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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. FishNChimps

    Stocking For 38 Gallon Tall.

    I have a 25 gallon tall cylinder aquarium, with a single angel who is content enough on its own. It's 4 years old, pretty healthy and doesn't menace its tank mates, who are: x15 pristilla tetras x2 mollies x1 platy x1 plec x4 large snails My water hardness: 111mg/L; pH 7.4
  2. FishNChimps

    Betta In A 29G Community Tank?

    If anything, your next restock ought to include more cherry barbs. They're schoolers and are happier in larger groups.
  3. FishNChimps

    Losing A Fish A Week - Please Help!

    Agree with BaylorPerez - tank crash was what I thought at first too. I had a similar death rate some years ago before I fully comprehended the implications of changes to each chemical parameter. If testing shows any unusual readings then a short-term solution would be daily 25% water changes...
  4. FishNChimps

    Stocking Suggestions For My Future Tank

    If you want lower pH water, it's worth seeing if your LFS sells RO water. It might be more economically viable (I pay roughly $7 equivalent for 25 litres) than your own RO.   Also, I think it a fair generalisation to assume that the majority of those involved in this hobby always eventually want...
  5. FishNChimps

    Ro System For Home Vs Aquarium?

    Does your LFS not provide cheap RO water? I buy 25 litres for £2.50 at mine. It's made my fishkeeping a lot easier, considering I like in a hard water / high pH region.
  6. FishNChimps

    Took Guppies From A Desperate Moving Friend And Think They May Be Dese

    Agree with AmtotheBurr. It's not clear what you mean by cleaning the filter, too. If you're giving it a total clean with tap water then you'll kill the ammonia-eating bacteria that's needed in a cycled tank. If the tank is uncycled, then do daily water changes with conditioned water until the...
  7. FishNChimps

    No Light For 3 Weeks, Now Platy Has White Patch

    The light unit died, so I ordered a new one from Amazon which took 3 weeks to arrive. My aquarium denizens were not in complete darkness, being in a living room, but got no natural light. Now the new light unit has arrived and I see one of my platties has a white patch above an eye (in pic). Is...
  8. FishNChimps

    Should I Try To Lower My Ph Level?

    My tapwater is in the low-mid 8s in pH. I have tried a variety of additives like peat and almond leaves, to little effect. However, a few months ago I started buying RO water from my LFS and through controlled dilution am gradually lowering the pH each water change until it reaches the same...
  9. FishNChimps

    How To Safely Lower Ph In Tank

    Your pH sounds like mine. I've put up with it for years, with the result being that my stocking has been restricted to tolerant species only, like mollies.   I've tried peat and almond leaves (which my 6 y/o plec seems to enjoy nibbling), to no great effect.   I'm currently lowering my pH by...
  10. FishNChimps

    Experience Of Lowering Ph Using Almond Leaves And Peat Pellets?

    Thank you both for very comprehensive responses. It's immensely frustrating to be living in a very hard water area (SE England) with naturally high ph levels. I really don't get why our LFS sells so many fish species suited to friendlier water, but I guess high fish mortality keeps customers...
  11. FishNChimps

    Experience Of Lowering Ph Using Almond Leaves And Peat Pellets?

    My 110 litre tank has a high ph of 8.2. I'd like to increase its small population of fish but only after bringing down the ph. I'm considering putting peat pellets in the filter, and dropping some almond leaves into the tank, as I've read that this can be effective. Apart from water...
  12. FishNChimps

    Substrate And Algae

    My swords were lethargic at first but plant tabs and weekly dosing with plant food seemed to do the trick. Some thread algae started to appear on leaves but I bought a timer for the light so the plants get just eight hours of light a day (with a three-hour break in the early afternoon). Algae's...
  13. FishNChimps

    Extra Pics

    What am I looking at? It looks like a fossil.
  14. FishNChimps

    Aquarium Essentials

    Don't worry son, fishes are peculiar. Run along now.
  15. FishNChimps

    Welcome To My New Fish :) Pic Heavy

    Wow, they're gorgeous, the blue ones especially.
  16. FishNChimps

    Aquarium Essentials

    The usual stuff: too many nets; collection of fish pharma liquids; flake food; catfish pellets; large bags of filter floss; test kit; strap on dildo; water conditioner; plant tabs; liquid plant food; two siphons; plant scissors; planting prongs.
  17. FishNChimps

    My New Tank And Fish

    Colouring inspired by Avatar
  18. FishNChimps

    Live Plants In Tank

    To nourise them I use plant tablets buried under the gravel, and add aquarium plant food (liquid, from King British) to my weekly water change. So far, so good.
  19. FishNChimps


    If its name is hugh then it's probably a boy fish
  20. FishNChimps

    Diy Brine Shrimp

    Excellent post, and very helpful with the pics. I'd like to try this, but have no place indoors where I could leave a brine shrimp bottle. Would they still survive if this process (without artificial heat or light) were carried out outside?
  21. FishNChimps

    Water Changes , How Do You Do Yours......

    Hang on now, I don't get this. Those of you who use a hose to refill your tank - if it's coming straight from the tap, how do you get the dechlorinator in before the water reaches the fish?
  22. FishNChimps

    New Tank Saga

    Check that your home insurance policy covers you for escape of water... just in case.
  23. FishNChimps

    1St Aquarium

    Is that a cylinder tank?
  24. FishNChimps

    Too Much Sand For Mbuna Tank?

    On another forum I've seen claims that having deeper sand runs the risk of toxic gas pockets developing, and that one should stir it up every week to help prevent this. I wouldn't know from practice, though, having only gravel in mine.
  25. FishNChimps

    Good Tip For Moving Large Tank

    Acrylic, that's the way to go. Light as a feather.
  26. FishNChimps


    From a purely aesthetic perspective, I'd have thought a larger shoal of neons would be an impressive sight.
  27. FishNChimps

    Which One?

    Which one's a fish?
  28. FishNChimps


    Newer version is definitely nicer.
  29. FishNChimps

    Would The Tank Be Safe For Fish?

    Only if you take the alligators out first.
  30. FishNChimps

    A Few Updates

    Blimey, that blue-faced one looks like a coelacanth!
  31. FishNChimps

    Easy Plants For 37 Gallon Tank

    I had a long-lived pleco who I weaned off eating the plants (swords, vallis, Java fern) by treating him to a chunk of potato every now and again. RIP Colin the Catfish.
  32. FishNChimps

    £100 Budget

    Your £100 starting budget aside, I expect you'll find that you'll be paying £5 here, £10 there, and so on for accessories, treatments etc. I wonder if other members have a means of forecasting their annual spend on their hobby.
  33. FishNChimps

    Mbuna Tank Has Arrived

    I quite like that big slab. It would look impressive with moss, perhaps?
  34. FishNChimps

    My Cory Is Dead, What Killed Him?

    I'm not experienced enough to offer advice, but I sympathise. That's a sad series of pictures. I have a cory and love its energetic swimming patterns.
  35. FishNChimps

    Neon Behaviour..?

    I agree with KittyKat. I've seen advice that says agitating the surface is a more effective means of oxygenation than a bubble feed. Perhaps you can direct the flow of the filter/pump outlet towards the surface?