Platy Gonna Drop Soon?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2012
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I bought her last night, and found a still born egg inside my tank that night. she is a bit wider than yesterday, and gravid is darker. she is a quarter to half a centimeter wide.
how long till she drops?
That's a "Piece of string" question. You've not given enough information to even hazard a guess. Even with decent photos, it's impossible to be 100% accurate. But posting a photo would help.
well here is the bunch:
is about half a centimeter wide.
is still eating. is not square, but very round.
has a very dark gravid spot.
has been pregnant for at least two weeks and three days. (saw her at the pet store two weeks before i got her, and was with males.
that is all i know for now! hope it can get some answers! :lol:
If not square, she is not close to a drop. that means it is time for you to review all of our available information on a fry drop and its readiness. I have a link in my signature area to My Molly's Progress that will give you some idea of pre-drop shapes, which I consider all important, and other pinned topics may help you decide the date of your next drop.
I have some three week old sailfin molly fry, 14 of them, and am just reviewing the steps :rolleyes:

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