Eheim Pro 3 2080 Leaking


Fish Crazy
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
South East London
Guys, I've had my Eheim 2080 for about 4 years now and have had no problems with it up until about 6 months ago when I noticed it was leaking slightly. At this stage I simply cleaned the rubber seals and applied some synthetic grease to them before refitting the lid and that seemed to do the job. But a couple of months ago it started leaking again, so last week I replaced all the seals but was dismayed this evening to shine a torch under and behind the filter and see a pool of water sitting in the bottom of the cabinet again. The leak is slight but shows itself clearly after a few days and seems to come from the join between the top and bottom sections.
I have noticed recently that when I remove the top section that the water level seems high and water spills when I remove the top and when I replace it. Not sure if it's always been this high, but I don't remember replacing the lid before having the effect of displacing the water in the canister so it spills over the sides.
Has anyone experienced similar....any advice on how to stop the leaking?
Alternatively, I'd be happy to buy a replacement if trying to cure the leak becomes too time consuming, but what to go for? My tank is a 5x2x2 community setup with about 480 litres of water in it, housing a wide range of fish that have lived happily and healthily together for years. Basically I would need something that provides as good, or better, filtration as the 2080 and one that is considered reliable, Price is not an issue.....quality and reliability are. The only area I'd mark the 2080 down on (other than the current leak) is the physical filtration, so improving that area would be good.
Thanks for any advice.
I have 4 2076e's that don't leak
Stupid question, but have you checked the lid clamps for signs of wear, or signs of wear on the lid itself, where it clamps on?
NEver understood the 2080, 2 inputs, one output????
Perhaps it might be wise to go for 2 filters if this one is knackered, that way, if one goes south, you at least have 1 working until you can sort the knackered one out.
I have 3 running on my big tank and about to add the 4th
I know you said you applied grease to the seals, but I would try Vaseline. I had the same problem and it worked for me.
If this doesn't solve the problem and you intend on buying a replacement I would go with the fx5.
It has the reputation as one of the best on the market.
Internet is wonderful! I'm having exactly the same problem with a 2080 since two days. Right now I'm thinking that the adaptor in some way that is the problem because I have tried with two different pump heads with the same result. It looks like the water is coming from "above" and when the upper part of the pump head is filled up then it starts leaking from the sides. If I look down the primer with a flashlight I can see water level slowly rising prior to the leakage starts and when I remove the pump head and pour out excess water the process starts over again. When I changed three seals on the adapter and the one on the flow meter then the leakage declined but did not stop entirely.  
It might be problem with pressure but I do not think that I have any problem with the hoses.
I will try to disassemble the adaptor on Wednesday and see if something seems be the cause there.
Any help and suggestions would be much appreciated.

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