feeding ammonia? Does my tank need a water change? Any advice is appreciated, thank you
  19. G

    Led Lights/Dwarf baby tears

    I am very interested in adding dwarf baby tears in my standard 5 gallon aquarium. I currently have the cheap LED light that came with kit and am looking to upgrade. I saw this light on Amazon and wanted to know if you think it would work for growing dwarf baby tears. I would also like to know if...
  20. I

    Questions about Transport and General Worries

    Okay newbie here, please bear with me and my abundance of silly questions. :) I recently got a young male betta (Last week), and i got him mainly as company for when i go off to school in the fall. I will be staying in residence throughout the week and coming home most weekends unless there's...
  21. M

    What's going on in my tank? (Help)

    This is Merlot (see the side starting to get raw and fin is starting to peel) These are of Raphael (see his side peeling/raw) Hello! I mean new here so if my post is in the wrong spot one sorry, and I'm sorry for any other thing that I'm doing wrong. I promise I tried my best. Well, I...
  22. B

    New Betta Help!

    Hi guys, I ordered my new betta on Friday and he finally arrived today! What should have been exciting turned in to terror when I opened his box and saw that his bag had leaked and as such had very minimal oxygen/water remaining with no heat pack. I saw he was moving quite rapidly so started...
  23. GobyMaster11276

    How to post a thread

    For those new members who can't figure out how to post, this is a guide. So here are two ways to post: 1. Press the "Active Topics" tab, and next to the "Post New Thread" button, select the appropriate category for your post (e.g goldfish and koi). Then press the "Post New Thread" area. Now...
  24. P

    Please help - listless betta might be dying :(

    First off, I've never posted here before, so apologies if I mess this up! Please let me know if I should be posting somewhere else/did this incorrectly. I have a betta (named Kylo) that I got from Petco back in June. He's usually very active, swimming around his tank and eating 3-4 pellets a...
  25. K

    What is this?

    My 1 year old male guppy has a weird lump in his tail. It is pretty big. He doesn't act like it's affecting him at all. He has had the same tank set up for 2 years it's a 20 gallon. They eat a variety of froazen brine shrimp, brine shrimp dry, algae flakes, and fish flakes. Any ideas to what...
  26. L

    Tiger Barb, Ich or not?

    He is dead.
  27. Flinkbag

    Need help with Green Severum

    Hello all, I have a beautiful young Green Severum cichlid in a 200l community tank. He's usually very active and friendly, but recently he's been hiding under some Anubias leaves towards the back of my tank, and I've noticed he has small, whitish indents all around his head. These seem to be...
  28. E

    Aggressive Fish, goldfish, and tanks.

    Hi! I'm posting in a bunch of forums because I really need help... At my job we have a fish tank and its not doing well. They have had it for years, far before I started, and the staff who used to take care of it left. Since then it was periodically taken care of by someone else, but the tank...
  29. T

    Cycle stopped?! Help pls!

    Hello friends, I set up one 80 liters tank at 01/16 and I started to cycle. Setup: Basalt, 1 tetra wishper 30 filter, 1 thermostat adjusted to 34 celcius, PH 7 1 artificial ceramic(decoration) and 1 trunk (bought after measure ph near from 8) On day 17, I started adding Stability (daily at the...
  30. Jesus13

    White specs

    hi I currently have 25l tank with 4 guppies and 3 Amano shrimp. The tank has had inhabitants for about a month. All over the glass are hundreds of these tiny white crawling specs? They are too small to make out any features. Any ideas what they could be and how to get rid of them.
  31. C

    My fish is sick or hurt!?

    i bought a silver lyretail molly and I noticed it's side fun closest to its gill is stuck straight out . He's not moving it . Is it hurt or does have an illness and if so how do I cure /fix it??
  32. C

    Betta ate one thing but not the other.

    hello! I'm sure this has been asked before, but my case might be different. I have a male betta, and I got him last Saturday. I bought cheap food at Walmart and he ate a whole pellet of it in his cup when I first got him. I got him a tank, cycled it, added decor and rinsed it all. Also used the...
  33. dopey696

    Betta problems

    Hello peoples. My betta that I've had for about a year now seems to be having some problems. I first noticed about a week ago that it was a bit lethargic and not moving as much as it usually does. It seems to have no energy, doesn't swim around, and is always resting on top of things. Today as I...
  34. thebeccatron

    Sad Fish!

    Hello friends, I'm new to fish keeping so I apologise for any obvious mistakes I may have made! I have a lovely 5 gallon tank set up with filter, heater, LED lights. I bought my little guy home a couple of days ago, half moon betta, no obvious discolouration, no ragged fins, no white spots or...
  35. Fish Swim A Lot

    Beginner Coral Help?

    Hi! I'm new on here, I've been wanting to make an account for a while but just never got around to it, and I figured this question would be a good reason to make one! I have a 37G saltwater fish tank with only dry rock, but it just looks so ugly. I want some more life in it, and so I started to...
  36. C


    Hello. we have had 2 female platys for about a month now and one has had problems for some time. This morning we noticed that she has been lying on her side at the bottom of the tank and hardly moving. when she does try to swim, she freaks out and leans to the side and kind of barrel rolls She...
  37. M

    Molly is sick . I'm clueless.

    Ok, I am kind of new to this . A few months ago we bought 3 Molly , 2 of which were pregnant . When we got them home and in the tank we noticed a spot on one of the pregnant ones and thought it may be ich . We treated the entire tank along with the others. It didn't get better. We did the 20%...
  38. T

    What do you think? --Tank Stand Design--

    Hey I just got into the hobby an am having lots of fun with the diy aspect. I've gotten a 30 gallon and a 55 gallon stand builds under my belt. So I decided to try to do something a bit more... lets say ascetically pleasing lol. Here's what I've come up with. 2 designs. you can either add the...
  39. G

    Blue Dwarf Gourami's looking bloated

    Please can anyone help my Gourami's I have had them for a while they have both been in the tank from the beginning and been fit and healthy throughout this time. However I left them for a few days over Christmas and noticed this morning that they both look bloated and seem a little lethargic...
  40. V

    Fish sitting at the bottom of my tank

    My fish are all hanging around the bottom of the tank, I just used API algaefix for the first time the yesterday and I noticed that all my fish are very flaccid. So I checked the PH for the first time and it read 9.0+. I quickly did a 50% water change and they acted a lot better. Now today I've...