Search results

  1. M

    Blue Lobster?

    We had a crayfish in a 20g. for about two and a half years. A great pet, - very interesting. we tried to keep her with fish, but she always got them in the end, and eventually, we gave up. Top / fast swimmers lasted longest. Slow/bottom feeders, - forget it! I think Cichlids are just too...
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    Help With Id Please

    OK, I've used the leads from here, and from a post on another forum, researched pictures on the net using those leads, and the favourite ID is: Protomelas Spilonotus. - Also known as the Sulphur - Head Hap! So Druchii was right after all. It seems they don't all have the sulphur blaze...
  3. M

    Help With Id Please

    I have two of these. I took them from someone I swap with occasionally as "male sulphurheads". There is no sign of sulphur, except maybe under the chin. They are both about 12 cm long. The one not shown has eggs spots, and an orange tinge to the anal fin. The shape is a bit like my "Red...
  4. M

    Aquarium Insulation

    Thanks for the leads. In fact I work/hide from the family in the shed during the day when it is heated. Its at night when the temperature drops that the real cost occurs. We are on an exposed hill. (I have to run 2 big heaters in the tank). I'll probably insulate the shed roof as part of...
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    Aquarium Insulation

    I have a 210 imperial gallon tank in my shed. In the winter I am effectively heating a 210 gallon tank of water without any insulation. With energy prices on the up, I am considering insulating the tank I am thinking of making a shallow sealed box with the same area as the top of the tank...
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    Id This Please ?

    Well, if it helps, I think I can eliminate the P.Acei as a possibility. I regularly get fry, and they are all "mini me's" of the parents, - dark blue grey, with yellow tails. It rather loks to me like a female of a more colourful male. What other types do you have in your aquarium? Kevin
  7. M

    Worried About My Fossichromis Rostratis

    Thanks for the lead...... I don't know what comes out of her rear because she is sheltered so much, but the other symptoms certainly seem to point to internal bacteria. I'm going to get some Interpret anti internal bacteria medication today. S**'s law, I'm going away for a week from...
  8. M

    Brichardi In A Community Tank?

    Based on my experience, I wouldn't do it if you are thinking about a breeding pair. I put a couple in a uk 55 gallon Mbuna tank. They are not big, and look nice, what harm could there be? I had a chunk of tufa rock in the middle of the tank which they took over for egg laying purposes...
  9. M

    Worried About My Fossichromis Rostratis

    I have a 540 litre tank with mix of african cichlids, a couple of catfish, and a couple of bristlenose. The inhabitants are vigorous, and generally healthy. I currently have 4 females holding. I bought a pair of Fossies at the start of the year, a male and female, each now about 8 inches...
  10. M

    Bit Of An Emergency

    One problem to look out for at this time of the year is high water temperature. I keep my fish in a wooden shed. In this hot weather, the air temperature shoots to the high 30's. Last year, I lost some lovely fish because I did not notice that their water had got so hot. Warm water is not...
  11. M

    My New 120g

    Here is a shot of my 120 Imp. Gallon Aquarium I put it together about 1 month ago. It has a sand substrate. I bought green slate (right) for rock, but my Brichardii have christened the tank with a "brood", so I don't want to take out the other rocks to add more slate till they can stick up...
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  14. M

    Labidochromis Cichlid Risk?

    (I posted this in Hybrids a couple of days ago, but did not get a response. Maybe not specialist enough there, so trying again here). At the weekend, I bought a "breeding" pair of Lab. Fuelleborni "Marmalade Cat". Whilst researching these fish, has it occurred to me that my single Yellow Lab...
  15. M

    Labidochromis Cichlid Risk?

    Today, I bought a "breeding" pair of Labeotropheus fuelleborni "Marmalade Cat". Only this evening, whilst researching these fish, has it occurred to me that my single yellow lab (sex undetermined) might become an interloper in the cat's relationship. I didn't think about it at the time...
  16. M

    Changing Tanks

    Well, the new tank is installed, the fish survived and are feeding. I still need to sort out the rocks, but it looks good. In case it helps anyone else to avoid, I made two stupid errors: First, I allowed enough room between wall and back of cabinet for the hoses, but I forgot about the...
  17. M

    Glue For Rocks

    I have some nice river smoothed slate pebbles, average about the volume of a tennis ball but flatter. They look good when stacked, but are a pain to remove and restack when cleaning. I therefore want to glue them into formations to make them easier to lift, and to make them more stable. I...
  18. M

    Changing Tanks

    I went mad at the weekend and bought a 500 litre + tank to replace my 240 litre (mainly) Cichlid tank. I am planning to make the changeover at the weekend, and would appreciate any advice on how to make the change smoothly, with minimum disruption to the fish. My difficulty is that I need to...
  19. M

    Tank too Rusty

    Good day, having started keeping Chiclids last September, I now have two lots of baby Rusties, (from the same parents), the first just over half an inch, and starting to get adventurous, and the second lot just born, and keeping to the rocks. I reckon that I could have about 16 juvenile fish...
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    Unhealthy looking Yellow Lab

    I tested everything last night, ammonia, nitrite zero, nitrate 5 ppm, ph 8. I have not seen him do his biz. My other fish seem fine. Kevin
  21. M

    Unhealthy looking Yellow Lab

    Two weeks ago I purchased 4 yellow labs (each about two inches long). On getting them home and in the tank, we realised that one of them is not of the same "quality as the others. I don't particularly want to put down a fish just because of its looks, but now having done some browsing, I am...
  22. M

    Feeding cucumber to a plecostamus?

    I feed cucumber (and other veg) to my crayfish. To stop it floating about, and to make it easy to place and to retrieve the leavings, I stick the veg on a kebab style stainless steel skewer. I stick it in the substrate behind bog wood, so not intrusive. Kevin
  23. M

    Ideal setup for Red Claw Crayfish

    I have a female red claw who has just undergone her 4th moult with us, and is now getting quite big. She has been in a 72 litre tank with fish (top swimmers). I want to move the fish into a new tank, and set up specifically for the crayfish. I cannnot find much about ideal tank size...
  24. M

    Air bubbles or not?

    Thank you for your explanation in the light of which I've turned off the bubbles in the 1st tank. Silence at last............. Kevin
  25. M

    Air bubbles or not?

    Good day, I am at phase two and a bit of fish keeping. Phase one: buy a tank that seems big, put all the wrong fish in it, realise the tank is actually small (19 uk gall), and that I need to sort out the fish. Phase two: buy a bigger tank (55 uk gal), promise the kids they can have the...
  26. M

    Water colour

    Thank you for the welcome. I boiled the log this morning, and expect my fish to "change colour" as the water clears. Bogwood tea is not nice! Kevin
  27. M

    Water colour

    Good day, I have a three month old tank, 20 (UK) Gallons. I started testing the water for a couple of weeks ago, with no negative results so far. I change a "bucketful" of water once per week. My water is a (clear) strong olive green/brown. I must be looking at my fish through this stuff...