Hi From Jonc.


New Member
Apr 15, 2012
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Hi all, im pretty much a newbie to fish forums but have been keeping fish on and off for 20 years. Only had pretty basic setups though. This is my current one in a 3 foot tank.


Im looking at remoddeling in the near future. Am going down the "real" plant route and I've read about cat litter etc, just unsure whether to stop with gravel or go for sand for the top layer. Im sure there will be loads of questions along the way, so I will start my own thread when the changes start.

Just one question for now, can someone explain cycling to me please?
Hey, and welcome! - Your tank looks great :hyper:

You've probably already gone through a fish-in cycle but the cycling resource centre may be handy for future reference :)
Hi and welcome. I love your tank. How do you get all the air bubbles at the rear. Sorry for the noob question :crazy:
One of these dude. Just buried a little

Bubbles look good when they're done right, and they are done right :)
Thanks for all the great comments guys
Welcome to the forum. One thing to know, if you ever try saltwater, it's a SICKNESS. I used to have two 10 gallon freshwater. I took one down and made it a nano reef. Now I've got 2 salts, and no fresh. Tank looks great! :good:


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