Help. Fish Less Cycle Issue

Thanks all for the advice.

I'm thinking my nitrites before the first big water change I done were actually off the scale and not zero. As I mentioned when I test for nitrite of tap water the drops in the bottom of test tube go straight to blue but my tank water goes deep purple then after five mins turned blue.

Now they turn purple and stay purple.

I only added my plants when I thought my tank was cycled. Another thing my nitrates never went above 5ppm sothis is also making me think the levels of nitrites were off the scale as they weren't getting processed.

Arrrgghhh. Will have to do another water change tonight after work.

Thanks again
Just got home from work and done a 95% water change. I checked the nitrite from my buckets I was using to fill the tank and they were 0 ppm. I filled tank back up and left running for ten minutes and checked nitrites. They are 0 ppm. I will re check in about an hour when I get back home again.

What do I do now? Re dose ammonia to 1 ppm or more? I was processing 4-5 ppm ammonia every twelve hours before.
Well I made an executive decision and dosed ammonia up to 2ppm this time to see what happens over next twelve hours. I will test the ammonia levels and nitrites again in the morning. I guess I was rising to high before. The ammonia was processing but nitrites were sky high and dosing every twelve hours up to 45 ppm wasn't helping. Poor little bacterias.

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