55 Gallon Planted Tank


New Member
Apr 20, 2012
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A little about myself. My name is Andrew and I have been in the fish hobby for about 34 years. I started with chiclids then moved to a community tank. Like many others I have had my share of illness, stress, and fungi infections. I have a 55 gallon which has been going for 15 years, a 20 gallon for cory's to breed in, and a 10 gallon for quarantine. Out of all the fish I have to say that gourami's are very cool and attractive freshwater fish.

55 gallon planted tank: 2 golden gouramis, 1 3 spotted blue gourami, 1 thick lipped gourami, 1 dwarf gourami, 7 harlequin rasbora's, 3 gold green cory's, 2 dwarf otto's, and a bristle nose pleco. Plants: Amazon sword plant, pennywort, hornwort, and anubius.
Hi and welcome. Wow you have been looking after fish for a very longtime. Cracking work

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