Issue With Sump


New Member
Jun 8, 2013
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I have an issue with my sump.  The problem is I bought a pump from petsmart that puts out from 264 to 500gph and Im using a 1in in dia hose for both gravity fed and return fed.  The bulk head Im using are 3/4 to 5/8 heads I believe I dont remember.
The issue is that the gravity fed hose does not supply enough water to match the pump at the lowest setting which is 260gph, what should or how should I go about fixing this issue.
Plz help i dont want to come home and find my living room floor full of water.
Thanks in advance.
Simply put you need a bigger hose. The narrowest point, which may be your bulkheads, will limit flow.
Personally I set up with a simple rule that the feed pipe must be bigger than the return pipe, that way this can't (edit-well shouldn't, there are always things that can block pipes) happen.
So I need to a bigger hose for ravity fed.  How much bigger thats the question. Since Im using 1in dia should i try a 1.25 and up or how do i figure out how much water flow there will be.  I using pvc pipes at each end of the gravity fed hose for water suction into the sump. 
Do you think the pvc pipe also play a role in limiting water flow too.
It almost doesn't really matter how big the gravity feed hose is - it will only ever return to the sump whatever water the pump delivers to the tank in the first place.

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