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  1. R

    Guppy Deaths

    D'oh :rofl: :whistle:
  2. R

    Guppy Deaths

    the first set of guppy i got ended up getting ich although they did not pass it on to any other fish. i lost all 6 guppy the last one to die was on the last day of treatment and seemed to be doing better than the rest had but then he got a red blotch like in your pic but on the side of its...
  3. R

    Common Or Sailfin? (L021 Or L083)?

    theres few different common plec you would be better uploading a pic
  4. R

    I Love Common Plecos

    i have a male disjunctivus who also likes to hide till the food comes out, he loves courgette. Lovely fish. I like to turn the tank lights off early and leave the room light on for a while and he usually comes out to clean the glass before i put food in and turn the room light off. Very friendly...
  5. R


    my cory seem to do a lot of this before they spawn
  6. R

    Re-Scaping Tank

    great stuff, i can save as much of the water as i need as i have 300ltr worth of containers so in this case i think ill return about half the water so it will be like doing a 50% water change. Cant wait till january, bring on the new year.
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    Re-Scaping Tank

    cheers guys much appreciated. I just remember reading somewhere that the more surface area's within a tank the more places bacteria have to grow and that gravel plays a big part but i do admit ive only ever read this in one place. Cant wait to start now but unfortunately its going to have to...
  8. R

    Re-Scaping Tank

    will taking all the water out and gravel at once not upset the bacterial balance in the tank. will i need to do regular partial water changes for a while after? cheers for the advise btw :good:
  9. R

    Re-Scaping Tank

    yes im still undecided about what to do with the other fish i didnt realy want any of these but had no choice as they came with the tank, they all seam happy enough even though they're not in schools. I may get around to swapping them eventually but would still like bottom feeders. Any scape is...
  10. R

    Re-Scaping Tank

    hi guys, so i bought a 270ltr tank about a month ago which came with the fish i currently have in it apart from 4 black widows. the fish are: common plec 7 black widow tetra 2 clown loach 2 orange fin loach rosy barb tiger barb polka dot loach chinese sucking loach red phantom tetra bronze...
  11. R

    Panda Spawning

    thanks again guys ive been and bought a net breeder this morning. ive noticed a slight darkening of the egg aswell so things are looking good so far, the reason i could not get a net yesterday is because i had no money and i could not get any from atm, turns out the reason for this is because my...
  12. R

    Panda Spawning

    thanks :good:
  13. R

    Panda Spawning

    i have not got a breeding trap and no way of getting one at the minute but thanks. ive done a lot of reading but my circumstances are slightly different and i was caught a bit off guard with the spawning. cheers ive just managed to save one. had to think outside the box so i found something...
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  16. R

    Panda Spawning

    I got home yesterday to discover 2 eggs laying on the gravel (god knows how i noticed) i managed to get one and stick it on the front glass so i could see it. anyway within about half a second of me moving my finger one of the endlers swam straight up and swallowed it, i wasnt happy. I then...
  17. R

    Clever Bn

    lmao ha ha ha wish you could have caught it on video
  18. R

    Moving New Tank

    ive worked out what all my new fish are and it was hard work, you dont realise just how many different fish look almost the same till you start researching. Anyway here they are: 3* black widow tetra 2* clown loach 2* orange finned loach 1* common plec 1* polka dot loach 1* red phantom tetra 1*...
  19. R

    Uh Ooh

    i dont want to sound stupid here but how do you move the eggs safely. If say the eggs were on the glass how do you get them off without damaging them? My cousins have just started spawning and i asked him to rescue some eggs before the guppy get them but he didnt know how to and neither do i...
  20. R

    Moving New Tank

    Ive counted 14 fish so far. from what im almost sure about: 3 & 6 are clown loach 4 bronze cory 5 & 11 common plec 7 black widow tetra pics 2 & 8 i think might be orange finned loach, they look identical to the clown loach apart from the pattern. pics 9 and 10 were very hard to take but i have...
  21. R

    Moving New Tank

    Picture update. All the fish look fine this afternoon and ive managed to take a few snapshots. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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  33. R

    Plec Id

    i thought so. But was not 100% sure. I imagine its still got some growing to do then, its about 14". Thanks for that, much appreciated.
  34. R

    Moving New Tank

    2 extra large buckets with lids and a lot of lifting, the fish were back in the tank within an hour or 2 and all seem well but will have a clearer view of how they are doing over the next few days. I spent all morning preparing for them and had 120ltr of water already treated and up to the the...
  35. R

    Plec Id

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  39. R

    Moving New Tank

    hi guys. All went well with the move and everything setup. Ive taken a few pics and will upload soon hopefully, although im writing this on my phone because my pc has broken down and cant upload pics direct from my mobile. I would just like to say thanks to those of you who put me on the right...