Clever Bn


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2009
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I admit, even after fish keeping for years and years, I still haven't ever really thought of fish as smart creatures. While they maybe aren't super smart, I saw my BN pleco do something pretty clever today. He is a new addition to the tank. I got him 3 days ago and he is still quite small, maybe 2.5". I dropped a nice size slice of cucumber in the tank since i have other herbivorous fish in the tank, so everyone could share. The slice was bigger than the pleco himself. Well he found it pretty quick and attatched to the top and started munching away. The tiger barbs and buenos aires tetras were pretty irritated and all just sat there flaring their fins about an inch away, looking at how they could sneak in and get a bite. After the pleco got irritated with chasing them away from his cucumber, he finally latched on top again, and started flipping his fins like crazy, and lifted the whole slice up and flipped it over on top of himself, and continued munching away on it in peace under the protection of his food blanket. Pretty cool to watch.
Lol I can imagine him going "leave my cucumber alone now I wanna eat in peace!!!!"
It was pretty good. They eventually left him alone, but he had to concede once the 7" Synodontis wanted to have a taste. He is a carnivore but likes the occasional veggie. Anyhow, it took the BN pleco about 4 hours, but he ate nonstop and completely finished a cucumber slice about 3" in diameter and about .75" thick. Amazingly enough, once he finished the cuke, he moved back to driftwood and algae. I heard these guys are nocturnal and hide alot but he seems to be constantly out and about.
Yeh they are normaly nocturnal but nocturnal animals can be changed to be awake during the day and sleep at night but i dont bother changing the way they are suppose to be lol

I laughed when i rea this my male flares his finns at ME sometimes lol ill go and watch my fish he comes out to front of the tank and away he goes flaring his finns and hooks as if saying go away lol :)
Hahaha - Clever BN!! :nod:
I noticed my own small BN doing something rather well-thought out as well: he's the smallest fish in the tank, about the size of a male guppy but has taken to cruising about the tank with my two Corys. He stays under them, though, rather like a Remora, and when they find a bit of food, he shoves forward and steals it from under their whiskers!! Sneaky!
Hahaha - Clever BN!! :nod:
I noticed my own small BN doing something rather well-thought out as well: he's the smallest fish in the tank, about the size of a male guppy but has taken to cruising about the tank with my two Corys. He stays under them, though, rather like a Remora, and when they find a bit of food, he shoves forward and steals it from under their whiskers!! Sneaky!
ha lol
thats one way to be protected when out and about lol
Hahaha - Clever BN!!
I noticed my own small BN doing something rather well-thought out as well: he's the smallest fish in the tank, about the size of a male guppy but has taken to cruising about the tank with my two Corys. He stays under them, though, rather like a Remora, and when they find a bit of food, he shoves forward and steals it from under their whiskers!! Sneaky!

My common does exactly the same. Waits for the corys to find the food, then shoots himself at them and steals it. I think this has something to do with them not being able to see the food beneath them, so they rely on others to show them. My pleco has tried to do the same with the guppies too, but surprise, surprise, guppies are not fed with pellets :lol:

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