
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    Just wondering if anyone had put a fighter in with any other fish before and how did it go?? I have a 34L tank with 6 Neon Tetras and 2 Borneo Catfish. A friend came over last night to visit and was very sceptical that my other fish would survive with a fighter and if it was possible I would...
  2. TDarrell9

    Hi, New to community but have kept fish a few years

    Hi, I'm Tom, thought I would join a community to share experiences, thoughts and ask for some help once and while, I wouldn't say I an expert but have kept Tropical Fish before growing up and do have one to this date just under 1 year old now. I have a Fluval Roma 90L which is a very good...
  3. C

    Blenny Raised areas - Diagnose

    I came home and spotted my Blenny swimming around. I noticed two raised "pale" almost like areas on him. He seems to be breathing abit more and swimming just a bit awkward. I've noticed in the tank that a small blue eye tang is chasing him alot and has even pushed him out of his house. I don't...
  4. Sege

    Nitrogen Cycle Startup

    Hi! I'm still new to the aquarium hobby and trying to figure out this crazy scientific nitrogen cycle. I have seen many diagrams made by people trying to explain this thing to a newbie, but really it's not helping. Specifically the part about how to start the darn thing. And suggestions on how...
  5. Sege


    Hi :-) I am still new to the fish keeping hobby and I had a couple questions about duckweed. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :-) 1) What are the benefits of having duckweed in an aquarium? I have a 10 gallon tank that is filtered by a TopFin 10 and heated by a...
  6. L

    Glad I Found This Spot

    My name is Wanda. I am a daughter, child of God, wife, mother of three sons, grandmother of two girls and two boys. I am a disabled veteran of the Army after 22 years where we spent 16 years in Germany and the rest at Fort Campbell, KY. I retired from the Army in 1997 and I worked around the...
  7. Sege

    Quiet Filter Possibly?

    Hi. :DSo I just got a new filter, and I set it up and everything. It runs just how it's supposed to. I just want to make it quieter. I have my tank under my loft bed, and so I sleep right on top of the noise. It's not really the grumbling sounds that the filter makes as the mechanics run to pump...
  8. Sege

    Any More Fish for a 10 Gallon?

    Hi :) I'm new to the aquarium hobby and I recently refurbished a 10 gallon tank that I bought at a garage sale, (no leaks, thankfully :yahoo:) I have researched a lot of different fish, and I came across AqAdvisor, I tried it out, and people are right that website really helps with stocking...
  9. C

    Fish Light?

    hi! so I just had a question, people have told me that I can turn the lights off in my tanks no problem, but every time I do they actually stress out massively and some try and jump out but as soon as it's on again they are perfect the longest I've gone with no light was only 20 minutes because...
  10. M

    Chinese algae eater is sick?

    This morning I woke up and checked on my fish, I have a chinese algae eater in a 20 gal well circulated tank, with 2 tin foil barb, a paradise gourami and a tiger barb, he has always been shy and moves quick when other fish come near, but when I just checked on him I thought he was dead but when...
  11. Thatg1r1

    Is my Goldfish sick?

    Hi everyone, My goldfish whose name is Ginger is acting odd! Sorry if you're having dinner but for the last few days Ginger has been releasing some rather strange poopies, mostly long and white until today and now its very clear and bubbly. I have attached a photo. His appetite is as big as...
  12. tgwthf

    stocking my 55 gallon freshwater aquarium, thoughts?

    Hello everyone! I'm nowhere near close to setting up the tank, stand is still being built and needs to be cleaned out of all the sand and stuff, but i'm in the process of trying to find some fish i can put in there, will be keeping it around the 24C temperature mark. so far i'm thinking of...
  13. C

    Found my guppy nose up in plant and a funny colour help!

    Hey! So I got this guppy for my brother about 3 months ago now and I just found him nose up in a plant dead very sad brother, I got him with 1 other guppy who is fine but when I got him he was acting strange straight away, when I got him he was black then he turned white and this carried on I...
  14. Tyler_Fishman


    I welcomed Cope pods greatly into my aquarium, they provide a food source for my fish, their are 100's of them everywhere. I've read they are sign of a healthy tank. Is this true?
  15. Tyler_Fishman

    Planted paradise?

    if you've ever been to a pond in the north you might not think to put anything in your aquarium, obviously as Cold water species do not thrive in warm water, but as summer is just around the corner you can find a myriad of species for aquarium use, Lakes shores are often covered in Ludwigia...
  16. Tanya farrell

    Please help

    i have a new tank 160L tank for fresh fish could you please tell me what , Ph Kh Gh Nitrate Nitrite Should be thank you
  17. AnnAlfie

    How to stop other fish eating catfish food

    After years of keeping fish I have successfully come up with a solution to stop tank mates of catfish eating all the catfish food before the catfish get a chance to eat it themselves. I have a community tank with some aggressive eaters such as Angel fish and barbs. I had to come up with a...
  18. Cameronb_01

    Substrate Change

    Hi Guys, I have been keeping Discus, (9 of them), in my 450L planted tank now for just over 6 months and it has been going great. However, in order to achieve the look I envisaged for the tank I have my heart set on completely swapping my current gravel substrate for "Amazonia". How should I go...
  19. Tyler_Fishman

    Ignorance is Bliss.. well sort of

    Today at the pet store I went to buy an Amano shrimp, expecting a hefty price I brought a good amount of cash. My other store sells Amano shrimp for 3.99$ with tax its about 4.30$ for one shrimp. Its expensive but they are essential members to any freshwater clean up crew. They were selling...
  20. Tyler_Fishman

    Age limit

    kudos to the younger fish keepers who have to go through this nonsense. I'm proud that petstores want to "protect" their live stock. But in the same sense it is kinda hypocritical when I see 10 dead guppies clogging the filter intake of a tank and I'm told I need an adult with me to purchase a...
  21. musicalbetta

    Bettas in the morning

    So whenever I turn on my betta fish's lights in the morning and try to feed my betta, it usually takes about 5 minutes for my betta to actually swim up from the gravel and eat the food. I was wondering if bettas need a bit of time to actually wake up and have energy?
  22. Tyler_Fishman

    How to soften water

    hi, I'm on a well water system, which gives me a very high PH (7.8) my fish require of a PH of at least 6.5- and the overall hardness reads at 140. I've managed to get the ph down to 7.3 and just lower the hardness slightly by using oak leaves. And though my fish seem to live fine in it, my...
  23. Tyler_Fishman

    Algae ID

    I recently trimmed an old leaf off my sword to find that it was covered in a carpet of this short algae, not sure if it's hair algae, id like to know for the heck of it Thanks.
  24. S

    Plants or no plants?

    Hey! Wondering whether or not to try a planted tank... I LOVE the look of planted tanks and I would love to have one! Does anyone have any opinions on what plants to use? As well as any information to a beginner on how to take care of the plants etc.
  25. Tyler_Fishman

    Catfish trouble

    recently I Did a 80% water change, all My fish were fine until My dwarf cories,otocinculus and bristle nose pleco started going for air constantly,they loose a bubble of air like they can't hold it on and then go for a new one Ph 6.7 Ammonia 0 Nitrate 10 Nitrite 0 Tank size 10 Gallon
  26. Tyler_Fishman

    Trouble reading thermometer

    Hi, I've had this thermometer for s long while but I'm confused if my tempature is at 75 or 80 degrees. Thanks
  27. Tyler_Fishman

    Petco opinions

    I went to my local petco and was nearly blown away. They're fish were in almost perfect condition, the only thing I noticed were an anorexic foxface and a few sick orbic cardinals, the rest of the fish were in perfect condition, not only that but they little stands that sold macro alages and...
  28. Tyler_Fishman

    aquarium smell

    I uncovered my tank today and noticed an earthy dirty smell, which I've heard is very good, appearently it means a colony of bacteria that break down waste has been established in my tank :D, what do your tanks smell like?
  29. dopey696

    beware Aqueon equipment

    Aqueon does not honor their own warranty, it is an empty promise that will never be fullfilled. I recently purchased a size 29 Aqueon tank and lid that did not fit together due to a manufacturing flaw. I contacted Aqueon customer service who responded to my concern by saying the lid not fitting...
  30. C

    My fish is sick or hurt!?

    i bought a silver lyretail molly and I noticed it's side fun closest to its gill is stuck straight out . He's not moving it . Is it hurt or does have an illness and if so how do I cure /fix it??
  31. L

    20 gal - more fish? and plants but what kind?

    Right now I have 5 longfinned zebra danio and an albino bristlenose pleco in there. I would like to add more fish in there, but just wanted to know if it's overstocked before I get too excited. If I can add more, what kind would you recommend? As for the plants, right now I have 2 plants I got...
  32. R

    White Grub look alike in Tropical fish tank

    Hello, I'm pretty new to owning a tropical fish tank, ive always had cold water fish, I bought a pre-used fish tank with all the items and fish, the fish that came with it are: 2 albino catfish, 2 snails, 3 clown loaches, 2 plecos, 4 gouramis, 1 zebra catfish and 5 head and taillight tetra, its...
  33. dopey696

    Betta problems

    Hello peoples. My betta that I've had for about a year now seems to be having some problems. I first noticed about a week ago that it was a bit lethargic and not moving as much as it usually does. It seems to have no energy, doesn't swim around, and is always resting on top of things. Today as I...
  34. HarpyFishLover

    Stocking a Baby BiOrb

    Hello again! So I recently acquired a Baby BiOrb aquarium. It's 4 gallons, with a filter cartridge (no filter...) and an airstone/air pump which circulates water to the cartridge. I (and my brother) love it, even without fish in it. (It's not cycled yet.) So I decided to get him (my...
  35. M

    Molly is sick . I'm clueless.

    Ok, I am kind of new to this . A few months ago we bought 3 Molly , 2 of which were pregnant . When we got them home and in the tank we noticed a spot on one of the pregnant ones and thought it may be ich . We treated the entire tank along with the others. It didn't get better. We did the 20%...
  36. S

    Help curing tank of whitespot?

    So i suspect my tank has whitespot and i need to begin treatment to get it under control, just looking for a bit of help or advise! Got a african dwarf frog, plec, bamboo shrimp and a bengal loach in there as well im a little concerned about adding treatment to the tank with also. The tank uses...
  37. F

    240g tank with sump and stand

    I have a glass 240-gallon aquarium with sump that is running as a freshwater setup complete with extra high capacity return pump, lights, heater, etc. You can use the freshwater setup or drain it and start your own saltwater setup. To build this system would cost at least $5,000. Includes: 240...
  38. Waterfins

    Stocking a 20 gallon aquarium

    My boyfriend is planning on setting up a 20 gallon long soon and doesn't really know what he wants in it. So I'm here to ask if anyone knows fish that thrive in a 20 gallon aquarium. Note: The aquarium is NOT set up yet so please don't ask for the PH of my water or something similar to that. I...
  39. FishyFredd

    Hi fellow fish keeper's!

    I totally love African Cichlids. I have a 90litre tank with 12 cichlids and an empty 180litre tank that I am nearly ready to swap them into. Just in the middle of making the stand! Getting more fish soon ;)
  40. Cameronb_01

    All My Plants Are Dying

    Hi Guys,   I was going to post this last week in Tropical Discussions but I think that now it is an emergency. As seen in the second picture the bottoms of my plants are all black and I think they are dying? Also as seen in the first picture there is stuff on all the leaves which I don't know...