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  1. G

    What do u Think of this betta?

    I would like to breed this fish along with a female, but i dont think i can do it, im only 14 and i dont have lots of money, an i only have a 10 gallon tank for the fry... Would that be enuff, cuz i know there would be some pretty nice offspring
  2. G

    What do u Think of this betta?

    Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh :-( ..... He isnt a halfmoon... Lol I still luv him though....... Actually i got this betta at a lfs $4.00 I knew there was something special about him...
  3. G


    sry to butt in guyz, thanks for the replies... He must be an alien fish cuz i cant tell what he is either..........:D Thank everyone
  4. G

    What do u Think of this betta?

    hey guyz thanks for ur replies, im so happy u guyz think my betta is cooollllll!!!!!! Thanks
  5. G

    What do u Think of this betta?

    Hey i just wanted to post this topic because i picked up the cutest betta not too long and i waned to no if they are rare i think it a half moon mustard gas... what do u think? What are your preferances?? Thanks in advance for any replies!!!!!
  6. G


    Hey guys i was browsing the post and u guyz were talking about ur mustard gases, i want to post a pic of my musty gas too.!!!!!! Here have a look What ya think? Are these rare? I luvvvvv Bubba (bubbles), he builds lots of bubble nests. :D :grr: Bri
  7. G

    Got a 2 Gallon Eclipse Explorer...

    I had a smallworld pennplax filter and i just put that in for a day and then i just let it sit, so kind of a mini cycle... Yes the filter was used in a another tank.. :) Bri :grr:
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    Whats Best?

    Ok So Then The Top One It Is!!!!!! :thumbs: Bri :grr:
  9. G

    Whats Best?

    Ok as some of u know, if u posted in my other thread, I have a HalfMoon Mustard Gas Betta... I have a few questions about where i should have him livin and whut i should have him living in (gravel or rocks) Should i Have My buddy living in this setup? Or this one? (Just an example, its not...
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    Mustard Gas

    Thank you everyone :D Bri :grr:
  11. G

    Mustard Gas

    Thanks for the replies you guyz any other replies out there?? Come on i no there are more people :sly: Bri :grr:
  12. G

    Mustard Gas

    Hey i went to my lps and i saw this adorable male mustard gas halfmoon betta and i was wondering are these bettas rare? And what are some heads up because this fish looks about 3 months old he is really small, I can take some pictures of him tomm if my sis will let me use her digi cam.... If...
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    My New Aquarium

    actually they are getting along very well, and the goldfish are definately used to this temperature now... they are doing very well...
  14. G

    My New Aquarium

    HEy this is my tank setup my please thell me whut u think about it, i no its kinda plain but its my first tank I Like It... Give me your opinions
  15. aquarium.jpg


  16. G

    Whats the perfect tank?

    what would be the perfect size tank for 2 dwarf frogs and a betta... Im not trying to go way over budget.... Whut would be able to work?
  17. G

    I got a jumper on my hands!

    why is my betta sooo boooring he doesnt do any neat stuff like that... :(
  18. G

    interactive Betta

    i got a betta for about 5 months... I have him in smallworld i think 1 gallon tank along with a penn plax small wrold filter (got it 2 days ago) 2 dwarf frogs and he does fine with them... But all he does is eat and thats about it.. i want him to become more interactive... Im a begginner so i...
  19. G

    Interactive Betta

    im only 13 i cant really afford it and my parents wouldnt wanna buy. They dont understand how much i like fish..
  20. G

    Interactive Betta

    not really dance, but u no like jump wen i give him food or something my betta is afraid of my finger!!! This is whut i want to stop.... I dont want him to be afraid of me i want him to know that its ok that i wont hurt him
  21. G

    Interactive Betta

    i got a betta for about 5 months... I have him in smallworld i think 1 gallon tank along with a penn plax small wrold filter (got it 2 days ago) 2 dwarf frogs and he does fine with them... But all he does is eat and thats about it.. i want him to become more interactive... Im a begginner so i...