Fishless Cycle in the UK


Fish Fanatic
Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
Have any of you guys from the UK tried fishless cycling?!

If so where did you get your hands on the ammonia for the job?
the quick answer is...a lot of people can't.

However your best chance is to try a small, privately owned local hardware store. If you can't find it just ask if they have any household ammonia
If anyone in the UK managed it to find some though can you post the product name and if I can't find any local I can always search for it online.
Have a look at this thread

There's a pic near the end of the first page
There are also other methods to use when fishless cycling. You could use fish food, it will eventually rot and create the required amonia. You could also use frozen shrimp, just plop it in the water and let it rot. This is probably a little faster than fish flakes, but not as easy to quantify as ammonia. You can't exactly measure 5 ppm of rotting shrimp. And I have never done it personally, so I can't comment on whether or not there is a smell. But, if you can't get ammonia it is another alternative other than using fish to cycle.


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