Stocking For 38 Gallon Tall.

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Nov 29, 2016
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Hey all I'm looking for opinions on stocking my new Marineland 38 gallon kit. the foot print is about 32x11 plus the bow out to 17inches and about 25 inches tall. Right now its running a marineland 200 with biowheel but I'm eventually going to build a small DIY canister to compliment the other filter. I have already dirted the tank and it will be heavily planted. I don't plan on having any CO2, just lots of light and a heavy fish load.

So all I know for sure right now is that I would like some german blue rams in this tank. past that I am wide open for opinions.

My thoughts so far are
2 rams - 1 male and 1 female
10-12 cardinal tetras
6-7 glowlight tetras
4-5 emerald green or sterbai corys

I'd also like one larger fish and I was thinking a Pearl Gourami. I don't know much about gouramis but I'd like something large and colorful. I was thinking an angel but not sure about keeping one angel by itself. So let me what you think. I really don't know enough species of fish to pick yet so chime in with what you think.

Thanks for the help.
We really need to know the hardness of your local water before we can recommend species. If you don't know, you can find out on your supplier's website.

There's no point us recommending softwater fish if your water is hard!

Blue rams do need soft water to do well (and they often don't do well, even if your water's perfect; they're a very delicate and difficult fish to keep nowadays).
Rams are also better kept at fairly high temperatures though this probably isn't as critical as it used to be unless you are purchasing wild caught rams. I like the rest of the stocking plan, if your water proves suitable. I'd have ember tetras instead of glowlights and I'd have about 20 of them, but that's just my opinion.
Hey all I'm looking for opinions on stocking my new Marineland 38 gallon kit. the foot print is about 32x11 plus the bow out to 17inches and about 25 inches tall. Right now its running a marineland 200 with biowheel but I'm eventually going to build a small DIY canister to compliment the other filter. I have already dirted the tank and it will be heavily planted. I don't plan on having any CO2, just lots of light and a heavy fish load.

So all I know for sure right now is that I would like some german blue rams in this tank. past that I am wide open for opinions.

My thoughts so far are
2 rams - 1 male and 1 female
10-12 cardinal tetras
6-7 glowlight tetras
4-5 emerald green or sterbai corys

I'd also like one larger fish and I was thinking a Pearl Gourami. I don't know much about gouramis but I'd like something large and colorful. I was thinking an angel but not sure about keeping one angel by itself. So let me what you think. I really don't know enough species of fish to pick yet so chime in with what you think.

Thanks for the help.
I have a 25 gallon tall cylinder aquarium, with a single angel who is content enough on its own. It's 4 years old, pretty healthy and doesn't menace its tank mates, who are:

x15 pristilla tetras
x2 mollies
x1 platy
x1 plec
x4 large snails

My water hardness: 111mg/L; pH 7.4

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