Hey all,
This is my first time getting neon tetras and I went to petco for them. I got 5 of the smallest neon tetras they had and it not until I put them into the tank that one had and unusual spine curvature. I did some research and I think it might be neon tetra disease. I only have one 5 gallon tank and one small 1/2 gallon bowl. I took him/her out and have had it out for about 3 hours but I know I cannot leave it alone for a long time in a tiny tank with no filtration and no friends.
I think I have three options, take it back to petco and ask if they can exchange, flush it, or quarantine it.
This is my first time getting neon tetras and I went to petco for them. I got 5 of the smallest neon tetras they had and it not until I put them into the tank that one had and unusual spine curvature. I did some research and I think it might be neon tetra disease. I only have one 5 gallon tank and one small 1/2 gallon bowl. I took him/her out and have had it out for about 3 hours but I know I cannot leave it alone for a long time in a tiny tank with no filtration and no friends.