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  1. E

    How To Safely Anchor My Wood Decor?

    I like this idea as I wanted to add some rock as well. So is that the test, vinegar? Is there anything else to be worried abut with rocks besides bubbling vinegar?
  2. E

    How To Safely Anchor My Wood Decor?

    Is their anything around the house I might use? Lead fishing weight would be a bad idea? Is there something else small and heavy that is fish safe that I could possibly use fishing line to anchor with?
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    How To Safely Anchor My Wood Decor?

    Really? Is this true?
  4. E

    How To Safely Anchor My Wood Decor?

    So I found some cool sticks I wanted to add to my very plain tank. I boiled the sticks to get rid of the nasties but the sticks float. My question is what material can I use as an anchor for the sticks that is safe for the fish??? Thanks!
  5. E

    Need Help To Stop Fighting!

    Oh sorry, ph is 7.5 ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 5-10 The only other fish are a couple salt and pepper Cory's and 3 cherry shrimp which all seem to be doing well. So yes one of the females was or is pregnant. First day in the tank( 2 weeks ago) one of them gave birth. So obviously she was...
  6. E

    Need Help To Stop Fighting!

    I had 2 male 6 female guppies in a20g tank the males were trying to mate with one female in particular constantly. She just so happens to be the biggest one. Well after a week or so I noticed the two males had stopped doing there dance and chasing her. They wer kinda just hanging out in the...
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    I Need Help With A Guppy Tank In Need Of Predator

    Is there any fish here that could verify the horrendously slow and painful death? I've never heard that. I put a fish in the freezer and he's a solid block of ice 5 minutes...... ...........besides they can't breath the minute you take them from the tank. Don't you nothing they are suffering...
  8. E

    Male Guppy Aggression

    So I recently got the recommended ratio of 1 male to 3 females. I had 2 males and 6 females total. Everything was fine at first but two days ago I noticed both males stopped doing the dances and chasing the females....they were both kinda hanging out near the top corner of the tank. I thought it...
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    Finally Finished...w/vid

    LOL, its a regular 20g tank . I dont know why the video came out like that.
  10. E

    Finally Finished...w/vid

    Boy , That was BRUTAL. 8 weeks of fish-less cycling. now just about fully stocked. I bought 8 guppies 2 male 6 female, 6 salt and pepper cory's and 2 cherry shrimp. Unfortunately, one of the cory's died. But this time it was just from the trauma of bringing him home. Im pretty sure one of the...
  11. E

    Worth Trying To Retain Used Filter Medium?

    LoL, if you saved the filter bacteria you just saved your self 2 months worth of pain staking work :D
  12. E

    Fishless Cycling Update

    I would bring the temp up to 85 F
  13. E

    How Often Should I Change My Filter?

    Noooooooo.! Never change it. Nevere never never. LOL
  14. E

    Lost Patience With This Fish Less Cycle

    My ammonia drops in 12 hrs just not my nitrites.
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    Lost Patience With This Fish Less Cycle

    It's hard to tell because my API master test kit it's hard to tell the difference between readings. It's some where between 2-4 I dose 70 drops every 24 hrs into my 20g and 35 into my 10 g. Ph has dropped several times on each tank and I bring it back with bicarbonate soda.
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    Lost Patience With This Fish Less Cycle

    Update: so my original 20g is still giving the same frustrating. However my 10 g tank which I started just a few weeks ago with a little old tank water from my 20g and it is reading double 0's but the 20 g is still taking 18-24 hrs..... Now the 20 g is planted and has a few snails...
  17. E

    Lost Patience With This Fish Less Cycle

    I have been fish less cycling my 20g tank for about 5 weeks or so. Nitrites started falling to zero after a 24 hr period 3 weeks ago......but WILL NOT go in 12......... How much longer?
  18. E

    Need Help Identifying My Frog

    not making noise any noise as of yet. I THINK, it maybe a tree frog. The toes seem to have enlarged toe tips(hard to tell)as well as the stripe through the eyes. I been looking online and the closest thing i could come up with was 3 different species of tree frog that all can be found in this...
  19. E

    Need Help Identifying My Frog

    Hey everyone. Need a bit of help. My daughter caught a frog/toad while on a camping trip to Lake Camanche. It is located in Calaveras County California. The frog was in a small hole in the dock we were fishing on. He came out and we kept him. He is only about 1 inch. I think it's a baby. The...
  20. E

    My 20G Setup

    The filter says 20-40 which I assume is for a 20-40 gallon tank? My tank is 20g so I should be good there. The plants are fine. Another member talked about how on some plants if the light does not penetrate to well to the lower leaves the they will die off. This is what happened with mine. The...
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    My 20G Setup

    Going on vacation tomorrow. Cycle not finished yet. Almost through probably 3-5 days away. I'm gonna dose in the morning and pray. I do have snails now thanks to the hitch hikers on my plants. Never got an answer on whether or not they produce ammonia, looks like nobody cares about this thread...
  22. E

    Couple Cycling Questions

    Sweet, thanks bud! Hey I was thinking, since I have all these #40## snails now(not sure if you seen other post) do they generate an ammonia source? I know for a fact they aren't sensitive to Nitates or Nitrites because they are both off the chartsn,LOL
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    My 20G Setup

    I'm calming down about the snails , still not happy but I think I can mange to keep the numbers down if I want to. Will have to see how fast they reproduce. I have one of these hang on the edge waterfall type filters(not sure the proper name) but its the very common type sold with low to mid...
  24. E

    Question About My Filter And Cleaning It.

    So some of you may have seen my thread journaling my adventures into fish less cycling. I have one of these hang on the edge waterfall type filters(not sure the proper name) but its the very common type sold with low to mid end...
  25. E

    Where Can I Get Bicarbonate Soda?

    Thanks. Actually after a little more research I found out yes baking soda is the same as bicarbonate soda but baking powder is not the same, it is baking soda with several other ingredients. Anyway I have a box of good old Arm & goes nothing I hope this doesn't destroy my filter.
  26. E

    Where Can I Get Bicarbonate Soda?

    I'm fish less cycling and my ph is getting down to 6.5 so I wanna raise it. Where can I get bicarbonate soda? I heard baking soda is not the same and all I can find is baking soda.
  27. E

    Couple Cycling Questions

    HOLY CRUD!!! THERE SNAILS".......WTH. I was trying to show the wife the little creatures when I looked at the backside of the drift wood and saw a HUGE snail cruising along. How did this happen? The only thing new I have added to the tank was the new gravel. And I washed that out like...
  28. E

    My 20G Setup

    HOLY CRUD!!! THERE SNAILS".......WTH. I was trying to show the wife the little creatures when I looked at the backside of the drift wood and saw a HUGE snail cruising along. How did this happen? The only thing new I have added to the tank was the new gravel. And I washed that out like...
  29. E

    My 20G Setup

    So I am in the middle of my fish less cycle and I am going on vacation july16-19. What is the best way to keep my cycle going? Is fish food the only way? I don't wanna muck up the tank. Also I noticed the other day there are some tiny little creatures buzzing about on the inside of the glass...
  30. E

    Couple Cycling Questions

    So I am in the middle of my fish less cycle and I am going on vacation july16-19. What is the best way to keep my cycle going? Is fish food the only way? I don't wanna muck up the tank. Also I noticed the other day there are some tiny little creatures buzzing about on the inside of the glass...
  31. E

    Been Fishless Cycling For 3 Weeks Now But!

    Ah soooo that's why my ph is crashing. Good to know.
  32. E

    Collecting Tank Decor From Outside

    I live next to a rock quarry and a man made flood channel creek. There are lots of cool rocks and driftwood. How do you know if something is ok to put into the tank or not?
  33. E

    My 20G Setup

    UPDATE: I think I see movement in the Nitrite reading. I mean it's still goes dark purple but it is light blue for about 10seconds first which never used to happen. Used to go purple as soon as the first drip hit the water. nitrates are consistently off the chart now. Hope it won't be long as I...
  34. E

    Overfeeding Amano Shrimp

    Hmmm? Good question, I would like to know as well. I will be keeping some ghost shrimp soon.
  35. E

    Beginer In Caring For Fry

    You need to either put the fry back into the main tank using a breeders box/net/trap etc. Or you will need to use some of your main tanks filter media to put in with the fry or they will eventually get ammonia/nitrite poising.
  36. E

    New Fish - Only Two Survivors - Need Help/advise

    I have that particular ammonia test and mine always looks the same. Never quite clear of zero it always looks like there is a little green tint. Get the API Master test kit. Even though it is made by the same manufacture the ammonia reading is more accurate.
  37. E

    Fishless Cycle - Ammonia Not Going Down

    Also I noticed that not all color charts are exactly the same. For instance I have the API master kit and a separate ammonia only liquid test from the same manufacture API. If you compare the two color charts you see that the shades of color don't necessarily match, at least mine don't. On the...
  38. E

    My 20G Setup

    UPDATE: So lights have been cut back to 4-5 hrs and no change in the water test results. I am clearing ammonia in 10hrs but no noticeable drop in nitrite yet every test has been dark purple. But what I have noticed is the Nitrate reading will be between 5-20 twelve hrs after dosing ammonia(I...
  39. E

    Where Am I In My Novice Fishless Cycle?

    I believe so, you need to reach double zero in 12 hr not 24