Search results

  1. R

    The New Tank Finished

    I'm loving the gravel sand approach, anyone have any other links to pic of tanks using this style? I'm looking for ideas.
  2. R

    Bristlenose Babies

    I know the purpose of the utube videos was to show off the babies but nice tank setup mate.
  3. R


    LOL faking pictures is one thing but posting a DRAWING as one of your own fish!!! LMAO!!! Gonna remember this one for a while :lol:
  4. R

    Lastest Addition

    beautiful fish mate!
  5. R

    Yay! L264

    Absolutley beautiful!! In that first picture it looks like it has a fur coat like a puppy! What's it called? I've never seen one like that and I visit planet catfish all the time! Do you mind if I ask how much it cost?
  6. R

    3 New Zebra Plecs

    AMAZING looking fish mate! Try to get a few pictures of the whole tank with them out and about :D
  7. R


    if you've got time Mike post a picture of how your tank looks now.
  8. R


    cheers peeps! :D One thing though and I feel bad saying it but.......can people stop PMing me offering me condolance and support! Really it's ok!! ....the fish were fine. :fun: Cat the GTI forums are pretty good huh ;)
  9. R


    Hey! .....I work out! ....ok maybe not but I'll have you know that I am well known for my dazzling personality, rugged manly good looks and I'm a fair to middling there! :P
  10. R


    LOL you guys crack me up! It was meant as a joke but I guess I'm not half as funny as I think I am. Thanks for the support anyway ;)
  11. R


    I've suspected for some time now that my gf has been having an affair. The usual signs. Phone rings, I answer, someone hangs up. She started going out 'with the girls' a lot recently although when I ask which girls it is always "Just some friends from work, you don't know them". I always look...
  12. R

    Some new friends and some old

    £8.95 for a goldnugget!!! :clap: I so need to move further south! Lovely plecs but they Chacas scare me! :(
  13. R

    Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's...

    Many years ago I had an albino aquatic frog in my tank and was rounding my fish up as I was doing a major tank clean and caught my frog and a neon in my net at the same time. The frog gulped down the neon and the poor little neons tail was sticking out the frogs mouth! I didn't know frogs did...
  14. R

    where is it ?

    I've never bought anything from it but you can bid for fish on
  15. R

    I got all this.........

    OK be honest guys, how many of you went straight onto the free ads online and scoured the pages for another hidden treasure?? ....not me anyway!! :*)
  16. R

    Fishless Cycle in the UK

    Cheers mate, perfect!
  17. R

    Fishless Cycle in the UK

    If anyone in the UK managed it to find some though can you post the product name and if I can't find any local I can always search for it online.
  18. R

    Online LFS

    LOL I KNEW something was bothering me about your member title and then it clicked! Your taste in TV programs is as great as your taste in books! It's never been the same since series 2 and 3 but Red Dwarf remains genius! Think they've scrapped ideas about the film now though :-( -...
  19. R

    Fishless Cycle in the UK

    Have any of you guys from the UK tried fishless cycling?! If so where did you get your hands on the ammonia for the job?
  20. R

    Online LFS

    I think he's just new but his prices for plecs are amazing - just makes me a little nervous is all.
  21. R

    Online LFS

    Hey SirMinion :D One of the greatest books EVER! Got to top 5 of the BBC book awards and was only beaten by wuthering heights and pride and preduice. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is amazing! Respect to your library mucker!
  22. R

    How nice is this plec!

    *I'm in the wrong forum I know but I couldn't find out how to attach the picture in the other forums* :/ No way I can afford (or find!) a zerbra plec but how nice is this plec I found to replace it! L333 Imperial Arabesque
  23. Fish_copy.jpg


  24. R

    Online LFS

    Done it again! :*) Link is .....lets not mention this again ok :/
  25. R

    Online LFS

    Shrimpster - well if you guys can't mindread I suppose I'll just have to supply the link then!! :*) LadyMinion - :P Two mistakes in one post - dagnammit I impress even me! :D
  26. R

    Online LFS

    Have any of you used this guy for your fish before? His plec prices seem amazing, ok so the delivery is £18 but it would be well worth it if you were buying two or three nice plecs.
  27. R

    Is this Normal?

    got to love argos! :D
  28. R

    Is this Normal?

    Smith I'm in the UK as well and I've been looking to buy some sand for my tank. Where did you buy yours? Is there a difference in the look of the play sand, silica sand and aquarium sand?
  29. R

    New Tank

    That tank is sooo a plec tank! I look forward to seeing it with fish in it. What dimensions is the tank?
  30. R

    New Tank

    Tank looks lovely - got it looking great! Most fish stuff I don't mind paying lots of money for but I absolutley hate paying those prices for bogwood! Ripoff scamming dodgy b^^%£$"s!! .....sorry bout that :*) ...but I have to say I do feel better :P If it's 57 gallons would I be right...
  31. R

    changing the substrate

    Looks much better with the sand! :cool: What kind of sand is that?
  32. R

    Odd coloured Bristlenose..

    Smith my LFS is selling 'rare black and orange bristlenose plecs' and they do look like the one you have although with slightly more orange through them. Personally I think they are awesome and have told him to keep them for me until I get my tank up and running.
  33. R

    Plec info

    I'm in the process of buying a 55 Gal(UK) tank it will have neons, goldnugget, 2 clown plecos, 2 black and orange bristlenoses and a RTBS but they are so small at the moment that even if they triple in size it should still be fine. I've already had a look on planetcatfish and can't find these...
  34. R

    Plec info

    Sorry if this is getting old but I'd really like to find some info on these little fish on the internet. My LFS is selling what he calls orange and black bristlenose plecs and they are adorable! about 1-2 inches long and VERY active and friendly! He's had them in a display tank (fish are not...
  35. R

    Mission Impossible - UPDATED PICS!!

    These types of posts are the best!! Tank is look fantastic Karlos! Good job on the cabinet and lid! Sand is soo the way to go! :D
  36. R

    Large Fish Tanks In The UK?

    They have 55G(UK) tanks for sale and delivery at my favourite LFS in Glasgow - Tank + Cabinet + Hood all well made in any wood you want for £210 ....don't think that includeds delivery though. Tank - 48*21*15. If that's not too expensive for you left me know and I'll get the phone no.
  37. R

    Bristlenoses Adults and Babies

    My LFS is selling baby bristlenose that size but they have a black and orange colouring....anyone know the name of this kind? He is selling them as 'rare black and orange bristlenose plecs' but surley this can't be their real name?
  38. R

    Re-aquascaped tank photo

    Looks amazing! I'm just about to get my new tank delivered and couldn't decide between small gravel and sand. Thx for making my mind up for me, sand it is!! :D
  39. R

    Water Changes

    I've just had a google and it seems like a great idea, just one question though... They appear to be great for taking water out of the tank but what about refilling it?! If you want to put water straight from the tap into the tank then great but what if you want to de-chlorinate it first...
  40. R

    Just saw a zebra plec for sale on my LFS

    That is way expensive! I'm sure my LFS can get them for about £30-£40!