Sick Neon Tetra?


New Member
Jul 29, 2015
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Hey all,
This is my first time getting neon tetras and I went to petco for them. I got 5 of the smallest neon tetras they had and it not until I put them into the tank that one had and unusual spine curvature. I did some research and I think it might be neon tetra disease. I only have one 5 gallon tank and one small 1/2 gallon bowl. I took him/her out and have had it out for about 3 hours but I know I cannot leave it alone for a long time in a tiny tank with no filtration and no friends.
I think I have three options, take it back to petco and ask if they can exchange, flush it, or quarantine it. 
Isn't neon tetra disease when the fish becomes discolored? Also if it's body looks normal and it just has a curved blue line then it is a healthy female neon tetra. Otherwise, it could be a genetic problem. Does it show any other symptoms besides having a strange spine curve? I would posting a picture/video on this post as well. Also tank parameters are always helpful. A bowl is not a very good place to quarantine a fish.
Is it possible for you to get another tank with bubbles, heat, and filtration? If so, keep the sick neon tetra away from the others for now until you can identify a problem.

This isnt my exact fish but it looks identical to the one in this picture.
Oh, that's definitely not normal. Your fish didn't have a problem until you put it in your tank? No other symptoms? How did you acclimate the neons? It could have been a shock between different parameters. Again, your tank parameters would be helpful in this situation.
Erick, you'd better don't use pics of fish "alike". The fish in the pic is a (possibly genetic cause) deformed one.
It won't be NTD, cause that quite rare and verrrrryy contagious (to all kinds of fish). The fish in the shop and in your tank would be gone by now. There are all kinds of other symptoms (loss of color (red), strange swimmingbehaviour aso).
Yours could easily simpy be deformed.
Nick, I think yours is eggbound.
Regards Aad
Thanks so much guys for the replies, Unfortunately, my fish was found dead this afternoon. :( Not sure what caused it, but it might be because of water, lack of food because he/she wouldn't eat, or something else. Anyway, thank you 

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