New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

Better late than never (in most cases at least)!  Here's a pic of the tank with the background.  I forgot that my light is set to go off around 7 and it's getting dark after that now thanks to daylight savings time, so I just snapped this pic this morning (hence the window/blinds reflection I was hoping to avoid).  Note my snails doing the horizontal mambo again in the foreground.  Lastly, I will be unbundling the anacharis  and lining them along the back where they are now to spread them out a little and give the tank a little more depth since everything is almost the same height right now and they will grow rather quickly.  Comments welcomed!
Looking good, your Betta looks very settled in there :)
Out of interest, until the plants are taller, what do you find he rests on?
RCA said:
Looking good, your Betta looks very settled in there

Out of interest, until the plants are taller, what do you find he rests on?
Thanks, he definitely seems more at home now.  Funny you should ask, he actually LOVES the shallow "cave" in the driftwood on left.  You can see in the front.  I think he likes it because it's protected against the filter current.  Occasionally I catch him in the anubias though. 
Joshwainwright said:
Looks great 
Thanks!  I'm still not 100% satisfied with the overall layout, so it's a continuous process for me until then.  I've been looking at maybe getting a larger piece of mopani type drift wood that is more "branchy" if you will.  There's someone on this forum I've been speaking with about it where he covers it with moss and it looks amazing.  Will definitely keep this thread updated as I make changes.
Gootz said:
There's someone on this forum I've been speaking with about it where he covers it with moss and it looks amazing.  Will definitely keep this thread updated as I make changes.
I bet that looks brilliant. If I can find the right piece, I'd love to add some "branchy" wood to my tank as I have quite a bit of moss that probably needs spreading out. I may even be selling a couple of portions so I'll keep you updated!
I haven't decided as of yet though, going to decide how things look when I've added the plants that are due to be delivered tomorrow :)
Looking forward to the future updates!
Joshwainwright said:
There's someone on this forum I've been speaking with about it where he covers it with moss and it looks amazing.  Will definitely keep this thread updated as I make changes.
I bet that looks brilliant. If I can find the right piece, I'd love to add some "branchy" wood to my tank as I have quite a bit of moss that probably needs spreading out. I may even be selling a couple of portions so I'll keep you updated!
I haven't decided as of yet though, going to decide how things look when I've added the plants that are due to be delivered tomorrow

Looking forward to the future updates!
I've seen some pics of his stuff and it is really great stuff.  If you do end up getting a nice piece and have some leftover let me know.  I checked out your journal (and commented) to get a feel for your tank.  I like the java moss idea and am going to get some for the new piece whenever that may be.
Good luck with the new plants!
Thanks! I've definitely ordered too many but they're in and I'll be putting some photos up later :)
Haha, as long as you are enjoying yourself and you're providing a good environment for your fishies than that's all that matter. ;)
Keep me posted!  I always like to see what other people are doing with their tanks.  Especially one's with similar setups.  Good luck!

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