Losing A Fish A Week - Please Help!

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May 9, 2016
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Hello everyone – I am new to this forum and looking for some advice please.
We are new tropical fish owners, having established our freshwater tank in December 2015 with plecos, swordtails, an Angel, gouramis and a friendly red-tailed shark.
Over the last 6-8 weeks, we have started losing fish to what we think is an internal parasite in our freshwater community tank (currently 8 fish -  5 swordtails, 1 Chinese Golden sucker, 1 angel, 1 gourami).  
We first lost our red-tailed shark (he was white at the bottom of the tank one day) and then lost  2 bristlenose plecos, one orange swordtail and a dwarf blue gourami last week (which had completely bloated and was gasping for air in his final days).
The other dwarf gourami has today lost almost all his scales, barely moving and vertical. I must say he went downhill extremely quickly after the other one died last week, he really looked fine until then and was eating even this morning.  We are considering euthanasing him tonight using iced water, we read that it is a humane way for them to go to sleep.
Our beautiful big Angel hasn’t eaten in 2 weeks and is pooping a white, bead-like secretion which looks like eggs if you look up close.  He is constantly gulping, has been for 2 weeks and has lost a lot of weight, although every day he seems to be about the same, even though we know he's not eating. 
Water levels all normal, 90L tank. 
We have treated the tank twice.  First treatment about 3 weeks ago was with a white powder which went into the tank twice a couple of weeks ago and also mixed with their food (I realise this not so helpful, but my husband did it and it was given to him in a bag from the aquarium, no idea what it was caused).  In the last week, have treated twice with prazi (Blue Planet fluke and tapeworm tablets). The rest of the swordtails (1 male, 4 females) all seem happy, eating well although some of them also have white or clear stringy poo at times, but their behaviour seems normal.  One has even given birth (despite the stringy poo) and is pregnant again.
Would love to keep our Angel alive and trying to help him recover. Looking for anyone who might have experienced this before, we are new fish owners and this is becoming really awful for us.  We have been told by the local aquarium just to cull them, but as we bred one of our swordtails we are attached to them and would rather try and fix the problem if we can.  If this is not realistic we would also appreciate that advice.
Appreciate everyone's time in reading/responding to this and would love some help or advice from someone who has experienced this kind of unfortunate situation.
what are your tank parameters, as this may be a nitrite/ammonia poisioning effect that may have happened. as it sounds like your tank may have crashed
Agree with BaylorPerez - tank crash was what I thought at first too. I had a similar death rate some years ago before I fully comprehended the implications of changes to each chemical parameter. If testing shows any unusual readings then a short-term solution would be daily 25% water changes. Also, it's possible that some of your stock is incompatible with your pH level.
What kind of test kit are you using? Can you give us the exact parameters? (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) Normal doesn't tell us much unfortunately.
Hi all - firstly, thanks for the replies.  We don't have a testing kit. Every time a fish has died we've taken water straight to our local aquarium who tell us that everything is "fine". They are very experienced and I'm sure they would have said something if levels were off, even slightly.  But perhaps we should have a testing kit at home if it is sounding like this is what is causing it.
Would that situation also be causing the stringy/cotton-like poo? We have had two batches of swordtail fry born in this disaster period and all fry have had the stringy poo since birth (even the tiny ones in the nursery tank). I think that's probably why we have assumed its a parasite that the little guys have been born with. After re-reading my initial post, I realised I didn't really say that almost all the fish have been doing stringy poop, particularly the swordtails who all look fine at the moment.
Will get water tested and see exact levels. Thanks again.
if anything, try to isolate your main tank. And i would use a parasite remover if you believe it to be one
Get the API liquid test kit, you will find it invaluable in testing your water as a first point. Sometimes medication can affect the beneficial bacteria, so it is always worth testing. Equally, you may need to run an airpump during treatment if you see the fish gasping at all. Not sure what meds are available to you in Aus., I use Kushari Wormer, which is a white powder. Ask your aquarium shop what it was they gave you.

Can you also explain your filtration, tank set up, and water changing routine. Have you added any new fish just prior to the issue you are experiencing?
Wow that's bad.. Bring your water into petco or petsmart to test it for FREE! Don't buy expensive test strip ands also I would make move your fish into a temporary tank while your fixing/treating your water if it's bad or move all the sick fish into a temporary tank! Hope this was helpful!!
BrookesFish3 said:
Wow that's bad.. Bring your water into petco or petsmart to test it for FREE! Don't buy expensive test strip ands also I would make move your fish into a temporary tank while your fixing/treating your water if it's bad or move all the sick fish into a temporary tank! Hope this was helpful!!
Not all LFS test water samples free, some do charge a small fee.
Dont buy any test strips actually. These test strips can be inaccurate and have seen wildy different results for the same test with the same sample of water :/
The liquid or powdered soltion test kits tend to be the best value for money as well as being accurate enough for our requirements for the average keeper.
The petsmart around here uses strips to test with...which as we know are inaccurate. I don't know if this is in all the stores but probably is. No idea on Petco. Don't have one around here. The liquid test kit from api really is not expensive if you think how many tests you can get out of it. Lasts a LONG time!

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