Search results

  1. P

    Troublesome Tetra!

    Ive got a group of ember tetras which are pretty cool, they tend to shoal together most of the time (theres one thats a bit of a loner, but he does join in with the others sometimes) :)
  2. P

    Adding Betta To Already Established Cory Tank

    Had 2 boys in with my panda cories (no not at the same time) neither were interested in the cories, they even eat off the same algae wafer sometimes though i may just be lucky to have had placid males! probably helps that my betta likes to hang out at the top of the tank and the cories obviously...
  3. P

    Oh Dear... :(

    he's now been banned from fish feeding (hes quite a clever cookie so thought he would get it right) lesson learnt should i fast the cories for a day or two to make sure theyre ok too?
  4. P

    Oh Dear... :(

    Left my other half in charge of feeding my fish (betta and 5 panda corys) over the weekend whilst I was away, showed him exactly how much to give and now my poor betta seems to be constipated! reckon bf wanted to treat them a bit So... noticed he hasnt been himself since I got back Sunday but...
  5. P

    20 Long Planted Betts

    anubias is a low light level plant and easy to grow, theres quite a bit of info on easy to grow plants over in the planted section i think someone had some anubias for sale the other day too (UK) sorry i dont know if any schooling fishies will fit in your tank, im sure someone else will know
  6. P

    Very Poorly Panda

    Thank you for the reply, i'll get some protozin this morning (day off uni today!) and see how it goes, i assume this will treat the other corys in the tank if they have it too but are asymptomatic at the moment?
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    Very Poorly Panda

    I have a poorly panda cory he's(?) smaller than the other 5 bought at the same time (about 6 weeks ago) but yesterday was looking a bit agitated and i noticed the eyes look cloudy and this morning theres white spots on the fins and very little movement ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10. No new...
  8. P

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    One of my cute lil panda corys having a nap
  9. P

    Java Fern

    lovely! plants received, many thanks x
  10. P


    looks pretty cool apart from the impending death of the fish... :(
  11. P

    Java Fern

    could i have a clump please? :D
  12. P

    Science Fair Project?

    erm pretty much the whole agricultural business is based around the nitrogen cycle (also its environmental implications combined with farming industry)... learned about it for my GCSE's and science A levels so would think its a safe bet for your science project
  13. P

    Cloudy Water

    bloom is happening to me too! though my fish box is 2nd hand :( can a particular brand of tank be prone to such things? had media from my "old" filter in "new" filter for about a week, plants for 2 days but the waters just sooo cloudy, ive drained it right down so hopefully it'll sort itself out...
  14. P

    Quick Help For Me Please Re Corys

    pic please! thinking of getting some corys to live with my platys too, would like to see what they look like together :D
  15. P

    That Awkward Moment When...

    nerds = win plus invigilators r mean when they stand behind you watching- v. off putting!!
  16. P

    No Fry But At Least One Platy Has Given Birth This Weeken If Not 2

    i didnt see any fry until i was vaccuming (sp?) my gravel and noticed that what i thought was a stubborn piece of fish poop was actually a fry trying to rehide itself! hope you find some soon! its so exciting
  17. P

    Bizarre, I Know - Platy Toilet Habits

    You are not alone! I swear mine do the same, makes sense if you think about it though... if you feed them at the same time, means it probably takes the same amount of time to process said food and then...yer
  18. P

    Fry Status

    Just saw my first fry :D only mummy fish got overexcited by the w/c i was doing and ate it :( hoping its siblings are better at hiding...
  19. P

    My Supply Of Api Products

    wheres your API water test kit? surely a must have for the collection? :o :P
  20. P

    Air Pump Valve!

    £2.15 from amazon, though you can get them cheaper
  21. P

    Air Pump Valve!

    thank you i now have bubbles!
  22. P

    Air Pump Valve!

    Hi all! Just got an air pump, tubing and one-way valve for my tank but not sure which way round the valve goes (doh!) dont want to get it wrong so if anyone can tell me that would be great
  23. P

    Recently Baught Some Platys. Have A Couple Questions

    My female seems to bother the males rather than the other way round!! what a little hussy ;)
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    New To Platys

    Thanks! Shes now hiding in my submarine ornament :) so hopefully thats where she'll drop them when shes ready!
  25. P

    New To Platys

    Hello all! Bought some platys to start my new hobby :) been doing some reading and wondering if one of them is in fact pregnant?! any help and advice would be lovely
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