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  1. G

    How To Make My Male Build A Bubble Nest?

    dont need any help now, took him four hours to remake his bubble nest that fills the cup! :fun:
  2. G

    Help! What Should I Name My Betta?

    got a blue female named surf, i like the name mizu, flash. the betta names and colors of mine are: NAME COLOR GENDER splash blue/turquise male flare red...
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    New Member Of My Fishy Family

    wow a real beauty! :hyper: he looks bloated though...........
  4. G

    How To Make My Male Build A Bubble Nest?

    I had a male I was planning on breeding, and kept him in one of my two breeding tanks, waiting for a bubble nest for six days. Finally last night, I moved him into his old tank, and miraculously, this morning I found a bubble nest in the making :blink:! I moved him into the smaller second...
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    My 2 Girls :(

    where you keeping the females together? if you have, than they may have fought and killed each other :crazy: . that happend to me once before, and again but only ripped fins for the second time.
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    Will This Female Spawn?

    I have a female that is always nonrespondent to the males, and i bought two new males this morning aand she has the vertical lines down her back and was ramming at them well they where in bags! do you think she may spawn for once? she has never displayed these spawning lines before.
  7. G

    What Type Of Fish Fry Cling On The Glass?

    cherry barbs, harlequin rasboras, red eyed tetras, betta, and neon tetras are the eggbearers I have. I have absalotly tiny eggs that are not my snal eggs and the are clear with a large white dot inside. does any one know what these are?
  8. G

    What Type Of Fish Fry Cling On The Glass?

    what type of fish fry cling on the glass? please help!
  9. G

    Cherry Barb Eggs Bigger Or Smaller?

    are they tiny and smaller than the type of snail egg that goes in a clear case and has little ones i it? need help!
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    Could Anybody List The Egg Layers?

    not the egg scatterers. I need to see a list of egg layers (that lay eggs on leaves)
  11. G

    Are These Cory Eggs?

    the first ones are snail eggs, and they do not look like that. the second ones look like cory eggs and mine kinda look like that except white a white dot inside and mine are much more tiny. my snails lay the eggs in the first pic by the way :nod:
  12. G

    Are These Cory Eggs?

    the eggs are on top of the leaves and my eggbearers are red eyed tetras, harlqin rasboras, a few other tetras and cherry barbs
  13. G

    What Eggs Are These?

    they are not cories, just checked again. do harlequins lay over or under the leaf or both? my eggs are on top.
  14. G

    Are These Cory Eggs?

    I have three albino cories that are about two centimeters long, and have noticed on two leaves that there are tiny white eggs(three on one, five on the other). the eggs look like betta eggs if thats a good way to call it. could these be cory eggs?
  15. G

    What Eggs Are These?

    not sure if the eggs are those, started noticing the little fry things before I got the harlequins! :blink: also, I have three albino cory cats that are about two centimeters long. is it possible that they are cory eggs?
  16. G

    What Eggs Are These?

    small white eggs, no more than four per leaf, I have red eyed tetras, cherry barbs, harlequin rasboras. what type could they be? have also been noticing tiny but seeable things with bodies and tails on the glass
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    Going At My Second Try For Breeding

    please wish me luck :nod:
  18. G

    Molly Fry Sick?

    it is three weeks and six days, and has what look like an extra but thicker anal fin. it also has what looks like white spot. should I move it away from the others? what is the "extra anal fin"
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    How Can I Tell My Bettas Spawned?

    probably getting another pair tonight......... what do I look for in a young healthy breeding pair..... as well as researching, I would love some opinions.
  20. G

    How Can I Tell My Bettas Spawned?

    well sorry if I disappointed you.............. this was just a review on everything.............. may as well just stick to live bearers if this is going to happen........I whatched as long as I could but I have to sleep for more than five hours you now.............. :-(
  21. G

    How Can I Tell My Bettas Spawned?

    no eggs.............. my female wasnt very respondent anyways.............I have set up a better more prepared tank and am going to buy a younger male and younger female with eggs...........
  22. G

    How Can I Tell My Bettas Spawned?

    my female doesn't look any different,but my male is chasing her with the protective flare now, and not leading her to the nest. the nest is in a Styrofoam cup and i cannot see the bubbles close enough to see any eggs. what actions do i look for from him without the female (now that i have moved...
  23. G

    Is This A Big Enuegh Bubblenest To Breed?

    Bettas are a difficult species to breed for the average fish breeder. The way my Bettas spawned was to condition for a week with freeze dried blood worms and hight quality flake food. Then I put the female in the jar when the male made the bubble nest for a day. Then I released her, to find them...
  24. G

    Is This A Big Enuegh Bubblenest To Breed?

    it is about two cm wide, four cm long and about a bubble or two high. got a nice ripe female ready to spawn. can i put her in the jar now?
  25. G

    Platy Gonna Drop Soon?

    I have some three week old sailfin molly fry, 14 of them, and am just reviewing the steps :rolleyes:
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    Not Sure If Platy Has Started Or Finished Or Not Started Droping At Al

    my platy is a little smaller now, and has a slightly smaller gravid spot that is almost blueish! has she started? did not see any fry in the community tank, but moved her into the separate heavily planted tank anyways. anybody with an experience like this? anybody that can help me? pleases help!
  27. G

    Platy Delivering

    if its been more than 24 hours, she probably is done, but leave her in for another 8-12 hours.
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    My Pregnant Platy Is Hiding Alot......?

    do not have very many hiding places...............
  29. G

    My Pregnant Platy Is Hiding Alot......?

    should i move her to a seperate tank away from the other fish to save the babies? i have some fry eating fish!
  30. G

    Loach Pictures Please!

    havn't seen very many pics, would love to see some of yours! :lol: thanks!
  31. G

    My Pregnant Platy Is Hiding Alot......?

    I am getting a bit worried, my pregnant platy is squaring off (which is good :nod: ) but she just started to hide behind leaves and in little caves! is she going to be ok? is she sick?
  32. G

    Can Guppies And Molles Cross Breed?

    thats a really nice tail at 24 seconds! thats a really nice tail 24 seconds! My leopard guppy does the same thing with my swords and has been for about a year, so i guess something is there preventing them.
  33. G

    Can Guppies And Molles Cross Breed?

    can guppies and mollies cross breed? i know they are both part of the poecilia family, but it is just a question out of the blue.
  34. G

    Platy Gonna Drop Soon?

    well here is the bunch: is about half a centimeter wide. is still eating. is not square, but very round. has a very dark gravid spot. has been pregnant for at least two weeks and three days. (saw her at the pet store two weeks before i got her, and was with males. that is all i know for now...
  35. G

    Platy Gonna Drop Soon?

    I bought her last night, and found a still born egg inside my tank that night. she is a bit wider than yesterday, and gravid is darker. she is a quarter to half a centimeter wide. how long till she drops?
  36. G

    Could Somebody Show Me Of A Pregnant/ripe Rosy Barb?

    Excuse me, but I did not come on here to get attacked. I simply would like to know what a ripe rosy barb looks like, so I do NOT get it mixed up with an internal parasite or constipation! I DID happen to put a / there did I not? OH, and by the way, I am not looking for babies FRY.
  37. G

    Could Somebody Show Me Of A Pregnant/ripe Rosy Barb?

    I cant find a single picture of a ripe rosy barb so if anyone could show me a picture that would be great.
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    Iif Anyone Wants To Know Whether Thier Livebearer Is Pregnant, Ask Her

    Most of the time yes, but it can be very hard, as i was told my sail fin molly would drop within four days and it dropped two weeks later, but i can give you a fair time. also good luck with all fish and fry! :good:
  39. G

    Iif Anyone Wants To Know Whether Thier Livebearer Is Pregnant, Ask Her

    If you want to know if your common live bearer is pregnant, post a picture and I can give you an answer. Also, a tip for mollies and maybe others, my sail fin was still eating like a pig 6 hours before the fry, so not all live bearers stop eating before the fry.