Search results

  1. Gootz

    My Tanks - 60L, 160L, 240L

    Gorgeous tanks and great pics.  Thank you for sharing.
  2. Gootz

    What's Wrong With My Betta's Tail?

    Thanks RCA!
  3. Gootz

    What's Wrong With My Betta's Tail?

    Thanks, it was just a scrape from the driftwood.  It's starting to heal already.
  4. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Haha, as long as you are enjoying yourself and you're providing a good environment for your fishies than that's all that matter. ;)   Keep me posted!  I always like to see what other people are doing with their tanks.  Especially one's with similar setups.  Good luck!
  5. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    I've seen some pics of his stuff and it is really great stuff.  If you do end up getting a nice piece and have some leftover let me know.  I checked out your journal (and commented) to get a feel for your tank.  I like the java moss idea and am going to get some for the new piece whenever that...
  6. Gootz

    My Complete Roma 125 Journal.

    Great journal, thanks for sharing all the ups and downs.  Subbing to keep up with your progress.
  7. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Thanks, he definitely seems more at home now.  Funny you should ask, he actually LOVES the shallow "cave" in the driftwood on left.  You can see in the front.  I think he likes it because it's protected against the filter current.  Occasionally I catch him in the anubias though.    Thanks!  I'm...
  8. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Better late than never (in most cases at least)!  Here's a pic of the tank with the background.  I forgot that my light is set to go off around 7 and it's getting dark after that now thanks to daylight savings time, so I just snapped this pic this morning (hence the window/blinds reflection I...
  9. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    I thought I'd like the black more too, but when I put them on side by side the tank looks a lot better with the scene.  I think it looks really good with the scenic back drop, so if I'm happy then it's all good. ;)  I'll snap a pick in a couple hours for your viewing pleasure. :)
  10. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Decided to go with the more colorful and realistic background on the right.  I'll upload a pic once the sun goes down and there's no reflection on the glass.
  11. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    One of my buddies at the LFS let me cut a couple small strips of backgrounds to try out.  Which one do you like better of these 2? (excuse the blinds reflection...)  
  12. Gootz

    What's Wrong With My Betta's Tail?

    Thanks for chiming in Wildbetta.  That makes a lot of sense.  I'll refrain from the Pimafix and just do a small WC to make sure the nitrates are lowered a bit (even though they're still in the safe zone @ 20-25).
  13. Gootz

    What's Wrong With My Betta's Tail?

    I think I know what happened.  I think he rubbed up against one of the pieces of driftwood in my tank and just damaged his tail a bit.  I noticed him hanging out in and around it right around the time I noticed his tail, but didn't put 2 and 2 together until your suggestion.  I think I'm going...
  14. Gootz

    What's Wrong With My Betta's Tail?

    Thanks for chiming in RCA.   I don't believe it's an old wound because I inspected him thoroughly when I got him.  Also checked him over frequently when I was trying to snap some pics and he didn't have anything wrong.    The size of the wound is the same size and doesn't look like it's growing...
  15. Gootz

    What's Wrong With My Betta's Tail?

    I just noticed this on my betta's tail this morning.  Any idea what this is?  Fin rot?  None of my other fish are showing any signs of disease and the water parameters and everything else seems to be very stable.  
  16. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Just noticed one of my assassin snails was acting weird.  Any idea what he/she's doing?  
  17. Gootz

    My New Betta

    I just noticed something on my betta's tail that is somewhat disconcerting.  Any idea what this is?  
  18. Gootz

    My New Betta

    Thanks guys!
  19. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

      Yeah, when I have the time I'll focus on the background.  I'm sure I can find something I like. 
  20. Gootz

    My New Betta

    Wasn't looking to pick up a betta until after I finished stocking my tank, but when I was heading up front at my LFS to pay for some new plants this guy caught my eye and I knew he'd be perfect.    The pic doesn't do him justice though.  He has some amazing blue stripes in his fins which you...
  21. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

      I'll post this in the Betta section, but thought I'd share here too. The pic doesn't do him justice as he has some amazing blue colors in his fins which you can't see too well in this pic. I tried taking about 10 pics and this was the best one I could get with my camera phone.    
  22. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Will it be too much black with the black eco complete substrate?  I'll play around with some options, maybe snap some pics and share for some opinions.
  23. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Cool, maybe they'll finally start eating the bad snails lol.  Thanks for the info on what to look for.   I was contemplating a background, but haven't settled on anything.  I don't like the fake looking background sheets the LFS sells, nor do I like the solid blue color my other tank has. ...
  24. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    I went to my LFS to pickup some red ludwigia and anacharis, which I did, but on my way up to the register they had this BEAUTIFUL male betta that caught my eye.  The icing on the cake was the bettas were on sale, so I picked him up along with the 2 new plants.  Here's a pic of the tank with the...
  25. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    I'll take a look at which varieties they have.  I've looked them up before and they aren't the colorful ones. 
  26. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Thanks!  Yes, very happy I was able to stabilize everything.  The fish all look happy and have acclimated well.   I'll snap some pics in the coming few days.   Yes, I have considered some rainbow options, but can't find any LFS that stock any that I like.  They have a couple varieties that...
  27. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Quick update, tank is running really smoothly with no further setbacks. It's currently stocked with the 5 silver hatchets (no casualties!), 6 juliis, 1 oto and 1 assassin snail. The tank needs some more plants which I'll be picking up this week. Between the juliis and the hatchets there isn't a...
  28. Gootz

    My 40 Today

      That sucks about the storm and the dead trees, but awesome about having access to the roots like this.    I live in the city, but near the mountains where there are several hiking trails.  Not sure I can get out within the next couple weeks though (crazy schedule).  If you do come across some...
  29. Gootz

    My 40 Today

    Hmmm, I'm pretty sure there aren't any around my area I could pick up.  I could check out some of the hiking trails for some fallen oaks, but none ring a bell.  Any chance you would ship me some if I paid for it?
  30. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Very thorough!!  I wish I had the time to do all of this, but I'm sure it would help.  It seems like the tank is very stable now as I had the Juliis in for a couple weeks with no casualties aside from the unhealthy one I picked up from the LFS in the first batch.  I have been testing the water...
  31. Gootz

    My 40 Today

    I'm loving the moss trees.  Where'd you pick up the trees from?
  32. Gootz

    My 40 Today

    Good luck!  Keep us posted.
  33. Gootz

    My 40 Today

    Out of the pics you posted I like the first one most too.  I like the rock wall you have in your sig too, but it just needs a little more depth or curve to it.
  34. Gootz

    My 40 Today

    Feel better.  I'd recommend increasing the temp in the tank 2-3 degrees per day until it reaches 84-86 degrees.  Hold it there for a few days until the ick dies off completely (zero signs on the fish).  That's really your only option considering you have live plants in the tank. I had an ick...
  35. Gootz

    My 40 Today

    Also be glad a rock didn't hit the glass and shatter the tank.  It looks good like this too.  You could affix some plants to the rocks at strategic places and give it some more height and depth.
  36. Gootz

    My 40 Today

    I like this look a lot more!  Nice job!  What don't you like about it?  It kind of looks as though you're walking down a forest path with trees on the side and the sand in the middle.   What do you think it's missing?  The only thing I could see missing is there is no "centerpiece", but the...
  37. Gootz

    January Fish Of The Month Winner

    Roseline shark, correct?
  38. Gootz

    29 Gallon Fully Planted, Plz Comment

    This ^^^^   Would like to hear more about it!
  39. Gootz

    New Tank Pic

    Ditto this!
  40. Gootz

    My Tanks - 60L, 160L, 240L

    Wow, very nice setups!!  240L is my favorite. Love the polka dot loaches.