Interactive Betta


New Member
Jul 23, 2004
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i got a betta for about 5 months...
I have him in smallworld i think 1 gallon tank along with a penn plax small wrold filter (got it 2 days ago) 2 dwarf frogs and he does fine with them...
But all he does is eat and thats about it.. i want him to become more interactive... Im a begginner so i need some help with this thanks

Thanks for any replies
not really dance, but u no like jump wen i give him food or something
my betta is afraid of my finger!!! This is whut i want to stop.... I dont want him to be afraid of me i want him to know that its ok that i wont hurt him
if you got something just a little bigger, he might move about more. i know when imoved one guy from a 1 gal to 2.5 gal, he now swims all over the place and is very active, whereas theose in the 1 gal still move little. give him room, he'll use it
im only 13 i cant really afford it and my parents wouldnt wanna buy. They dont understand how much i like fish..
mine dont either, i know how you feel, but you could buy him like one of those clear plastic shoe boxs. I know some people on here that do that, i did that with one of mine as well. it was really happy in there. and theyre usually like 2-3 gallons, and really cheap.

also you should put a mirror near him. he'll flare up and he should like that. it minght take some time for him to get used to it, because some of mine did, but after a while theyll like that.

maybe you can give him a diffrent food that he likes so that he "jumps" for it.

gottabetta said:
im only 13 i cant really afford it and my parents wouldnt wanna buy. They dont understand how much i like fish.. 12 and my parents know i love fish and they keep fish lol
i could have sworn i had posted here. i guess i didnt hit 'submit.'
well you could try live foods. the betta will chase after them. you could get another betta and put him in another tank beside your lazy guy (*but not untill you can afford a bigger tank for mr. lazy)

do you get an allowance? can you do some work around the house for money? come on-your betta deserves it!
Do you feed hima t roughly the same tiems every day? I know my friend's betta has started to know when feeding time is, so when she takes the lid off, he comes to her cos he knows it's feeding time.

Here a new 7 gallon glass tank from a pet shop is only £10, a 2.5 is about £3, couldn't you try to save up for it over time? I know it's frustrating when your parents don't understand about fish, but maybe you could explain to them that he'd live a happier life in a bigger tank. Then they'd think it was good that you're showing repsonsibility. (hopefully!)
i keep all my bettas in those plastic 1G shoeboxes with some decoration in there. I also keep them side by side so they can see another betta and flares. I think it gets them to do something rather than sulk in the bottom of the container (which is what they did when i put them in opaque containers), so i think it that the flaring when there's another betta kinda excites them a bit.

The plastic shoeboxes are $1.44 each over here, and they're stackable so if you punch holes in the lids you can stack them up :)
My mom has her's in a 1 gallon on the kitchen table and he's pretty cool, he always flares at me when I get near him, either he's got the hots for me or he thinks I'm going to eat him... -_- When you first get them they often are a little mopey, the one I just got was like that but after a few days he chilled out and now he's always coming at me for more food whenever I get near the tank.
gottabetta said:
i got a betta for about 5 months...
I have him in smallworld i think 1 gallon tank along with a penn plax small wrold filter (got it 2 days ago) 2 dwarf frogs and he does fine with them...
Isn't that kinda overstocked? 2 ADFs and a betta in a 1 gal.?


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