Feeding cucumber to a plecostamus?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 30, 2004
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Hi ;)

I went in to my lfs and asked them how would I get my plecostamus to grow bigger a worker told me feed if cubes of cucumber. :crazy:

1.Will this work? :/
2.have any of you done it? B)
3.Will it harm the other fish? :unsure:

your fishies will love you for it!! cucumber is quite safe. just be sure, when theyre done, that you clean up the leftovers, if there are any :D
we have a feeding 'rota'

our plecs get...

cucumber once a week
frozen prawns once a week
other frozen food (eg bloodworm) once a week
wafers twice a week
and flake for the rest.

feeding too much cucumber will mean a LOT more waste from your plecs :D
oh and a side effect is that the poop is green!
If you do use cucumber I would suggest that you peel the green outer skin, just to be sure and safe incase it has any pesticides on it.

Happy Plec Yummy cucumber :D :lol: :hyper:
skimpy said:
If you do use cucumber I would suggest that you peel the green outer skin, just to be sure and safe incase it has any pesticides on it.

Happy Plec Yummy cucumber :D :lol: :hyper:
most plecs only eat the soft insides anyway...

our goldie only eats the skin though :D
my bristlies and my clowns love it. I only leave it in overnight and remove whats left the next morning. You can also feed them lettuce, either put it in boiled water for a second or 2 or squeeze it, to soften it and put it in. :)
I have snails will my shark attack the new clown im getting and do u need more then 1?

My cucumber is floating about and keeps getting stuck behind my filter and heater.

My snails love the cucumber too.:-(
I feed cucumber (and other veg) to my crayfish. To stop it floating about, and to make it easy to place and to retrieve the leavings, I stick the veg on a kebab style stainless steel skewer. I stick it in the substrate behind bog wood, so not intrusive.

What kind of shark? And are you aware of how large clown loaches and plecos get? I hate cucumber myself :sick: but fish love it for some reason... :dunno:

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