Very Poorly Panda


New Member
Apr 27, 2012
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I have a poorly panda cory
he's(?) smaller than the other 5 bought at the same time (about 6 weeks ago) but yesterday was looking a bit agitated and i noticed the eyes look cloudy and this morning theres white spots on the fins and very little movement
ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10. No new fish have been added since these guys, but bought some new plants a week ago
What can i do to make him better?

Looks like whitespot. The cloudy eye could be a bacterial infection, hard to tell from the photo. Your water parameters seem good. Raise the temp to 80', treat with protozin or similar, removing carbon from your filter if you have any. Be sure to follow the instructions closely as part of the cycle sees the fish clear up, the parasite has simply dropped off and this is the point at which it is iradicated, if you don't continue treatment it will re-appear. Raising the temp will speed up the protazoas cycle. :good:
Thank you for the reply, i'll get some protozin this morning (day off uni today!) and see how it goes, i assume this will treat the other corys in the tank if they have it too but are asymptomatic at the moment?
Yeah, with ich (whitespot), you're best to treat the whole tank as it will be at various stages of it's cycle. Also, this saves you the hassle of setting up a hospital tank if you don't have one.

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