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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. W

    Initial Stocking Questions

    It sounds like you have a good plan set out. If you were to introduce fish I would do it sooner than later so that the bacteria doesn't die out from nothing to feed on in the tank. When you do introduce your fish, I would recommend that you are completely sure that they do not have illness (and...
  2. W

    Lighting Question

    Thanks for the advice. It's just a Marineland LED strip. I have rotala indica, java fern, anubias, a small crypt, and a dwarf lily plant. They are all mid to low light plants I believe.     I will change the blues to just be half an hour before and after the whites and see how that goes. Not...
  3. W

    Lighting Question

    Hey all, I recently got a light with a white light setting and a blue light setting. You can hook both of them up to a timer. I currently have the white light set for 7 hours and the blue light set for 9 hours (one extra hour on each side of the white light time)   Does anyone have suggestions...
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    Pale Serpae Tetra Not Eating?

    Probably 3-4.
  5. W

    Pale Serpae Tetra Not Eating?

    Hey, so one of my eight serpae tetras has looked a little more pale and ragged than the rest of my serpaes for a while now, and I noticed today that it was going after the food aggressively but would spit it out immediately after trying to eat it. I used the flake food that I give to my serpaes...
  6. W

    My Newest Arrivals

    Ah. Good luck sexing them and hopefully you'll get some eggs at some point!
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    My Newest Arrivals

    They look like they're female because of the large body and more rounded top side. But yeah I'd probably have to see a comparison as well.
  8. W

    My Newest Arrivals

    They're so pretty! Never seen them before either. 
  9. W

    I Guess My Tap Has No Chlorine...

    That, or maybe those test strips are bad. They are known for not being too great, ha. Try to find some drops or another better alternative. That would be a lot more trustworthy.
  10. W

    Beginner That Loves Fish

    Hello and welcome to the forum! I would suggest that you wait a good while to add more fish if any more at all. Did you cycle your tank without fish? It seems that you may not have and I would suggest you read...
  11. W

    Funny Little Corydora

    Love the little fella! I think there are some corys that are bred to have long fins. I know a lot of tetras are bred like that and that could be the case here.
  12. W

    Internal Parasite?

    I think it's pretty common for fish to have stringy poop like that. Assuming that's all it is. What do you feed your Congo tetras regularly? What are you water parameters?   For future reference, it is best to know what you are dealing with before trying to cure your fish of something they might...
  13. W

    Banjo Catfish With Neons Tetra And A Betta. Safe Or Not ?

    What do ya know? There is even a page on this forum about the catfish.   Hopefully that helps a bunch.
  14. W

    Banjo Catfish With Neons Tetra And A Betta. Safe Or Not ?

    From the quick research I just did, they seem to be a peaceful fish and won't do yours any harm. However, if you can keep one also depends on what your tank looks like. Do you have a sufficient hiding places? Plenty of driftwood? Live plants? Banjo catfish seem to like to blend in with their...
  15. W

    Green Water In Planted Tank

    The main problem is the 12 hours of light your tank is getting. I would suspect bringing that down to 6-8 hours a day will get rid of most of your algae problems. Healthy 30-50% water changes weekly is also a must for a tank of that size. 
  16. W

    Something Wrong With My Fish!

    I don't know the problem here and I think the post is worthy of the emergency section. It will get more attention there. I hope you figure out the problem!
  17. W

    Something Wrong With My Fish!

    I'm sorry no one has responded to this. What have you been feeding it lately?    If this problem is still happening, I would suggest moving this post to the emergency section.
  18. W

    Couple More Beginner Questions...

    Your tank looks nice! I would recommend getting taller, bushier silk or live plants so the fish can have more cover. There doesn't appear to be much place for them to hide. As an alternative, you could get some taller decorations or driftwood to provide more hiding spots.   Also Byron, thanks...
  19. W

    Couple More Beginner Questions...

    Good luck with your auto-feeder! Maybe you can start a journal for your tank on here once you fill up the numbers and decorate your tank if it isn't.
  20. W

    Couple More Beginner Questions...

    The plans of 6 of each small fish would do well in a 29 gallon I believe, although Serpae Tetras definitely prefer to be in schools upwards of 8 and more. Not sure if that would be too much for your 29 gal. The shark will definitely need to be put in a much larger tank as it gets older. If I'm...
  21. W

    New Tank Syndrome Or Not?

    Cleaning the filter and things inside will not help, and will hurt the bacteria that causes the cycle to get rid of ammonia and nitrite. You should probably do consistent water changes daily for a week or two until you notice ammonia and nitrite is gone. After that, you'll probably need to chose...
  22. W

    Danios Suffocating?

    You shouldn't have ammonia in your cycled tank. Even that amount of ammonia is going to be really dangerous to your fish. I would also recommend testing your tap water and comparing it to your tank water as well.   You should start doing water changes and testing your parameters daily to...
  23. W

    Sick Neon Tetra?

    Oh, that's definitely not normal. Your fish didn't have a problem until you put it in your tank? No other symptoms? How did you acclimate the neons? It could have been a shock between different parameters. Again, your tank parameters would be helpful in this situation.
  24. W

    Sick Neon Tetra?

    Isn't neon tetra disease when the fish becomes discolored? Also if it's body looks normal and it just has a curved blue line then it is a healthy female neon tetra. Otherwise, it could be a genetic problem. Does it show any other symptoms besides having a strange spine curve? I would posting a...
  25. W

    Kuhli Loach

    No problem! I don't personally keep loaches (yet!) but I think it's great that there is so much info already on the forums. :)
  26. W

    Kuhli Loach 
  27. W

    Betta's Fins Disappearing?

    I don't have any idea what the problem is but I would suggest moving this post to the emergency section. Hope your betta's condition gets better.
  28. W

    Advice On Stocking My Community Tank?

    Ah. Thanks, that cleared things up a lot. So I guess it's completely up to me whether or not I should continue with the Serpaes.    Again, thanks for the help! :) Once I get my tank finished I'll try to post a pic or video on the topic for that.
  29. W

    Advice On Stocking My Community Tank?

    So if I maxed out with 10 Serpaes, 10 neons, 9 corys, and 6 loaches that would be overstocking? I'm just a little confused as to what would be too many fish for my 50 gallon (190 liters I believe). I want my fish to feel comfortable with shoal numbers and how full the tank is.
  30. W

    Advice On Stocking My Community Tank?

    Thanks for your advice. So you don't think my current plans would overstock the tank?
  31. W

    Advice On Stocking My Community Tank?

    I have a 50 gallon bow front tank that I've had established for a long time but I need to finish stocking it with fish. I currently have 4 Serpae tetras, 5 neon tetras, 3 Sterbai corys, 2 peppered corys, and 1 albino aeneus cory.   My current plan is to have: 8 Neon tetras 0 or 8 Serpae tetras...
  32. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

    After the water changes of this week, the Serpaes look a lot paler in color. I'm going to stop the daily water changes and go back to weekly. The Serpaes don't seem to be losing the white patches either. They seem to be eating as well as usual, though. I'm not sure what my next course of action...
  33. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

    Wow, that's really helpful. Maybe I'll complete my Serpae school from that store once I've done a couple weeks of water changes. I would have to order them and not pick them up, because that is very far from me. 
  34. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

    Huh. Unfortunately, I only have big name fish stores in my town such as PetSmart and Petco. I can ask if they will do this for me, though. I do have a quarantine tank so it shouldn't be an issue if they can't.
  35. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

    Alright. I shall start with the daily water changes today! Thanks again everyone.
  36. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

    Yeah, I wasn't going to treat the tank with salt. The cories don't appear to have it yet, either. Thanks for pointing out the clamped fins, Rob, I completely missed that. :(   I'm still going to do daily water changes, but should I try to add more fish before or after I see a change?
  37. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

    Ah. Yeah, I just thought it would be a fungus, I haven't had to deal with any diseases yet so I'm not knowledgeable, as you probably can tell. I'll delete that tag so as to not misinform anyone.    Which I now realize I have no clue how to do, haha.
  38. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

    Alright. Does doing 25% water changes daily for a couple weeks sound good? If I don't see a change then maybe I should try some salt baths? Also, should I use seachem prime on all the water changes or a less "complex" water treater?   Thanks again, guys. It's been a great help :D
  39. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

      The area in question is on the tetra's mouth and upper head area. I'm not the best at taking pictures, so this is probably about the best I can get. I can try to take a video if that's needed.
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