
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Cameronb_01

    Fuzzy Algae Identification And Treatment

    Hi Guys,   The stuff attached in the picture has been growing in my planted discus tank. What is it? And how do I treat it?   Best wishes,   Cameron
  2. Cameronb_01

    Plants For Discus Tank

    Hi Guys,   On the 1st of September 3 Discus fish, (Leopard Snakeskin, Checkerboard and Red Turquoise), are arriving for my 450L tank which is empty apart from substrate and gravel 5 cm deep. I was wondering if I could please run some ideas past you guys regarding the planting of the tank. My...
  3. Cameronb_01

    Substrate Identification

    Hi Guys,   Purchased this substrate today from my LFS. The guy who sold it to me didn't know who the supplier was and what type of gravel it is or what the dimensions are?   Anyone have any ideas about where I could get something similar from or what the dimensions might be?   Thanks in advance...
  4. Cameronb_01

    Planted Discus Tank Emergency

    Hi Guys,   So basically I have been impatient and made a mistake. 4 weeks ago I filled my empty tank with RO water and rasied the Kh to 4 and then began the cycling process. My tank is fully cycled and ready for fish as of yesterday, (I tested the Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia levels). And so I...
  5. FroFro

    Just Planted!

    I got some dwarf grass from the LFS in those weird gel packs. After cleaning it I broke it into much smaller clumps, stuck some of those weird flourish stones deep into the gravel, and popped the clumps within six inches of each grass clump. My cories seem VERY interest in these plants...
  6. B

    Fish Jokes!

    Hey guys an gals, I thought that some of these jokes (didn't make them) were pretty funny and fishy LOL anyway:   What did the fish say when he posted bail IM OFF THE HOOK!!!!   Why don't fish like basketball? because there afraid of the net...   which fish can perform operations? a sturgeon!  ...
  7. Flinkbag

    Re-Stocking 4Ft Tank With American Cichlids

    Hey all!   So I want to re-stock my tank after moving my Bala and Rainbow Sharks onto new homes, and I was considering getting some small-medium sized American Cichlids. Problem is, I have no idea who to choose! So I need some suggestions as to who would be suitable to live in a 200 litre mixed...
  8. J

    Hey Guys New To The Forums! Help?

    Hey guys my name is Jake I have been keeping fresh water fish for around 4 years now. I just joined because I wanted to put myself into the fish keeping community a little more. I started this forum so you guys that have more experience than me can help me and others start and be successful in...
  9. M

    Established Tank Problem, Asking For Any Advice

    Okay, I'm not new to having a fish tank, but I'm not the most knowledgeable person either. In the past I've had 20 gal, 29 gal, 55 gal, all freshwater and decided to take a break from fish for about 8 years. I have a 29 gallon currently that I've had for about a year and a half now. I HAD a...
  10. H

    Oxygen Problems?! 911

    I have a 36 gallon tank that I just upgraded to. I used the decor and rocks as well as most of the water from the 10 gallon I had before. I went ahead and added my old fish in as the water parameters were testing just fine the day of and the day after. I went and added new fish. Now They're all...
  11. FroFro

    Mailing Tropical Freshwater Fish? Help!

    Hello! I'm looking to mail a few fish from Ohio (moderate climate) to Arizona. I've already looked up guides for packaging freshwater fish and the materials/boxes needed. I already plan to pay for overnight shipping and I know not to feel my fish for at least 24 hours prior to the day of...
  12. W

    Greetings From Wesley The Veil Tail Betta

    I am new to the site and joined with a question about my two small tanks that I have since resolved!  I have a 1G snail/shrimp tank and a 5G betta/shrimp tank.  Both are Aqueons and have the filters the setup came with.  I have had Wesley the veil tail betta for 14 months and am new to the...
  13. Flinkbag

    Is It Supposed To Be Like This?

    Hello all!   So I bought a heater today to help nurse a sick Betta to health, and the heater I bought is a Marina Submersible heater, 25w. I noticed at the store that all of those heaters seemed to have some type of padding in the bottom where the actual heating area is. Im guessing its for...
  14. cooledwhip

    Will This Work For My Co2? Dont Wanna Gas Fish"?

    I have a citric acid DIY co2 setup I am using currently until I can buy a full setup. I wanted to know if I can put my CO2 diffuser (ceramic disc) into my filter where it would then shred the bubbles completely, dispersing all the Co2 into the water. It will pass through the filter however. Here...
  15. Cameronb_01

    Jbl Ph Control

    Does anyone know if the JBL m603 requires an external solenoid or if it is built into the computer?
  16. cooledwhip

    Would This Restock Plan Work?

    I have a 20 long, fully cycled aquascape. Here is a pic of the layout:   I currently have 3 panda platies, 3 guppies, 6 endlers livebearers, (3 male 3 female) 3 dwarf neon rainbowfish, a bunch of shrimp, 2 blue mystery snails, an albino bristlenose pleco. The reason...
  17. A

    Help: Why Is My Fish Really Fat?

    Hi,    One of the fish in my garden pond is really fat and has been like this for about 3-4 weeks now but it's getting worse by the day. I don't know whether it's pregnant or there is something wrong with it. Not sure what kind of fish it is. It doesn't move much and sometimes faces down the way...
  18. fropuf

    55 Gallon Fish Stuffer

    Hello all.   I mentioned a while ago that I am planning a huge 55 gallon tank. I have changed the plan of what is going in, but I have no idea what to change it to. I need some recommendations for what to put it in. I want as many species of small schooling fish I can get. The water at my place...
  19. cooledwhip

    Fish Tuberculosis.

    I was watching a fish video on youtube and they lady mentioned that fish TB is a real thing and it can be serious. Is this true? How big is a problem with fish TB? It's something I never considered. I reach my hand in my tanks all the time to move something or grab a fish to see if he has grown...
  20. cooledwhip

    What Kind Of Goldfish Are These?

    Hi all, I was at a new LFS today just browsing around and maybe buy some plants and they had a massive tank with a bunch of "small goldfish" as they were labeled. I bought some plants and decided to buy these "small goldfish" Because they were $2 each... and there were HUNDREDS. I also saw in...
  21. T

    36 Gallon Angelfish Advice Please

    Hi, so my mom passed away 2 years ago and i just now decided to try out her passion with fish, I got her 55 gallon goldfish tank up and running with 5 fish in there currently. She had a 36 gallon that had a leak. I just removed the silicone and re sealed it. In a week i'll be looking to fill it...
  22. cooledwhip

    Female Betta Tank?

    Hey everyone. A few years ago I was really into bettas and had 2 really nice bettas I ordered on aquabid. They were really pretty and not the petsmart muts. (no offense ;)   Anyway, they died off a little while ago and for about a couple months I never had fish. I recently got back into it, I...
  23. cooledwhip

    Ich Killed My Pleco, Killing My Guppy And Plants!

    Please help me. I have an emergency, I had a pleco and a guppy because I am cycling my 20G long tank. Long story short they both have ICH, I put them in a 5 gallon quarantine and the pleco died and the guppy I think will die. I'm not too worried about the fish, they are both doing REALLY bad. I...
  24. Cameronb_01

    Humu Picasso Triggerfish, Mombasae Lionfish And Blue Spotted Puffer Co

    Hi Guys,   I have just set up my marine aquarium and I am currently in the process of stocking it up with fish. It is a 450L tank and as of now has no sand, corals, reef, live-rock, inverts, fish etc... I was thinking in a ideal world of getting the following three fish. A Mombasa Lionfish, a...
  25. Cameronb_01

    Ph Controllers

    Hi Guys,   I have been keeping tropical fish now for three years and I have  always wanted to keep discus fish. However they require quite low Ph and for years I have been told by the people in my LFS that the only way to do this is by using a barrel to collect rainwater or by putting a large...
  26. DumeNdlovu

    Help With Info For A Database

    Hi I working on a project and part of my project is building a database that contain the optimal conditions (temperature, ph etc.) for certain fish species indigenous to Sub-Saharan Africa and i'm struggling to find sources on that and help would be greatly appreciated. :)
  27. F

    Red Wag Platy With White Patches And Clamped Fin.

    I have a platy that is almost an adult living in a pretty healthy 20 gallon. I just noticed now that they have 3 white patches across the body. At first I thought that maybe it was like some diseases that resemble cotton on the body, but it doesn't look like that. It looks more like the scales...
  28. eslingerl10

    Is This Cycling Length Normal?

    I currently have a 3 gallon tank with one male betta in it. I keep the temperature around 78 degrees and it has a filter. I've had this fish tank for about 3 months now, and the cycling process is only about half way done!! There is 0 ammonia, but very high levels of nitrites and nitrates. Is...
  29. S

    Few Filteration Questions

    I have a 55 Gal Breeder WIDE tank that I want to make into a crayfish dedicated tank. Looking to get some Electric Blues to Breed hopefully (if you have any sites that sell that and would like to recommend please do). My tank is ment to house animals like snakes and lizards but I am pretty sure...
  30. AshleyNZ

    My Cichlid Adventure - 52G/220L Journal

    Have been inactive for a long while now, but I have returned from the grave.  After a few months of having my tank set up as a tropical community, completed with green-colored silica sand from a pesky algae, and nasty looking plants, I have decided that this is not the setup ideal for me!  ...
  31. W

    Zebra Fish Dying

    HELP   I am starting up a research project for my biology department.  I bought 18 zebra fish and put 6 in each of my three 10 gallon tanks.  I put API water conditioner and quick start in each tank.  I acclimated the tanks like instructed and heat was in range.   I am using marina s 10 power...
  32. driger8642

    Name These Fishes :d

    Got them from Petco, was disappointed that they didnt have my corys :( So my son decided on getting these, the worker said they will fit nicely in the tank and so far they have been peaceful but I totally forgot to get their names.... can someone give me a name for them??   1st fish...     2nd...
  33. LillyRobotnick

    Meet Chakra

        I normally don't care for Bettas but this one caught my eye for some reason and I needed it in my life.      
  34. driger8642

    Changed To Sand From Gravel, A Few Urgent Questions...

    So, I just changed to sand from gravel and I must say, my corys seem to love it..   *I just added the sand 1 day ago* *I rinsed out the sand twice before adding it in the tank*   - The sand seem to have two layers in it.... the bottom one seems dark black with no air pockets while top one is...
  35. T

    When Do I Put Guppies In Breeder Box

    I'm planing to buy a separate tank for my guppies to lay fry in, but for now, I have one of those breeder boxes with the V shaped thing for the fry to fall through. I already looked up when to put them in the breeder box but the only answers Iv'e found where to buy these plants for the guppy fry...
  36. MarcusShepherd

    Brine Shrimp

    I bought brine shrimp eggs on Ebay to feed my guppy fry but I want to keep some until adulthood so I can get eggs from them how do you breed Brine shrimp I've searched literally everywhere to find out how but I can only find videos of how to hatch eggs not breed adults
  37. T

    What Else Can I Feed My Fish

    I have a 55 gallon tank with guppies, blood eyed tetras, danios, 2 yo-yo loaches, a school of neons, and one red wag platy. I was wondering what else I can feed my fish besides tetra color tropical flakes? I want a nice and health tank. Also, what can I feed guppy fry? As a future reference...
  38. T

    Questions About Clown Loaches

    I have a 55 gallon tank with guppies, blood eyed tetras, danios, 2 yo-yo loaches, a school of neons, and one red wag platy. I want to add one pleco and some ottos. The last addition I want to add is ether a clown loach, or some snails. I was wondering if I could add both so what type of snails...
  39. F

    Hello There.

    Hello everyone, im mordecai, but you can call me mordy, i dont mind. I have two tanks ive had since two months ago, and i love this hobby of mine. Everytime i get paid i go to petsmart. Im addicted. Litterally. ---------------- Im my bathroom i have a small tank, about the size of a regular...
  40. driger8642

    What Type Of Fish Is This?

    I know this is a cory but which one? albino? spotted? etc.   Reason im asking is that I have 3 and need 1 more since 4 seems better.   The cories seem to be super active all the time, which I researched upon is normal for the beginning 1-2 months and then they just settle down at the bottom most...