
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. B

    Stocking my tank

    Hi guys, I just wanted to see if anyone had issues about how I want to stock my tank, and any way to resolve them. I am getting a 34L tank (almost 8 gallons I think), and am hoping to put in about 5 cherry barbs and a few platys, in that order. I think I would rather have the platys but please...
  2. S

    What is going on?

    My goldfish is acting really weird lately I don't know what to do I get it out of the tank he can't swim normally
  3. mmarx339

    Rainbow fish curved back

    Okay so to start. I had a 20 gallon tank that had 1 beta 2 cory cats and 1 turquoise rainbow fish. The tank sat that way from January ish to about a couple weeks ago. I then added 2 dwarf rainbows 2 boesemani rainbows and 2 more female betas. Everything seemed fine then I eventually noticed that...
  4. J

    Male Betta Not Making Bubble Nest - Breeding first time

    Hello, As of today i have given breeding my male and female betta fish. My female is in a tank with my male an she is inside a jar, at first she had the stripes that mean she is scared and now she has the breeding stripes. My water parameters are all ok, temperature is at the correct level and...
  5. T

    Something is very wrong in my tank

    Ok. This gon be long. I tried to get good pictures, but fish b fish ukno I've had 5 (6, but one died already from whatever it is that's wrong) female guppies since january. I bought them online from a good seller. They came healthy (and preggo :D), totally fine these past few months. They were...
  6. K

    Does my betta have fin rot?

    Hello, I’m worried about my black mustard betta. I might be paranoid but I just want to make sure that’s he’s ok. I’ve noticed some of his scales are a little bruised up and on top of his eyes, there’s like a white clear dot. I got rid of the plastic plant that might have caused damaged. I’ve...
  7. ukdamon

    My Soggy Friends

    Hi guys I have a personal website and blog My Soggy Friends My YouTube Channel is YouTube Channel
  8. T

    Lots of Aquatic Plant Questions

    Hi, I'm planning to start my first planted aquarium but I have alot of questions even after doing a week of research. I wanna make sure to do this right, so if anyone could answer some of these questions that would be great! 1. What hardy beginner plants can I tie on wood and rocks? Is there...
  9. T

    55 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Hi, I have a freshwater 55 gallon tank that im re-doing and am uncertain what to stock it with. Here are some of the ideas I'm playing around with so far: - Discus with some sort of tetras - Angels with some sort of tetras Maybe add loaches too. Are these good combinations? What would be your...
  10. T

    Can I just plop live plants into my gravel aquarium?

    Hi, I am re-doing my 55 gallon freshwater tank. I want to make it more "river looking" and more realistic this time. I have a gravel substrate and was thinking about adding some live plants. Can I just add them in? Are there only specific types I can add? Or do I need a different...
  11. Hamdhan777

    Additional Fish or Shrimp ideas for 50L?

    Hi all, Was hoping to get some thoughts on a centerpiece fish, shrimp or other fish I can get for my aquarium (unless I'd be overstocking); I've had a look at the other "centerpiece fish" forum posts, but every tank is different so wanted specific thoughts to reduce the chance of any issues. I...
  12. C

    Filter Question

    Hi, I have a 105L tank, long. The filter on it is a 1000EF all pond solutions one that, according to the website has a flow rate of 1000 litres per hour. I was just wondering if this is too strong? The flow coming out of it is pretty hefty but it has been running for a good couple of months...
  13. nasy

    Show me your Fish!

    Hello all, As I am new to this forum, and a blood red parrot owner, I would love to see pictures of other's fish as well! Please feel free to drop as many pictures of your fish :)
  14. nasy

    Need urgent help with my red parrot fish!!!

    Hello all, I hope this reaches someone soon. I have had these red parrot fish for almost six years. Today I noticed that they swam to the top of the tank, started to loose their color, and are swimming erratically. I've never seen them have all these symptoms in one, and I am very confused and...
  15. francisabch12

    I am unable to identify one of my fish.

    Can anyone help me to identify which is this fish?
  16. Kamdavid

    Questions on Mollies

    Hello everyone, had some questions on my Mollies... Started a tank about a month ago now. Currently I have one male and two female mollies. I had one other male, which ended up not making it. I did see him a couple times try to breed with one of the females. But like I said he passed on.. The...
  17. F

    New fish keeper over here

    I got a Superfish Home 60 which has been running for a few months with healthy fish. I'm surprised it's working so well. Anyway i have some Gourami's in there. (4), a Cory catfish (used to be 5 but most of them died for no real reason that i can think off) Aswell as a algea-eater that i don't...
  18. K

    Small zebra fish not eating for over 3 days

    Hello guys! I am new to the hobby and have been educating myself a lot on how to properly care for a tank. I waited to add fish to the tank and have been carefully measuring the water. I’ve had a school of danios in my tank since last Thursday. At first I purchased 2 zebra danios and 2 long fin...
  19. O

    Help! My anemone is swollen!

    Hello all. I recently purchased a Nano tank. I have 2 ocellaris clownfish, a royal dottyback, one Banggai cardinal and a yellow angelfish. (The yellow angelfish was brought to my tank only 3 days ago) I noticed around 2 days ago that my anemone had suddenly shrunk (It was never that big but...
  20. N

    Pregnant guppy

    Ok, IM a new fish owner and I bought a pregnant guppy and I was just worried for her so I separated all the males and females . But I still want to know when she’s due. She doesn’t eat as much any more and I tried separate her from the other fish in her own tank and she just stayed toward the...
  21. J

    Unsure of fish type

    So, I joined the fish keeping hobby about a year ago. I started off with just bettas than tried a rainbow shark and danios(it didn’t workout well) so I moved on to an angel fish and guppies along with my bettas. My girlfriend however became interested in starting a community tank so we set up...
  22. B

    Weird white algae

    a small amount of white fuzzy looking algae has started to accumulate on some of my plants and around the intake of the filter. I recently re-aranged the plants and rocks to better suite the fish and I’m just wondering if this might be the cause, any help is appreciated
  23. O

    I need general advice!

    Hello! I am completely new to fishkeeping. I mean, I had a goldfish fish when I was 5 that my father took care of but that is it. I am most likely going to buy a 16.5-gallon nano tank, that I will put saltwater fish in. I have read lots about fish in the last few weeks so I do understand the...
  24. O

    I am a beginner - A few questions.

    Hello! I have recently (as in the last week or two) been interested in buying some saltwater fish. I have already watched a lot of youtube videos to know that it will require regular maintenance. I have not bought anything yet, however I am very interested in a Nano tank that is 63 liters...
  25. Aquarist.exe

    Fish identification help

    I caught these really pretty fish in my local freshwater canals, being in Florida, I can’t tell if they are a sort of cichlid fry or something more common in Florida. I’m currently keeping 3 in one of my aquariums. If I could get some help identifying them that would be amazing!
  26. HalfTailedOwner

    Sudden Ich with Koi? Advice ASAP, Please Help :(

    I've had this koi for around 5 months now (surprisingly) in a 10 gallon tank. If you didn't know already, I've actually been trying to find a new place to rehome the koi because I knew it would grow too large for the tank size.. This christmas, my uncle surprised me with some fish (and while I'm...
  27. H

    Newly Cycled Tank

    Hi all, been cycling a 230l tank over the last 5 weeks. I have been dosing ammonia to 4ppm. The nitrite and ammonia are now dropping to 0 in a few hours. My question is when I stock fish I will obviously do it gradually however will the bacteria start dying off as the fish load I put in wont be...
  28. S

    I am defeated ....URGENT!!

    I am a new fish owner and I only learnt about nitrogen cycle today I have lost 3 fishes in the last week I can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong I think it might be overfeeding and constipation. Moreover I don’t really have a water test kit cuz I can’t afford one yet. Please help! Another fish...
  29. R

    Bloody eye in sturgeon

    Hi there, It's about one month that I have a problem with my Acipenser stellatus, their eyes become bloody. At first it's a small spot but it grows bigger and affect all the eye and after 20 days (approximately) it become dark and at the end their socket become empty. Some fishes die at early...
  30. Goosegrl2019

    Setting up a new 55 gallon tank

    How long should it take to cycle & do the products out there to speed this process up work??
  31. Aynia

    Fairly new and full of questions

    Hi all, my name is Aynia. I've already posted a few threads on the forum and realized that I never did an introduction post. About me: I'm from Ontario, I love anything geeky/nerdy, anything artsy or crafty and I absolutely love animals. I'm a bit of a crazy cat lady but have recently really...
  32. Goosegrl2019

    Blood parrot cichlid sick

    Hi, I'm angie, I'm new but have been reading threads & wondering if u can help me. My adopted 4 year old blood parrot is I'll. Shes been in a 37 gal w me for 3 months after being in 75 gal. I put her in 55 gal 4 days ago & added 2 gouramis that may have given her white fungus. The parrot has a...
  33. Aynia

    Cycle not finishing - Fish dying - Help!

    Hey all, brand new here and fairly new to the fish keeping hobby. We always had fish growing up, and I had betta's in university, but it hasn't been until the last few months that I've really been diving into the hobby and learning as much as I can. About 2 months ago we got a brand new 38gal...
  34. T

    Corydora with whit spot on fin

    Hello, so I have had 3 corydoras in my tank for around 5 months now and they have been completely fine so far however 2 days ago I noticed a small white lump on his back fin and decided to monitor it. It has not gone away so am wondering if anyone knows what it is and how I can treat it. I have...
  35. T

    Suspected dwarf gourami illness PLEASE HELP!!

    So I bought 2 dwarf gouramis about 5 months back and after around a week one died. I put this down to stress as I didn't see any symptoms, he just died but now, the remaining one has recently had a long string of white poop coming out of him constantly so I fed mashed peas for a few days. We now...
  36. HalfTailedOwner

    New Guppy Behavior? Is it normal?

    Hi all, sorry if I seem to be posting too much. I ended up returning the females and got 3 male cobra guppies instead. Just wanted to know if it's normal for the guppies to stay at the top of the tank? They aren't motionless, but they do swim around a lot but don't go deeper, always staying near...
  37. HalfTailedOwner

    Will a water change and replacing filter uncycle the tank?

    My 10 gallon tank is cycled as of 2 months ago. I have been using the same filter pad for the same amount of time, and I have always rinsed it off with used tank water as advised to prevent what would un-cycle the tank. Unfortunately, no matter how many times I rinsed the filter pad the...
  38. Verminator89

    Dwarf Chain Loach

    Livestock: Dwarf Chain Loach Quantity: 10 Reason for sale: Too small to go into my upgraded 7x2x2 with the newer bigger cichlids inhabiting. Location: Coventry, West Midlands Collection ONLY. I will not be faffing about with posting i'm afraid. Price £50 for the group. Reasonably priced I'd say...
  39. Fishguy13

    Post pictures of your bettas

    I thought it would be cool if everyone showed of their bettas, I like the different varieties and I am getting one pretty soon hopefully.
  40. tydgie

    how can I tell my platy will give birth? please help

    I've had my 4 platys for about 5 months now, 2 females and 2 males I realised. one of my platys seems to be pregnant but has been "pregnant" for a while now, 2 months atleast (when I know should be a few weeks) . how will I know she is about to give birth specifically? her black mark and her...