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  1. cornclose

    Project Thread - Complete Aquarium Control System

    Looking a bit overgrown when these were taken a few weeks ago as I'd only just got back from an extended period away (several auto water changes all performed without issue though, so water quality second to none..); Penguin Tetras and Tiger Barbs make great tank mates, and they love it...
  2. cornclose

    Project Thread - Complete Aquarium Control System

    It isn't - I guessed at the depth and it's probably not that deep. I will measure it when I get home. It's probably no more than 150mm though. It is deeper than you'd normally require as it covers the under-bed filter mechanism. So the depth of substrate is probably not the depth it covers, if...
  3. cornclose

    Aquarium Maintenance Gadgets

    I've created a project thread now anyway..
  4. cornclose

    Project Thread - Complete Aquarium Control System

    Hello everyone, I'm not new as I've been lurking for years, but as you can see I haven't made much in the way of posts here for a while.. Anyhow, I'd thought I'd start a project thread having never really done an aquarium project thread before (although I've done lots of projects!). So...
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  6. cornclose

    Aquarium Maintenance Gadgets

    Sorry, had trouble with my DMZ port forwarding over the last few days so the image didn't show up sometimes. I've attached it also.
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  8. cornclose

    Aquarium Maintenance Gadgets

    I've been using a seneye reef in my freshwater hi-tech tank for a few years now. Along with lots more 'stuff' which makes life much easier and keeps the aquarium incredibly stable.
  9. cornclose

    Tank Drilling - Notts Area (Uk)

    Thanks - I will be going there sometime, may even buy the tank from them if they have something suitable.
  10. cornclose

    Fluval Chi

    I bought one used from my LFS for £15 - never used it as a tank but it's used as a mini-sump for my 180 litre planted tank.
  11. cornclose

    Tank Drilling - Notts Area (Uk)

    Hi all, Does anyone know of someone who can drill a tank ? I want a single hole drilling for an overflow, at the upper edge of a small tank. Since the tank is only small, the hole will only need to be 12-15mm or something similar (haven't calculated it yet). It will be a new tank.. Thanks.
  12. cornclose

    Trying To Identify A Small Aquarium..

    That's the ones, I'm pretty sure! Many thanks.. I had googled and googled for 'aquarium' and things like 'double', 'single', 'triple' and 1, 2 and 3 etc but never thought to try 'duo' and 'trio' and 'mono'. Thanks again!
  13. cornclose

    Trying To Identify A Small Aquarium..

    Hello, long time no type.. I was in one of the local LFS's the other week and saw a range of what I presume are new nano aquariums. They were in one of three types, and consisted of a single display tank/compartment, or similar ones with two or even three compartments - like there were two or...
  14. cornclose

    Diy Overflow Drip System Problem

    And there's nothing wrong with a pumped system providing you design it correctly and it will fail safe.
  15. cornclose

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

    What happened ? It's been a while...
  16. cornclose

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

    Any news ? The suspense is killing me!
  17. cornclose

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

    It's not the lower level of the siphon that matters though, it's the upper level of the water. Granted, the contraption and the bucket may be at the same level when the siphon starts, but for the same unit volume of water that leaves the siphon, the level in the contraption will increase at a...
  18. cornclose

    Eheim Jeager Calibration

    I would say there is no 'need' to calibrate them. All you want to know is that they are maintaining the desired temperature within your tank consistently and accurately.   In other words, if you set them at say 26 degrees, it doesn't really matter that they cycle at 26 degrees or any other...
  19. cornclose

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

    Ok having read the above more thoroughly I will ask one question; When you are testing the syphon into a 5 gallon bucket, what is the distance between the top surface of the tank water to that of the surface of the water in the bucket that fills ?   The reason I ask is that on all of the above...
  20. cornclose

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

    I will start my brief response by stating that I haven't read *all* of the above in detail, but would just like to point out that I suspect the syphon rate is going to be governed by the 'head of water' from the level of the syphon entry point (the main tank) to the syphon exit point (the...
  21. cornclose

    Juwel Trigon Aquarium With Stand - Free

    SOLD! Well, collected for free!
  22. cornclose

    Juwel Trigon Aquarium With Stand - Free

    You have PM!
  23. cornclose

    Juwel Trigon Aquarium With Stand - Free

    I've just text'd him about Sunday morning. Back shortly...
  24. cornclose

    Juwel Trigon Aquarium With Stand - Free

    I'm sure Sunday would be fine as no money needs to change hands and he wouldn't even need to be at home. Are you close to NG12 ?
  25. cornclose

    Juwel Trigon Aquarium With Stand - Free

    As soon as possible.. Ideally by the end of the week or at the weekend.
  26. cornclose

    Juwel Trigon Aquarium With Stand - Free

    Equipment make/model/size: Juwel Trigon Aquarium with black surround and stand Quantity for sale: One Reason for Sale: Belongs to a friend who's giving up the hobby Delivery or Collection: Collection Only Sales price: FREE!! Postage & Packaging: N/A Location: Nottinghamshire, NG12 Photograph...
  27. cornclose

    Whisper Air Pump Flow Rates

    I don't use an air pump full time, but I do have one in my tank which switches on automatically once a set lower pH/upper CO2 limit is reached, which will only usually happen overnight. It rarely switches on, but it does from time to time.
  28. cornclose

    Issue With Sump

    It almost doesn't really matter how big the gravity feed hose is - it will only ever return to the sump whatever water the pump delivers to the tank in the first place.
  29. cornclose

    Eheim Pro 3 2080 Leaking

    Sounds like it's maybe pressurized more than it should be ? Any blockages elsewhere in the filter system/tubes etc ?
  30. cornclose

    Diy Led Lighting: There Is An Easier Way!

    I've been using the GU10 LED fixtures for a few years with no issues whatsoever in a heavily planted tank that's 1m deep.   Beats paying £££'s for 'aquarium' fittings - total of 5 watts per LED unit, available in 'daylight white' and pure blue, it really does make my setup look stunning.
  31. cornclose

    Where To Get The Right Acrylic Tank For My Living Room Corner

    Mine is a CleAir cylinder tank which I believe is Chinese. It's been excellent though, and has never leaked, currently six years old. It can be a bit of a pain to maintain at times as the water is about 1m deep!
  32. cornclose

    Safely Lowering Ph

    I use one of these CO2 inline reactors: It's the best reactor by far I've ever used, and I've tried most. There is absolutely NO CO2 wastage from these. Every bubble has to get dissolved into the water and thus into the tank, unless you have a stupidly high bubble rate which empties the water...
  33. cornclose

    Safely Lowering Ph

    Out of interest, how closely do your API pH test and seneye readings correlate ? Your three bubbles per second doesn't sound too far off, but if you're losing two bubbles per second thats not being dissolved into the water then it won't be anywhere near enough.
  34. cornclose

    Safely Lowering Ph

    I would suggest then that either the CO2 you're injecting isn't dissolving into the water (i.e. it's being wasted, perhaps a leak ?) or your pH and/or KH measurements are inaccurate. Reducing the pH of your water by means other than CO2 injection won't then allow you to inject CO2 more easily...
  35. cornclose

    Safely Lowering Ph

    How much did your pH go down by ? And what type of CO2 diffuser/reactor are you using ?
  36. cornclose

    Safely Lowering Ph

    Adding CO2 will reduce the pH. How quickly and by how much will depend on your buffering capacity (KH).
  37. cornclose

    Eheim Professional 3 Filter Media Set

    Re the above - is it worth the money or should I just get some other media to use in a Pro3e filter ? Anyone ?
  38. cornclose

    Can Anyone Id This Algae Eater

    Here's a better photo of one of them; They're still doing seemingly well - very active and vigorous in their cleaning abilities. They do rather like milling about near my reef pump too.
  39. cornclose

    Can Anyone Id This Algae Eater

    Thanks a lot chaps. I've googled it and it is indeed a hillstream loach. They seem to have settled in nicely.
  40. cornclose

    Can Anyone Id This Algae Eater

    I was given a couple of these at the weekend, I don't know what they are and neither did the doner - any ideas ? Look like some kind of pleco or catfish, currently they're about 35 mm long nose to end of tail; Anyone ?