I Love Common Plecos


Fish Crazy
Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
Voluntown, Connecticut (U.S.)
I have a common plecostomus (L021/L023) and he is BY FAR my favorite fish in the tank. I dont know why, as he almost never leaves his cave, and all i ever see him doing is eating algae wafers. Any one else crazy and have some sort of strange obssesion for this cheap, seemingly unapealing fish?

ALSO he might be a sailfin...I dont know how to tell, but his dorsal fin is a TOWER
i have a male disjunctivus who also likes to hide till the food comes out, he loves courgette. Lovely fish. I like to turn the tank lights off early and leave the room light on for a while and he usually comes out to clean the glass before i put food in and turn the room light off. Very friendly quiet plec that likes to destroy plant arrangements lol.
i have a common pleco who i lve to pieces :) x he eats out of my hand, he is adorable, he is only small at the moment. he shares his hideout with plecky, my rubber lipped pleco x they get along so well, its really sweet :) xx

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