Diy Overflow Drip System Problem


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2013
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Ok everyone here is my problem.

I want to do an overflow drip system. I think I have the drip system down good for now. The problem is with the overflow. The overflow needs to be on the sump and my bathroom is on the other side of the wall were the tank will be. All good so far. The issue is I cant get the flow height over the height of the drain under the sink for the excess water to drain. Water cant flow up hill. I thought of putting in a vent under the sink and then insert a small line into the drain, in enough until the end of the line is about 3 or 4 inches below the level needed. The problem I see is water would still have flow about 1 or 2 inches up first.

I dont want to do a float and pump as I wont sleep nights.

I hope someone comes up with something otherwise, I am back to manual water changes.
You can get water to flow uphill, so long as it exits downhill and is in an unbroken syphon. However any break in the syphon would need some means of autorestarting it otherwise you still wouldn't be able to sleep nights.
There are ways of autostarting syphons, or automaintaining them.
I decided to open the wall and add a saddle on the drain pipe closer to the floor. I will add a check valve along with a water loop to prevent any gas entering the the sump.
DrRob you are not getting water to flow uphill, it is merely rising on its way down hill. If the exit point of the syphon is above the level of the water, there will be no flow. The closest one can come is capillary action.
This is how I solved it. Added a trap for gas and check valve if the drain ever gets backed up


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