
  1. kitta98

    My Dwarf Gourami seems really ill.

    My dwarf gourami has been pretty shy since i got him. I rarely saw him and I don't think i've ever seen him feed. I thought it was because he was new. Then I took out all my fish last week and done a water change. And he was even more shy. I had to check behind the plants to find him because I...
  2. T

    Need help identifying a this disease.

    Hello, I recently returned to this hobby after a 7 year break. I'm excited to return but am running into trouble. I need help diagnosing this disease. I have a newly cycled tank that's about 2 months old and stocked this tank lightly about 2 weeks ago. Unfortunatly there was some hidden ich on...
  3. TheCoolWolf

    Help! Accidental Betta Breeding

    I have a 30G outdoor tank with lots of elodea and floating plants. It's been running for more than a year. Today during the rainy monsoon season, I found a bubblenest with eggs! My male Plakat Betta was guarding it underneath a floating plant. What should I do? Should I move them as there are...
  4. S


    Hello, so yeah I have a pretty big emergency. My fish tank is leaking, very slowly in tiny amounts but it’s leaking and it is soon enough surely going to cause mould to grow everywhere. I need to change my tank and move my fish URGENTLY.. I can’t afford the time to wait for a tank to cycle...
  5. J

    Changed to new tank major problems

    Hi All, I wasn't sure where else to turn to and I am out of ideas - I'm hoping for some advice - All my fish I've had for 6+ years are dying. I recently moved house and had to purchase a new fish tank to fit the space of a wall in the new house. The new tank is not as long but taller - same...
  6. BettaEm19

    Betta's tail quickly frayed? Strange tearing and hole under a week.

    This all started when I did a partial water change on Monday night. He seemed completely fine except that he got a scratch on both sides of his face, which I have no idea where it came from. I must've been out of the room when it happened, but either way I took pre-caution and removed a plant...
  7. S

    Bloated Female Betta, constipated, egg bound, or dreaded dropsy?

    Hello Tropical Fish Forums! I'm a long time reader, first time writer. Can you please help me figure out if my betta is egg bound, constipated, or has dropsy? Video for reference: . Symptoms: Swollen belly for about 2-3 weeks. I first noticed when I got my male betta. They were never housed...
  8. O

    Is my mickey mouse platy pregnant

    I got my mickey mouse platy a bit more than a week ago and she's paired with another female and a male, she's gotten really big and hides in the corner. Is she pregnant?
  9. misshedge

    Please help! (molly appetite/lethargy)

    Hello. I've posted about Dipstick before, when she was pregnant (unfortunately, all fry were eaten.... but that's not the topic here). Dipstick is a dalmatian molly, and I've had her for about.. 6-7 months? She's been doing fine until about a week ago. She's not eating and hasn't been.. she...
  10. T

    Unusual water change help

    So I know how to normally change my betta's water when his tank and the new water are the same temperature. The issue is I live in a dorm with no AC so I have a fan on his little tank so the temperature doesn't go too high. However, because of the fan on his water, the water I want to add is a...
  11. R

    is my tank overstocked? if not what centerpiece fish should i add?

    i have so far in a 10 gallon tank 5x rio flame tetras 4x amano shrimp 2x nerite snails alot of plants
  12. A

    whitish swelling on one side of guppy

    I recently noticed today that one of my female guppies had a sort of whitish bump on one side of her. She still eats during feeding, and acts fine, but the bump really worries me. Does anyone know what disease this is? And how i should treat it? ammonia = 0 ppm I don't have a test kit for...
  13. Flinkbag

    Green hair AND Blue Green algae in planted tank - please help!

    Hello all, I started this 30l long planted tank about 2 months ago. I have one male Betta and 3 Neons (yes i know you're supposed to have more, they will be moved soon) living in the tank. I left my tanks in the care of my mother over the weekend and unfortunately I think she left the lights on...
  14. B

    Mass fish deaths

    Freshwater fish constantly dying! Hi all. New to posting on this forum but have been following threads for quite some time. I've been keeing fish for some 20 years. Parameters. Tank 75gal. Cycled for 2 months fishless cycle. Substrate: caribsea moon sand Filter: sunsun 304b (450gal/hr) Two...
  15. R

    What size tank should I keep an African dwarf frog?

    Hey guys I have a 3.5 gallon tank right now and I saw some African dwarf frogs at the store the other day and I thought they looked so cool! I haven't bought one, but I would like to. I've kept freshwater invertebrates before, so I have a little experience, just not with african dwarf frogs...
  16. R

    Can someone identify what these are?

    Got these scattered all over the bottom of my tank not sure what they are any help would be appreciated.
  17. J

    Help!!!! my fish are dying

    Hi Everyone, I setup an brand new tank a month ago (its been stocked for a month, it has been running longer as I did a fishless cycle). It had x9 Pepper Corys, x9 Odessa barbs, x14 zebra danios and x6 giant danios. Since setting it up and stocking it I have had six deaths, x2 corys, x2 barbs...
  18. P


    I'm hoping to get a quick response here but due to Hurricane Irma I'm evacuating and I'm taking some of my fish with me. I have a 16 gallon tropical aquarium that's in a safe place and I'll have someone able to check on them before and after the storm. In another tank I have a betta and albino...
  19. P

    Disease identification help

    Hey there! I have this tank with guppies and a few Cardinal Tetras (shown above). Just recently, some of the guppies (mostly female) were dying (showing signs of fin decay), and I have no idea how to fix that (I researched online with no good results). In this post, I would like to focus on one...
  20. SummersBetta

    Fin Rot or am I crazy

    My Betta fish Clifford has some strange edges and color on his fins and tail and I'm not quite sure what to think of it. Most of the pictures I've seen online have had fins that have completely transparent edges or black edges and it doesn't quite match what I see. One thing to note is that...
  21. F

    Moving House - All of my beautiful angelfish must go ASAP to expert homes before 6th August 2017!!!!

    Hi everyone, It breaks my heart to write this, but all of my angelfish that I have been nurturing as a hobby for around 6 years must go as I am moving house. In total I have 3 breeding pairs, two of which still have their children with them, and quite a few single adults. They are all in...
  22. S

    Help!! Black stuff in tank??

    Everywheres online is telling me its black algae, but theres so much of it so I'm not sure what it is??? Is it harmful to my fish?
  23. Gebus

    3D Background Question

    As the title says I'm doing a 3D Background for my 90Gallon. I'm using Polystyrene/styrofoam as the base for it. I know all the steps, and how some people use Quikrete and some use DryLok. I'm here about a different product that gives the same look and texture. I have built two backgrounds for...
  24. Gebus

    DIY 3D Background Question

    Whats shakin bacon?? I'm new to the forums and plan on probably being active and posting pictures and what not. I'm not new to the hobby but new to the DIY category. Not sure if this is the place to ask as I browsed the forum topics and couldn't find the appropriate one to post in. As the...
  25. K

    Opinions on non rectangle tanks

    Hi, Still searching for an ideal 60 l tank. I can't have horizontal rectangle one but was looking at the fluval 57 litre or: -tetra-aquaart-explorer-tropical-tank-60-litre what's people's opinions on this tank? Many thanks x
  26. J

    Moorfish in corner of tank. Help!

    About a month ago I got a fan tail and moorfish goldfish in a 20 litre tank. The moorfish has been fine but recently has been staying in bottom corner of the fish tank. If I walk in front of the tank he swims around but when I walk away he is back to the corner. Is he sick? The filter is too...
  27. G

    Hybridizing corycats

    So I'm a huge fan of messing with genetics and was wondering if it's possible to breed emerald green corys with panda corys and produce a green, black, and white Cory? Need to know if it's been done, if it's possible, and if so how to do it.
  28. ajvoss

    Tank Stocking

    Hello people!! I just rehoused my 4 Platies to a 10 gallon tank and they are loving it!!! So right now I have a 21 gallon tank with 12 neon tetras. They are fun to watch because half the time they school in one giant group and the other half of the time they are all over the place! Maybe the...
  29. P

    Ulcer on Dwarf Gourami

    Hi all, When cleaning my tank today I noticed a red/white ulcer on the nose of my Dwarf Gourami. It's can only have appeared in the last couple of days as I examined the fish earlier this week. He's been in there since I got the tank in January. Nothing new has been added to the tank, however I...
  30. ajvoss

    Is My Tank Overstocked?

    I know the following questions might sound dumb but please hear me out. I've had my tank for two years ish and never had a fish die on me. I recently added 5 more neon Tetra to have a lager school of them. So as of now, I have 12 neon Tetra and 4 Platies in my 21 gallon tank. Technically there...
  31. D

    In desperate need of help.

    10 gallon tank 1 African dwarf frog (fine) 1 Japanese shrimp (fine) 2 assassin snails (fine, and ill explain why I have them shortly) 6 serpae (blood) tetras Had the tank neatly a year (no manor problems). I got these bread things to help control nitrates/nitrites. Water specs are good (last i...
  32. TDarrell9

    Dwarf Gourami male or female ?

    Hi, I recently purchased a couple of Dwarf Gourami from my local UK aquarium shop, I'm not sure if someone can see if i have 1 male and 1 female, any ideas ? If so any tips for breeding, seem to have plenty of mollies breeding, I know they are quite easy to breed as they are live breeders and...
  33. D

    Cherry Shrimp, Male or Female?

    Can someone help me identify this cherry shrimp to see whether it is a female or male. It is the one that has the white thing on the top of it.
  34. C

    Blenny Raised areas - Diagnose

    I came home and spotted my Blenny swimming around. I noticed two raised "pale" almost like areas on him. He seems to be breathing abit more and swimming just a bit awkward. I've noticed in the tank that a small blue eye tang is chasing him alot and has even pushed him out of his house. I don't...
  35. ajvoss

    Fish Suggestions and Tank Help?

    Hey guys!! I have a 2 year old tank that I kind of want to spice up. It's a 21 gallon tank with community tropical freshwater fish. I currently have (4) 2.5" red wag platys and (6) 1" neon tetras. I've never had a fish die on me so I guess that means I take good care of them?¿? So I have three...
  36. Sege

    Nitrogen Cycle Startup

    Hi! I'm still new to the aquarium hobby and trying to figure out this crazy scientific nitrogen cycle. I have seen many diagrams made by people trying to explain this thing to a newbie, but really it's not helping. Specifically the part about how to start the darn thing. And suggestions on how...
  37. A

    Neon tetras

    Hi, I set up a 5.5 gallon rectangular tank, with a filter for a 10 gallon tank. I put 5 neon tetras in it, then 5 ghost shrimp. Over the course of 3-4 days, all of the ghost shrimp died. I got an oto. 2 days and it died. The neons continued to seem fine. I had my water tested and it was high in...
  38. Fiji

    Nitrates refuse to go down?

    Hello everyone. I have been battling a dilemma with my 55 gallon tank for some time now and figured it was time to ask for advice. For the past 3-4 months every time I measure the nitrates level it reads 40-80 ppm which is obviously not good. The tank is not heavily stocked and I've been doing...
  39. Thatg1r1

    Is my Goldfish sick?

    Hi everyone, My goldfish whose name is Ginger is acting odd! Sorry if you're having dinner but for the last few days Ginger has been releasing some rather strange poopies, mostly long and white until today and now its very clear and bubbly. I have attached a photo. His appetite is as big as...
  40. H

    First Aquarium - Snail Invasion (and other problems)

    Hello! To begin with, I'm totally new to fish keeping and want to ensure everything is done right before I add any fish to the tank. These forums have been a great source of information for me. I purchased a 180L Rio Aquarium which came with an internal Juwel filter and I fitted an external...