Neon Behaviour..?

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Fish Crazy
Oct 17, 2006
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales.
Hi guys,
I noticed a few days ago one or two of my neons were at the surface, head up with the body at 45 degrees to the surface, gasping a bit. Now about 50% of them are doing it (out of 25) also my cories are racing to the surface to, apparently, gulp air. Is this an indication of low oxygen? My lfs dude said high nitrates but the params are A:0, No2:0, No3: 40ppm, PH 7.0.
Also, are cories a type of labyrinth fish?
Possibly a lack of Oxygen, try aerating the water a bit more, your nitrate is fine.

No Corydora's are Catfish, and not Labyrinth Fish, though they do sometimes breath from the surface, this is an evolutionary trait, and it enables them to breath in water that has poor levels of oxygen, they swallow the air and then absorb it in their intestines.
+1, increase surface movement (-> oxygenation)
I agree with KittyKat. I've seen advice that says agitating the surface is a more effective means of oxygenation than a bubble feed. Perhaps you can direct the flow of the filter/pump outlet towards the surface?
they swallow the air and then absorb it in their intestines.

I didnt know that!!! Wow, That could be useful, especially if in a small tank.

I agree with KittyKat. I've seen advice that says agitating the surface is a more effective means of oxygenation than a bubble feed. Perhaps you can direct the flow of the filter/pump outlet towards the surface?

Same, My internals blow bubbles and agitate the surface at the same time. if you looked at the surface of my tank you could mistake it for the sea in sstorm force 5 winds :)

Behaviour normal for corys.Re the tetras,i had a small shoal do the same in my 60l set-up 3 weeks after initial set-up.Following advice given on here i did a 15 to 20% water change every 2 days for 8 days and have had no recurring behaviour.

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