
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Ingrid

    Advice needed

    We are about to get our first fish and so do any of you have a list of jobs to do I would need to do every day ,week and month in order to maintain a healthy tropical fish tank . Any advice or tips are welcome thank for your help
  2. Ingrid

    Advice needed

    I set up my fish tank 4 days ago with filter ,heater , and light . I then added tap safe ,bio boost ,gravel ,plants ,decorations and a air stone . Every thing is working fine the ph now is 7.4 and the ammonia level is less than 0.02 ppm . Is it all right if I add two ammino shrimps tomorrow a...
  3. Ingrid

    Dormant fish

    I am a novice and just wondering do fish sleep and if so how ? Thanks for you replies
  4. Ingrid

    Fish recommendations

    Can anyone recommend fish for my new 60 litres tank ? It is a tropical tank with a filter , light and heater .
  5. HalfTailedOwner

    Did I Cycle Correctly? If so, What Next?

    Just wondering--after my betta died, I want to ensure that the tank is completely suitable for a new one to live in (if I get one in the next few weeks). The koi carp is still in my tank, until I find him a new home... I've grown attached to him but my tank isn't the best place for him. However...
  6. BettaGirl_666

    Help With Finding The Gender Of Neon Tetras

    Hello! I've had four neon tetras for a few days now, and I don't really know which gender they are. If anyone could give me some tips on how to sex them, that would be great!
  7. C

    Air Stones

    Hi, I'm running am air stone in my 105L tank but whenever I turn it on it disturbs whatever is on the water surface and makes the water look awful My question is, should I just run it and see if it's all filtered out or should I keep it off? Thanks
  8. JMuth

    A lot of questions; New Tank size, outdoors, rehoming and more

    So I’ll start with the main questions I’m looking for answers for: 1) How big of a tank should I get and how can I stock it? (I have some fish already in desperate need of an upgrade) 2) How should I rehome my goldfish? (There’s a few options and a lot of questions) 3) How do I work with weight...
  9. Kayra101

    Is My Betta Sick??

    Hello everyone ,I care extremely about my betta and I have been very worried after watching a bunch of videos on them and I just need somebody to re assure me that he is not ill.he does spit his food out and doesn’t eat a lot a lot ,also his eyes do look a bit red. Please do get back to me.
  10. HalfTailedOwner

    PLEASE help!! My tank is at 8.0 ppm...

    Hi, just need to put some information before I start. 10 gallon tank 72 F water Has a filter, and an air stone water is conditioned I originally had a male doubled tailed betta in the tank--and everything was going smoothly. He is still alive after a month after I got him. However, my dad...
  11. T

    Can I feed Betta micro crisps?

    Hello, today I bought a Betta for my aquarium and was wondering if I can feed them micro crisps by the brand tetra. It says on the side they are for all ornamental fish. Thanks .
  12. T

    Shrimp hiding all of the time

    Hi, so I had a new aquarium around a month ago and had a couple of amano shrimp in there. The shrimp, along with all of the other fish were really happy and doing great. However i haven't seen my shrimp in around a week now so I looked for them and got a torch and looked under some drift wood...
  13. C

    New, looking for tips

    Hi, I'm new to fish keeping and am looking for any tips and advice anyone can give. The plan is to keep tropical fish, in a 90L tank starting small and gradually introducing more. Is there anything I definitely should or should not do starting off? Any information is appreciated. I have done a...
  14. T

    Strange brown stuff on tank glass

    Hello, I came to my tank yesterday and there was a strange brown thing on the inside of the tank glass, I had noticed it a few days ago but it was really small so I thought nothing of it but by yesterday it had grown to almost triple the size, so today I cleaned the tank out and used a sponge to...
  15. N

    Fish dying or pregnant?

    Hey all, fairly new to indoor fish keeping, I have a oranda that me and my partner think may potentially be pregnant, but tonight shes started to lose her boyance in her swim bladder control and is floating to the top, and some time upside down, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated...
  16. E

    Suggestions: Tankmates for non-competitive fish?

    Hi guys. I currently have a 55 gallon aquarium (101cm x 41cm x 50cm) up and running with the following fish: 8 Bronze Corys 6 Corydoras duplicareus 4 Amano Shrimp 6 Otocinclus (Soon) and I might be getting some Psuedomugil luminatus (Red Neon Rainbow) soon. My water is fairly hard, and my pH...
  17. SteakNShrimp

    Rainbow Fish recommendations

    I’m not completely familiar with all the types/colors of Rainbow Fish, but I’d like a few in my 55g. Anyone know some nice looking Rainbow Fish that will grow to a max of 4-5 in? I want to get each one with a different color, so probably 5 different species...preferably that can be easily...
  18. SteakNShrimp

    Fish Food For Color?

    I was just wandering what food I could feed my rainbow fish/future rainbow fish or maybe even any other fish that might bring out there color? Are there any fruits or vegetables that might work?
  19. iambrett

    Stocking Ideas?!

    Oh Hello there, First of all, hello! I am a new member for the forum :) I am looking for help with stocking ideas for a new tank (which i'll get to in a sec) I currently have 3 basic tanks in use. tank 1, 100L with 6 cherry shrimp, 3 Amano Shrimp & one Danio who has no eyes (bully victim in...
  20. U

    Swollen or Pregnant female guppy?

    hello guys, I’ve currently got a 180l (40g I believe) tank, with dwarf hair grass, other live plants, and some hiding places etc. I’ve got 4 male guppy’s and 12 female guppy’s with 4 shrimp. I’ve noticed a female (I believe) guppy has a swollen belly, eats fine swims fine etc but sometimes...
  21. Stu1993

    Stocking a 125 Litre Tank

    Ive recently got my 125 and it currently going through its FISHLESS cycle and im really struggling with ideas on what to eventually stock it with. I love all sorts of fish ive looked and and researched and the only one i have decided on is the black corydoras. So what do you guys reccommend...
  22. E

    What can I put in a 60 gallon tank?

    I have a 60 gallon tank with a marine land filter and it is freshwater tank, I also have 3 columbian tetras, and 2 dwarf gourami Do you have any suggestions for fishes I can keep for this tank that are compatible with those fishes
  23. pjwilford

    Babies upon Babies!

    Babies abound!! Here are some peacock cichlid eggs we found and incubated. Here are some peacock cichlid babies that just started free-swimming: And we have a guppy that is about to BURST!
  24. J

    Advise please in regards of stock to the tank and plants etc

    Afternoon all, Was wondering if I could maybe get some suggestions in regards picking some beautiful fish for my tank please. My tank is 100L (l)76cmx(w)35cmx(H), currently I have a rainbow shark, x5 tetras & one mollie- will be getting some more mollies soon. Was wondering what other...
  25. casdeswinchester

    Help, is my fish a jaguar cichlid or dovii?

    I brought two fish from my local pet store one is a male jaguar cichlid but the female looks like a dovii, the female is very agrressive towards the jaguar male. She is only about 6" right now, if she is a dovii i will have to return her.
  26. 3

    What do i get!!!

    I`m new to the whole tropical fish thing and i cant find the information i want so i thought i would come here. So i got a new tank 2ft About 44l 10 Gallons. And i don`t no which fish will get along together, I Originally was going to get two Blue powder dwarf Gouramis (But apparently they...
  27. E

    Stocking 200 Litre

    What do you guys think of (for a planted): 8 x Cardinal Tetra 7 x Silver Hatchetfish 6 x Emperor Tetra 5 x Pentazona/Odessa Barb 6 x Adolfo Cory 6 x Bronze Cory 1 x Siamese Algae Eater (True one, not false or flying fox etc.) Ramshorn Snails Cherry Shrimp
  28. E

    Adolfo Cory - small, darker, lethargic, doesn't eat much, independent - help?

    Hi guys. I currently have a small Adolfoi corydoras which I bought at the same time as 3 others (about an inch or so long each). This one is slightly smaller than the rest, he has always been more independent - going off on his own, and he moves very lethargically and sits around most of the...
  29. Zikofski

    Zikofski new tank 110L / 24G

    I set this tank up a couple of months ago on 30th December, thought I should share what I have been doing and the struggles I have come across Tank is my Old 110L ADA 60H (45) I love these tanks for its super clean look and clear glass Lighting is my own custom made lights very high lighting...
  30. F

    Platy in need of a good home

    I rescued two platys from Walmart last night. Seeing the two of them in the smallest most disgusting looking tank, I'd ever seen and knowing that my betta's 6.5-gallon tank was cycled, heated and filtered sitting empty. (Betta's in quarantine for a nasty case of fin rot) I had to do something...
  31. M

    Please help Identify.

    Hello everyone, So, I've got a fairly new set up going in a 20 G long, planted tank with out door natural wood and land scape as some of the scape for my tank. This (in the photo) is growing on a piece of wood submerged in the tank. Its been there for about a week but over night got a lot...
  32. A

    Pleco Died, Platy sick? Also wood question.

    I have a 10 gallon aquarium. I have recently taken out all the gravel and decorations as I am setting up a 15 gallon column tank to be my main tank and going to use the 10 gallon for platy fry. All thats left in there besides fish is java moss(i think is what she called it) and a small peice...
  33. A

    Stocking 55g tank

    Idea for multiple fish to interact with a bichir peacefully, Dgh 2.5 pH 7.5
  34. Charlie’s Keeper

    Betta Charlie Starting to Have Shredded Looking Fins

    Hi there! About a month ago I posted a form here: about my betta Charlie. He was looking good for about a month but all of a sudden over two days his fins have started looking shredded at the ends. I’ve...
  35. T

    What fish should I get

    Hi I've just set up a new 25L aquarium. I've got a small 50w heater, which does the job for this tank size and an external 150L/h filter. I have some java Moss on the way to plant in on and around my small ornament. The ornament is hollow and a great hiding place for any fish. I want to get some...
  36. A

    What is wrong with my fancy black tailed guppy!???

    I started out with three adult guppies. Two female and one male. Naturally they populated. The adults both died after a few months within a week of eachother and they had bloated bellies and little white balls coming out of their stomachs, almost looked like eggs but they are live bearers...
  37. My fish tank creations

    About ornamental fish

    To know fishes
  38. C

    My pictus catfish lost its tail plz help

    I have to large Oscar's and I left the room after putting them in the tank and when I came back one of the pictus catfish was on the bottom with a half severed tail what should I do.
  39. V

    Shrimp fighting? meeting? whats happening?

    Hi. so i have had a Bamboo shrimp for a while now and thought to get it a companion. Yesterday i bought an Arnoured shrimp ( the worker told me theyre the same just as different name - alright then). They were fine all night and all day today, hiding in their decor. However while doing a 25%...
  40. Aisilence

    Black Ghost Knife fish DISEASE?!

    Hi! I have a BGK for more than a year. He seemed fine all this time, but today I noticed some very odd white spot on him. Maybe an early stage of fungus? I have no idea, but It doesnt look so good. I'm really scared for it to not start growing bigger. It looks a bit like a wound when I look more...