Unhealthy looking Yellow Lab


New Member
Jul 26, 2004
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Somerset UK
Two weeks ago I purchased 4 yellow labs (each about two inches long). On getting them home and in the tank, we realised that one of them is not of the same "quality as the others.

I don't particularly want to put down a fish just because of its looks, but now having done some browsing, I am concerned that the fish has an illness, possibly TB, and should be removed.

To describe: the fish has a concave belly, fins, particularly underside are clamped. The body seems to be elongated, although this may be due to belly shape. Tail is not "fanned" like the other fish, but rays stick out straight at 180 degrees.

Colour is yellow under the sun glo tube, but when at the back of the tank, looks more orange, with dark banding.

The fish eats OK, but swims with a rather stiff movement, head into the current, and not investigating with the other fish.

The other fish are yellow wherever they are in the tank, a "natural" shape, and lively.

I would appreciate advice. Thanks, Kevin
To be honest it dosn't sound in great shape, what does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet, can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
I tested everything last night, ammonia, nitrite zero, nitrate 5 ppm, ph 8. I have not seen him do his biz. My other fish seem fine.

If you do see it if it is long white and stringy it's internal parsites.

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