Cool, maybe they'll finally start eating the bad snails lol. Thanks for the info on what to look for.
I was contemplating a background, but haven't settled on anything. I don't like the fake looking background sheets the LFS sells, nor do I like the solid blue color my other tank has. Keeping my eyes out. Any suggestions for a natural looking background that would compliment the tank?
I'll have my wife snap a couple pics when she has the time. She's a pro photog, so she can probably do it justice.
Your Welcome.
I looked for ages for a 3D background but in the end gave up, some suppliers did not even bother replying and in some instances they replied without answering my actual query! I have decided to leave my background on that came with the tanks (second-hand), even thought they are "fake", as once the plants grow I cannot really see the detail on them anyway. I know what you mean though, some can look very false.
Gootz said:
>Will it be too much black with the black eco complete substrate? I'll play around with some options, maybe snap some pics and share for some opinions.
Don't think so, try it with a bin-bag - cheapest black background you can get
Lovely looking Betta, not surprised you were tempted.