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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. JasonMichael

    What Is This Fish?

                    Awesome thanks guys! It got given to me with my small tank purchase, he is still quite small but I'll move him to my large 4 foot tank once that has been rescaped in a week or so! Thanks :) 
  2. JasonMichael

    Downsizing My Tank

    Ordered mine today! Can't wait to get it! It'll really help the maintenance time weekly now, and I'll be able to resume the hobby which I love!          Haha it's quite funny, I go from potentially downsizing and getting rid of my old tank and having a melt down to keeping both haha! The main...
  3. JasonMichael

    What Is This Fish?

    I recently purchased a small fish tank, second hand - and the guy I bought it off said I could have the fish in it as well but he wasn't sure what is was.    Could anybody please tell me what sort of fish this is?   Thanks!      
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  5. JasonMichael

    Downsizing My Tank

                      Thanks for all the input guys! Really appreciate it.    After doing more research I've come across a device called The Python No Spill Clean & Fill System - its a rare find in Australia but Amazon do ship them here which is great, no LFS here really sell them, although they do...
  6. JasonMichael

    Downsizing My Tank

        Awesome, thanks heaps of the advice. Might have to give the water change pump a go and do it weekly. Thanks!   If anyone else has any advice or experience with this, would love to hear from you! 
  7. JasonMichael

    Downsizing My Tank

      Thanks Far_King!  At the moment I would be cleaning the glass weekly, with a monthly water change, and I've found its generally working for me, however lately there has been such an algae build up its really becoming difficult and longer to remove it.    Would you suggest a Rock/Wood scape? Or...
  8. JasonMichael

    Downsizing My Tank

    Hi Fish lovers!   I've had to make the hard choice to downsize my tank from a  350 litre Juwel Rio 300 to a Fluvial Edge 48 litre (huge difference). I've found I didn't have as much time on my hands anymore to maintain the tank. Has anyone else had any solutions to keep a large tank running with...
  9. JasonMichael

    Fish Breeding: Is This Setup Okay?

    Thats cool, what size would you recommend for BN? 
  10. JasonMichael

    Fish Breeding: Is This Setup Okay?

    Hey guys,   I've got a spare tank laying around and I was thinking of giving fish breeding ago. I've recently gotten into the L series of plecos which are just stunning, but I'm going to try and breed some Peppermints and normal Bristlenose first before getting into the breeding of the L series...
  11. JasonMichael

    Another 3D Background Project

    Awesome stuff! 3D looks great!! 
  12. JasonMichael

    Co2 Query

      No worries, thanks for that :) 
  13. JasonMichael

    Co2 Query

  14. JasonMichael

    Co2 Query

    Hey guys,   In August of last year I went and got my Co2 canister refilled, however I only noticed in around Oct-Nov that it was suddenly empty again which was strange, I still haven't had a chance to head back to the shop to get it refilled as my tank has been running quite fine without the...
  15. JasonMichael

    Corydora Eyes Eaten.. Still Alive...

      Follow the instructions on the bottle - it might be harder to pick up than you think, I don't see AquaSed in many LFS at all.   I felt so bad for the Oscar I saw in the store, every time he bumped into something he panicked and went nuts, could see right through his head.. Morbid eh.    ...
  16. JasonMichael

    Plants Not Looking Too Good...

          Lol all good guys under control, I've taken on the advise and all seems to be working fine for now in my new setup :)
  17. JasonMichael

    Corydora Eyes Eaten.. Still Alive...

      Yep thats the stocking in my signature, and I spoke to one of the guys at my LFS and he said I wouldn't need to worry about the BGK anytime soon and it would be a future problem. I do really love that fish though, I'm in 2 minds weather to keep him or give him back he's grown so well in the...
  18. JasonMichael

    Corydora Eyes Eaten.. Still Alive...

      Well it appears I may get rid of my BGK eventually :( so strange though he's never done that before 
  19. JasonMichael

    Corydora Eyes Eaten.. Still Alive...

    I cant do this LOL, gahhhh!! I'm assume the clove oil is the best thing... have you done this before? :( 
  20. JasonMichael

    Corydora Eyes Eaten.. Still Alive...

    I've recently introduced 2 corydoras into my tank, I came today to find one of them had one of its eyes eaten out... a few hours later, the second eye is gone too but... IT'S STILL ALIVE!!   What do I do? :| Do I leave it in there or flush him :( poor lil thing!    I have a feeling it was my BGK...
  21. JasonMichael

    New Setup, Want To Add More Fish But....

      Thanks wills, I'll keep an eye out for the BGK, if he does become aggressive I may have to get rid of him :( which is shame, he is awesome haha.    In terms of the scape, do you think I would need to look at anymore hiding spots with rocks/plants or do you think its okay? 
  22. JasonMichael

    My Juwel Rio 300 Journal!

    Thanks Sarah-Maree - You've probably figured I posted in a previous thread as well with regards to the above haha.    I bought the background at a local store in Melbourne but found them online as well, I highly recommend it if you're wanting to black out the back of ur Juwel, the fish love it...
  23. JasonMichael

    New Setup, Want To Add More Fish But....

      That would be pretty awesome haha, but yeah know whatcha mean. Should be okay though!
  24. JasonMichael

    New Setup, Want To Add More Fish But....

     that's really exciting! The juwels are fantastic! I'm thinking of trying out gouramis and Bolivian rams. What's ur stocking like?   ill have a look at the hair grass, I had a feeling that might have been the case. As for my BGK he is actually quite friendly with the tetras, I've had them in...
  25. JasonMichael

    New Setup, Want To Add More Fish But....

    Thanks! That's awesome, what kind of tank did you get? :)    Thanks man! 
  26. JasonMichael

    New Setup, Want To Add More Fish But....

    Hi guys! I've recently completed a new setup for my 300 litre tank, so far so good! I had a bit of an algae issue with my old setup, spoke to a few people on here in other threads and turns out it most likely was because I stopped the Flourish Excel, I played around with my Co2 levels, lighting...
  27. JasonMichael

    My Juwel Rio 300 Journal!

    Hi guys! I haven't posted any updates lately in this thread. I had a bit of an algae issue with my old setup, spoke to a few people on here in other threads and turns out it most likely was because I stopped the Flourish Excel, I played around with my Co2 levels, lighting and flow too which was...
  28. JasonMichael

    Plants Not Looking Too Good...

    Now that you mention it the bba did appear around the same time i stopped the excel.    the Co2 is showing light green. Should I be using excel/easycarbo as a replacement for the co2 canister or be using them both?    Thanks so much for your help, I'll give it a go =D
  29. JasonMichael

    Plants Not Looking Too Good...

      The co2 indicator is showing green and I have an inline system. At the moment I have a bubble a second, should I increase this? I currently have excel which I stopped using because I have Neutro+, should I begin using excel as well now to remove the bba?    I'll get some easycarbo as it's...
  30. JasonMichael

    Plants Not Looking Too Good...

    Hi guys - here are some pics I just took of the algae issue, any thoughts on how to get rid of this, quickly?   I've done everything which people have suggested but just can't seem to shake it off!         I've just posted up some photos to give you an idea of the scale of the issue.. the...
  31. JasonMichael

    Plants Not Looking Too Good...

    Alright, so what would or could you suggest? It's weird because I have enough flow, co2 seems fine drop checking is showing green in different spots, ferts seem good as my plants are growing great... hmmmm
  32. JasonMichael

    Plants Not Looking Too Good...

    Hey guys - I've taken everyone's suggestions with CO2 times, Neutro+ dosage and lighting, my plants have grown however I still have an algae issue on my driftwood and plants. What could I do to get rid of the algae? Because there is a lot, could it be worth it to just remove everything and...
  33. JasonMichael

    Plants Not Looking Too Good...

    Thanks slim! I ordered some from the UK :) thanks heaps for your help! 
  34. JasonMichael

    Plants Not Looking Too Good...

    Great thanks for that. I googled Neurto+ however nothing really came up. Is it the name of the brand? I have changed the timing so thanks again for that. If I can't get the Neutro+ here in Australia do u know of anything else instead of Seachem? 
  35. JasonMichael

    Fluval 406 Changes, Need Some Assistance...

    Great, thanks for your help Bodge!! :) 
  36. JasonMichael

    Plants Not Looking Too Good...

    Sorry SO19 I thought I replied in the previous thread but I just checked and it didn't go through! You mentioned I need proper plant food if i stick with seachem, does that mean I should look at getting the Nitrogen and Phosphorous? Or do you recommend a better plant food?    Sounds good I'll...
  37. JasonMichael

    Plants Not Looking Too Good...

    Hi guys, I previously posted in another section but thought I'd try here..   I've had my Rio 300 for almost a year now, and here is a breakdown of my routine.   - I'm currently using a Co2 diffuser in my tank (on for around 6 hours daily), dosing with excel 7.5ml daily, trace 20ml every 3 days...
  38. JasonMichael

    Fluval 406 Changes, Need Some Assistance...

    Hi guys,    I'm currently in the process of making a few changes to my setup which I'd like to get some assistance with.   The Fluval 406 uses ribbed hosing 17mm which is currently installed, I'm wanting to add:   - A Hydor Inline 300w Heater which is 16mm...
  39. JasonMichael

    Not Happy With Plant Results

    Hmmm, I'm a little confused haha. I thought P&N was in what im dosing already?    Filter is fluval 406, between that and the powerhead which is 2600 l/h from memory, there is a good amount of flow in the tank. My lights are 54 watts each, so 2 Day lights at 54 each and same for the blue at...