My New Aquarium


New Member
Jul 23, 2004
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HEy this is my tank setup my please thell me whut u think about it, i no its kinda plain but its my first tank I Like It... Give me your opinions


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some high plants would probably look cool in there.. are those goldfish with your betta :unsure:
thats a nice looking tank. not to sure if the goldfish and bettas should be kept together though. bettas like much warmer temps then goldfish
actually they are getting along very well, and the goldfish are definately used to this temperature now... they are doing very well...
I hate to be the one to tell you but if you have a betta and two goldfish then you should have at least a 30g tank, Yours doesn't look that big :/

Goldfish grow big and live long, they should have 20g for the first fish and 10g per additional fish. They are also messy fish and need very good filtration to cope with the waste produced.

Do you have any filtration for the tank and just how big is it?
Looks good!
Tall plants for sure, and I agree w/ the others. Maybe you can put the goldfish in another tank and add danios or tetras w/ the betta?
Goldfish and Bettas is a no no, but if you have VERY good filtration that somehow doesnt disturb the water too much, they may live along happily. That is until the goldfish get big :/

:crazy:what r u feeding them.cause they take 2 different kinds of foods.dont they.instead of goldfish.add some snails,ghost shrimp,an african dwarf frog.they all will go nice with the betta fish

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