Something Wrong With My Fish!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 15, 2015
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Roof part of Senegalus mouth is very red inside. Piece of something red is flapping whe he is closing/opening his mough. At 1st i was thinking somekind of food stuck in there because it looks like he cant close his mough at all. What should I do?? Is he dying?? Cant take a better picture because all blood-looking redness is right inside his mouth.


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his side doesnt look good either :(
this one is ok
I'm sorry no one has responded to this. What have you been feeding it lately? 
If this problem is still happening, I would suggest moving this post to the emergency section.
o its getting worse. he cant eat. everything is red & bloody looking. he is in quarantine tank but i'm afraid to add anything to water to make it worse. just added melafix. I think its mouh rot :(
he eats hikari pellets, shrimp meat & beef flake usually.
I don't know the problem here and I think the post is worthy of the emergency section. It will get more attention there. I hope you figure out the problem!
Hard to tell from the pics. But there are two things that come to mind as possibilities.
Sometimes fish try to eat other fish which are too big for them and they get stuck in the eater's mouth.throat. Are there other fish in the tank and if so can you tell if any are missing?
Sometimes fish will suck up a pebble or other object which can become lodged. Complications will follow.
TwoTankAmin said:
Hard to tell from the pics. But there are two things that come to mind as possibilities.
Sometimes fish try to eat other fish which are too big for them and they get stuck in the eater's mouth.throat. Are there other fish in the tank and if so can you tell if any are missing?
Sometimes fish will suck up a pebble or other object which can become lodged. Complications will follow.
no its not that. nothing small have left in my tank. there is huge pleco & 7 discus fish. 1st thing I checked everyone on bites - nada. And that baggy spot under his eye looks like fish got bit up or crushed on full speed into something.
I've decided to doze him/her with APi Fungus cure. In my opinion after melafix the red spots in his mouth become even more redder so I've changed water completly. Or maybe its just getting worse by itself. Right now he/she is grinish water & it doesnt look that awful.

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