I have a BGK for more than a year. He seemed fine all this time, but today I noticed some very odd white spot on him. Maybe an early stage of fungus? I have no idea, but It doesnt look so good. I'm really scared for it to not start growing bigger. It looks a bit like a wound when I look more...
I have just taken over my dad's tropical fish tank and I am having so much trouble with the heater. I plugged it in and set it to the temperature he had it on which I think was 26? It was hard to see. Worked fine, water was lovely and warm. I put my hand in the next morning and it was boiling...
Ever since we added two serpae tetras, they have been very happy fish. However, we noticed that the smaller tetra (not THAT much smaller, maybe like a millimeter or two) started hiding a lot and began having trouble swimming. Many people online assumed that it might just be dying, however it’s...
I have so far...
1x Angelfish
2x Dwarf Gourami
1x Rainbow Shark
3x Mollies
6x Albino Cory
Thinking of maybe some tetras?? Idk.
The tank is planted with sand and manzanita wood.
In addition to my tropical tank I have a 400l marine tank which obviously filters through a sump which also houses a heater, UV lamp and a protein skimmer. (I know I won’t need the skimmer) I’m looking at upgrading my tropical to an 8ft 1000l one. I really like the sump system on the marine as...
Hi guys. I'm new here and cant believe ive only just found this site! Place looks nice and active. Good to have a place where you can speak to people as sad as you are about fish haha.
I set up this tank up recently for a long term project. I'll be doing weekly time lapse updates to see the...
Hi All,
I have a relatively new tank ( about a month and a half or so old) and have had 3 casualty’s so far.
1 yellow lab ( about 1.5cm )had a patch on its stomach left side like it was bitten off. Never healed, he stopped eating and was sitting at the bottom of the tank breathing hard. I...
I am using omega one freeze dried blood worms, I soak them in water before I try and feed them to my betta, but he just won't eat them. I tried dangling them, I even tried mushing it into a ball so he would think it was one of his pellets that he absolutely loves. It went into his mouth, but...
Hi all, i purchased two platnium angels when they were young they were totally platnium after 5 months they have turned completley yellow any ideas ? Thanks
I have three mollies in a 15 gallon tank and my only regular Molly started to lay on the bottom of the tank not moving just breathing. I did switch their tanks yesterday but he seemed happy and okay and now he is the only one just laying there.
Hi, the last week or so I've realized my fighter has been getting weaker and weaker until the last few days where he's been laying on the gravel, today I have notice that there is odd colouring on his gills and think it may be a disease or parasites but can't tell what it is, I have attached...
Hi Guys,
I have been driven to breaking point by this bloody f****** hair algae: my nitrates and phosphates and other water parameters are fine. I have been changing water 25% twice a week. I've been dosing liquid carbon. I am running a UV steriliser etc: I have poured an untold amount of time...
I just bought 12 silver tip tetras and all they do is chase each other.They are the only fish in the aquarium.They are in a 15 gallon planted aquarium.Is there any way I could solve this problem or will they always be like this?
I saw them on youtube and they said they were really peaceful.I...
Hi guys, I’m still cycling my tank but today added decorations to it, the picture of my tank is attached. I wanted to go for a natural look and wanted to know how I did as I’m a beginner... also if you think my tank (when cycled) will be good for a couple tetras and if they will be happy. It’s...
Hi all, I’m currently cycling my tank ( I think) and looking for ideas to stock my tank. Here is how it started I was in my basement and found my old 10 gallon tank with the filter ( the basement is heated) I took it out cleaned The tank out bought a new filter because the old one didn’t work...
Tank Setup:
A 260L Jewel Tank with an oak wood stand fitted with double cupboards housing a 300L canister external filter and the other bits and bobs needed.
Lit with a bar LED that changes colour.
Aquascaped with 5 8' Amazon Sword rooted in a fine black gravel with occasional...
I am getting a 3-4 inch Pacu tomorrow and I will be putting it in a 10 gallon with 2 other Firemouth Cichlids (small) and yes I know I need a way bigger tank but for now I will keep it in a 10 gallon until it gets about 6 inches then into my 20 gallon, but what other small fish or snails do you...
I have the tank fully cycled, it’s been running for a couple years without problems. I am planning on moving the current stock into a new 50 gallon tank. Is there any oddballs, such as bichirs, that could be kept in my 36 gallon tank?
I've been looking to set up an all female Betta tank. It is a 40G that is ready for the fish. I've read up on the basics of keeping such a housing, but what are your tips for keeping an all-female tank?
Hi i have a 65 gallon tank with a 3 inch pictus catfish 2 blue gourami 1 three inch and another about 2 inches. A blue acara cichlid about 3 inches and a blood parrot about 3 inches. The blood is extremely docile and so curious he doesn't attack anyone and just goes to hang out with them, the...
Hi! ☺️ I love the look of rocks in a fish tank. My question is do you need to get specific ones for a tank? I have some outside (I don’t know is there is different types of rocks? Haha) but don’t want to hurt my fish. Is there a way to make rocks Dad or are you better off buying specific ones...
I have a male Halfmoon Twintail Betta named Craig. He is my first fish and I have only had him for three days. I have him in a 10 gallon tank with a heater, filter, and plenty of decorations and hiding spots. The first day I had him, his color was fine. His body is a beautiful dark blue, and his...
Hi, I got some Endler fries from LFS a few weeks ago. There are two fish among them which I'm curious about their type. They are small and the same size of the Endler fish, I have attached the pictures.
Hello, I'm new to the forum and to fish keeping in general. :)
I'm interested in getting into the hobby of fishkeeping and have done lots of research. Of course, I know about the Nitrogen cycle, the pH levels, water temperature, water conditioner, lighting, heating and many other things. Lately...
Hello! My name is Jamie Adams, and I come from a little town called Plymouth in Wisconsin. My boyfriend and I recently got into the fish hobby, after we seen a sickly fish swimming in Lake Michigan. Since then, we have found ourselves having Mollies, Goldfish, Gourami's, Snails, and Shrimp!
Hi guys,
Completely new to the hobby so please forgive me for my naivety.
Bought a Biorb Tube 35 litre over the weekend. Having read the reviews I can see they aren't the best tank but wanted to start small. I've set up the tank, added a heater and now letting it cycle.
With regard to...
hey guys new to the forums! but just started back into videos would love if yall would take the time to check out my channel!
I have bought a 32 gallon Bio-Cube with the protein skimmer, VorTech mp10 Power head and the Aqueon 150 watt heater. I plan on buying 25-30 pounds of dry live rock, and live sand. I also plan on putting quite a bit of coral. I have 2 fish I would like to put in but I am not sure on others. I am...
Hi, I'm new here. I'm not really experienced with fish, but I do want to make sure that I take care of them correctly. I recently got a new Betta at my local pet store, the owner is a huge fish lover and has had the store for over 30 years, I trust them immensely and go there instead of Petco...
Hey guys,
I've been in the hobby off and on for over a decade. I don't have any home tanks, but I have a 40 gallon planted tank in the office which I hadn't been properly maintaining for awhile due to health issues in my family. It had a low level of stocking (a mixed school of boraras, a...
Hey there! I have this tank with guppies and a few Cardinal Tetras (shown above). Just recently, some of the guppies (mostly female) were dying (showing signs of fin decay), and I have no idea how to fix that (I researched online with no good results). In this post, I would like to focus on one...
Hi, my glowlight Tetra was lurking around at the bottom of the tank hiding, shaking a bit but seemed like it was just eating food off the bottom of the tank. A while later it was doing the same thing so I thought it can't be still eating, it was almost like it was vibrating/jerking (with its...
Hello! We have had our fish for about a month now, and my mom changes the water once a week. She doesn't perform a complete water change, but she does change most of it. Ever since she's changed the water a couple of hours ago, our fish has not been moving at all. We gave the bowl a couple of...
Bought some plants earlier. Got them in the tank and noticed this little snail wandering around the leaves.
Probably an easy identification but I'm new to tropical fish and wasn't sure.
Thanks in advance.
Hello, I wanted to ask for some advice, I bought some rose quartz for a aquarium I'm gonna set up and started pouring boiling water over it, I heard a crack and immediately took the quartz out, there's not much damage accept for a small white mark on the stone, would it still be ok to use? I...