Moving New Tank

3,and 6 are clown loachs
2 looks like a red tailed shark (someone confirm this, as im not sure)
10. a platty of some type? maybe. i dont know

i know 3 and 6 are defo clown loachs but the rest im unsure about

but they look good to my eyes =]
Ive counted 14 fish so far.

from what im almost sure about:
3 & 6 are clown loach
4 bronze cory
5 & 11 common plec
7 black widow tetra

pics 2 & 8 i think might be orange finned loach, they look identical to the clown loach apart from the pattern.
pics 9 and 10 were very hard to take but i have not got a clue about 9 but 10 could be a rainbow fish, the pic is pretty useless as it wont keep still for even half a second, lol.

there is another fish i cant snap because ive only seen it twice since i set up but it looks like a ladder loach.

I agree This old spouse. i think that they may have just gone for the fish they liked the look of rather than a theme. they are all lovely fish and im happy with them but not realy the combination i would have gone with.
im going to leave the tank a few weeks before i start doing any shuffling about but i want to slowly make it look more natural with some plants and bogwood. i also wanted to have sand base in my next tank but looks like im stuck with this for a while. currently there are not many hiding places and i feel sorry for the plec who only has the large plant to hide behind so im going to get him some drain pipe to hide in till ive rearanged his new home.
ive worked out what all my new fish are and it was hard work, you dont realise just how many different fish look almost the same till you start researching. Anyway here they are:
3* black widow tetra
2* clown loach
2* orange finned loach
1* common plec
1* polka dot loach
1* red phantom tetra
1* tiger barb
1* rosy barb
1* chinese sucking loach
1* bronze cory

from what ive seen so far the barbs only bother each other and so do the black widows. The chinese sucking loach is just nutty at times, the cory and plec are always together, the 2 c loach and 2 o f loach are squashed into the boat and the polka dot loach just lives in the corner between the glass and the rock back ground.

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