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  1. R


    Welcome. Ask away. Helpful peeps on here :good:
  2. R

    Kribensis (Pelvicachromis Pulcher)

    Peter can you post to me Thursday so i receive them Friday now please. Sorry for inconvenience. CAn you confirm this is ok. Allen
  3. R

    New Here

    Welcome to a very friendly and knowledgeable forum.
  4. R

    Kribensis (Pelvicachromis Pulcher)

    I will send payment of £21 now. Can I have them delivered Monday if not Thursday as I'm away for a couple of days. I have just sent the payment. I will pm you my details.
  5. R

    Golden Apple Snails

    Have you still got snails available? 5 for £5. If so I will have some.
  6. R

    Kribensis (Pelvicachromis Pulcher)

    Can I have a 1 Male and 3 females please
  7. R

    Cherry Shrimp - 20 For £10

    Can these shrimp be added to a community tank? I have two kribs, zebra danios, mollies, bronze corys, and a bristle nose. If they can I will take twenty if available.
  8. R

    Kribensis (Pelvicachromis Pulcher)

    I'm interested in purchasing two. What would the postage be to Ipswich?
  9. R

    Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

    Well I made an executive decision and dosed ammonia up to 2ppm this time to see what happens over next twelve hours. I will test the ammonia levels and nitrites again in the morning. I guess I was rising to high before. The ammonia was processing but nitrites were sky high and dosing every...
  10. R

    Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

    Just got home from work and done a 95% water change. I checked the nitrite from my buckets I was using to fill the tank and they were 0 ppm. I filled tank back up and left running for ten minutes and checked nitrites. They are 0 ppm. I will re check in about an hour when I get back home again...
  11. R

    Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

    Thanks all for the advice. I'm thinking my nitrites before the first big water change I done were actually off the scale and not zero. As I mentioned when I test for nitrite of tap water the drops in the bottom of test tube go straight to blue but my tank water goes deep purple then after five...
  12. R

    Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

    Yeah I was re dosing ammonia to 4 ppm every time the reading was zero. This was every twelve hours. I will change all the water tomorrow after work. Easy getting it out syphoning straight outside but hard refilling using buckets. Ordered tap connector like on your link to re fill I did add...
  13. R

    Living The Dream 15 Years On

    Checked my water stats this morning before going to lfs and my nitrites were off the chart? Checked tap water they all fine. Changed water again today and ammonia still zero but nitrites still off chart. Will run the fish less cycle over the next few days. I was adding ammonia every twelve hours...
  14. R

    Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

    I changed 90% of my tank water earlier. Still had nitrites reading. Will leave it a few hours and re test. Won't add any ammonia for a while.
  15. R

    Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

    Excellent. Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it. I'm glad I checked my readings this morning and didn't go and purchase any fish.
  16. R

    Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

    Ok. I will change my water when I get home in an hour or so. Once refilled should I check for nitrites again or re dose ammonia? Will I have to leave tank running then check for nitrites or will it show straight away?
  17. R

    Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

    Ah ok. I was testing and dosing every 12 hours. I will add some ammonia now and see what happens in the next 12 hours and hold off the fish. I have tested nitrites again and odour still deep purple. It was light blue before.
  18. R

    Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

    Just tested my tap water and the nitrites are 0ppm Ammonia is 0 ppm on tap water. Nitrates is 30 ppm from tap The only other thing I done whilst doing a 95% water change was to drop the heter temp down from 30'c to 27'c.
  19. R

    Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

    Yesterday I drained my tank 95% as my fish less cycle was complete. I had 0ppm ammonia and the same nitrite. It was processing both within 12 hours. I made sure it was fully cycled by dosing every twelve hours for a few days. Nitrates wre around 5 ppm Tested my water this morning as I was...
  20. R

    Finally A Picture Of.....

    What an earth are those little creatures? Do they share a tank with community fish. :blink:
  21. R

    Living The Dream 15 Years On

    I have just done 95% water change, leave tank to settle rest of today and tomorrow I will go and buy some fish. Really looking forward to seeing my tank have colourful fish at last. I haven't added any ammonia after doing the water change. Not sure if this is correct.
  22. R

    55 Gallon Planted Tank

    Hi and welcome. Wow you have been looking after fish for a very longtime. Cracking work
  23. R

    Living The Dream 15 Years On

    Ok thanks for advice. I like the idea of livebearers. Are there any livebearers that would be compatible with the Kribs or am I best to leave them out? Checked water stats again tonight and I'm processing ammonia and nitrite in 12 hours. Nitrate still at 5 ppm. Fish this Sunday me thinks. :shout:
  24. R

    Living The Dream 15 Years On

    I want some danios, guppies, cherry barbs, corys,bristle nose cat fish and possibly two kribs.
  25. R

    Ebay Bargin So Happy :-)

    Nice. I want a 3D back ground. Don't the fish jump out of the tank in the photo as it doesn't have a lid?
  26. R

    New Member

    Hi and welcome. This is a very helpful and friendly forum. :hi:
  27. R

    Living The Dream 15 Years On

    I have some plants being dropped in tomorrow so will get them in my tank first. I will then keep an eye on my stats. I will hopefully get the start of my fish collection Sunday after I have taken my little girl swimming. :good:
  28. R

    Living The Dream 15 Years On

    Water stats this morning Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite 0 ppm Nitrate 5 ppm Ph 7.8 Dosed again to 4ppm ammonia. Take stats tonight. Possibility of fish in tank at the weekend. When I add fish do I leave the bag floating on the top of the water with lights off? I will have to remove lid. Do it then tip...
  29. R

    Living The Dream 15 Years On

    Well I dosed ammonia again this morning to 4 ppm. My water stats just now were ammonia 0 ppm. Nitrites 0ppm. Nitrates 5 ppm. Think I'm getting somewhere now. First time my nitrites been 0ppm. Dosed up again so will check the stats in the morning. Very pleased with these results. I will...
  30. R

    My Head Is Hurting

    I'm actually confused now as I was following the advice on the beginners resource page on this forum. I think I will stick to this advice going forward.
  31. R

    Hi From Jonc.

    Hi and welcome. I love your tank. How do you get all the air bubbles at the rear. Sorry for the noob question :crazy:
  32. R

    When To Add Plants

    Thanks for your advice. It is a very slow process but it has been speeded up by my filter media donation. Hopefully my nitrite munching bacs are developing nicely. Two different views on the last two posts about adding plants at this stage
  33. R

    Newbie Plants Advice

    Hi. I'm about to plant my tank with the following plants and wondered if you kind people could advise me on any care for these plants. I have a 126 litre Fluval duo deep coming to the end of the fish less cycle. Plants I intend to get are: Java moss Bacopa Caroliniana Broad Leaf Anubias...
  34. R

    When To Add Plants

    Excellent thanks for the advice. I will let them know in plants section what I want and see what I need.
  35. R

    When To Add Plants

    Ive nearly completed my fishless cycling. My filter has been processing the ammonia within 12 hours, just waiting for the same to happen to the nitrites. Been processing the ammonia now in 12 hours for 4 days. When would the best time for me to add live plants to my setup? I have a 126 litre...
  36. R

    Living The Dream 15 Years On

    Ammonia processing in 12 hours now. Nitrites around 4ppm. Ive been dosing the ammonia back up to 4 ppm every time to drops to zero. just awaiting game to get those nitrites to process now. Went and and had a Look around our lfs earlier. When s the best time for me to add the plants and bog...
  37. R

    Aston's Introduction!

    Welcome matey. I used to keep fish when I was 13 until I was 20. Then didnt have any until now... I'm 36.
  38. R

    Living The Dream 15 Years On

    Checked ammonia levels at 0500hrs this morning and they were 4ppm. Checked them again when i got home at 1600hrs and they had dropped to Zero! I checked for Nitrites for the first time and they were off the chart. I have dosed to 4 ppm with ammonia again and will check again in the morning...