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    Hamster Babies!!!

    wow.. thats sad my mommy and daddy from the first bunch are perfect. we have a cage for the mom, cage for the dad, cage for the baby that just had babies. heck, i havent even had time to enjoy the baby that we kept, haven't even picked her up yet cause we just finally got rid of the last female...
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    My Crazy Cat

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: totally cute!!!!!!
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    more tradgety at the pointy house

    oh my god... :wub: i nominate those pics for POTM... that way only one of the pics needs one more nomination cause i give them all a nom.. adorable.. and im not a big fan of guinea pigs but that is the cutest one ever!! you managed to get through the cat situation, i read all about it and...
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    Well, it's time I write about it

    i absolutely HAVE to say this... those dogs are gorgous, and please, heaven forbid, dont give up looking for them yet!!!!!!!!! guess what i heard on the radio??? i was driving in the car last week ... adn i heard NOT A WORD OF A LIE!!!!!!!!!!! COUNT MY BLESSINGS ON THIS AND I SWEAR ON MY...
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    Hamster Babies!!!

    well if anyone has read my old topics, i had..well, my hamster had, 11 baby hamsters. we purposely bred them. we had a few personal homes for them and the petstore was going to take any that we couldn't find homes for. we were curious about the la la.. anyway that went great. it...
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    bad news

    i am sure that your kitty will be fine. as mentioned...he looks tough!!! thanks for compliments on abby, i'll be sure to tell her lol shes right here lol anyway good luck and keep us posted!
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    bad news

    this cat here, abby, we got her for free. she is hymalian. we paid a big buck for my pure bred pursian... need i say more pure breds tend to have a lot of problems and unfortunately copper had quite a few probs... i still get teary thinking about it. i dont think abby is pure bred hymalian but...
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    bad news

    hey i just have to say that your cat is adorable and i hope that he gets better really soon. i am sure he will. we had a pursian pure bred before and we had to put him to sleepw hen he was only 4 years old. he had hip desplasia and it would have costed us $3,000 to get him fixed, and it wasn't...
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    losing fish now...grrrr

    if you see correctly? huh? but thanks and i reccomend a test kit if you are starting up a tank! :)
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    losing fish now...grrrr

    oh right on!!
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    June Pet of the Month.........

    wow gorgeous dog congrats
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    k, i think i'll do that.. hope they will be ok its not for another month but gotta decide a head of time
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    Parrot fish

    thanks and i apologize for the caps i was just trying to get my point across and seems as though using caps was useful!! end of discussion i do believe..
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    is it true that fish can live in bags for up to 4 hours? i mean i am going straight there and back.. they are not going with all the boxes im bringing at the same time or in the moving truck lol i am bringing the fishies down once i get settled in.. so bag probably the easiest, k, thanks! and...
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    Parrot fish

    what color are your bps? what color is the baby? Just white? or red? we want to get a baby, much cheaper. if its not dyed. he's totally awesome i love him to pieces.. still a bit shy though
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    I currently have a 10 gallon tank with the following: 2 neon tetras 2 black neon tetras 2 rainbow tetras 1 female guppy 1 silver molly with black spots I am moving at the end of August, about 1 hour and 30 mins away. I definately want to bring my fish tank. :thumbs...
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    I sold my 1st Betta Today

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    Parrot fish

    not a problem it is my parents tank and i am moving out next month so i will let them know to keep their eyes opened to answer a question... yes i will still buy fish from that LPS because that is the only place where i can manage to buy healthy fish that live. as for buying dyed fish, no...
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    Parrot fish

    yah if only someone would start it... and you said you werent even going to be a part of this topic. just got my words across and hope it gets out to people that this thread is about the pics of the unknown fish my parents bought, not about each others attitudes. :no: :no:
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    Parrot fish

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    losing fish now...grrrr

    yeah i hear that well its been 1 day and 1/2 and i havent lost any fish and they are all swimming around happily. i have a feeling i might have just overcrowded it or added fish too quick... thakns for your info though
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    losing fish now...grrrr

    lol algae eateres give me the creeps. i put one in my tank too early, i think there wasnt enough build up for him and he died... now i just got a few snails, they seem to do a lot better job then the algae eater ... and they dont creep me out lol what do you mean?? i had to clean it once a day...
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    Parrot fish

    i never said i agree with dyeing fish... at least i dont think any of my words sounded like that... i said a few opinions and stuff.. no, none of us knew about this before we bought the fish and yeah, maybe it would have been different if we knew about it... but you can't go back in time now...
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    Parrot fish

    yeah thats great... i didnt know about it... honestly i really had no idea... but i do intend on helping my parents out on keeping this fish alive and healthy... and yes, whats done is done... no goin back. thanks :thumbs:
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    losing fish now...grrrr

    i'll definately look into the goldfish thing and if i do end up losing my fish i have right now, i might just get a bundle of guppies or a bundle of tetras or something... i'm not sure, goldfish was just a suggestion that i wanted some opinions on.. thanks for those information bits though...
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    Parrot fish

    i do, and i dont see DYEING FISH - SHOULD BE "ILLEGALIZED" and again, as i mentioned. i'm done with this topic. unless someone has something good to say :rolleyes: :)
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    Parrot fish

    thank you clear_view! your reply is highly appreciated :)
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    Parrot fish

    ok first off... and i'll explain myself in MORE DETAIL i first noticed these types of fish in a LPS that is 1/2 hour away. they are pink and yellow , in a huge tank. i foudn it pretty amusing that when i put my head near the tank, they back up and when you move away they come back and keep...
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    losing fish now...grrrr

    great, i will keep that in mind, thanks!
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    Parrot fish

    case is closed then
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    losing fish now...grrrr

    i was doing my water changes every day for a week and a half to get rid of the 1.6 nitrite. that worked and didnt lose any fish in the process. i do my water changes now once a week i have an air stone and air tubing. you having problems too??
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    Parrot fish

    (nice bike ^ up there in the pic) i love bikes yup, i know that everyone has their own opinion. I think these fish are absolutely amazing and gorgeous. Some people don't agree with dyeing them, and some people do agree. To me, I don't dwell on the fact that it was colored by man, I think of...
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    losing fish now...grrrr

    thanks for your opinions and suggestions :) eww i dont like lizards.. dwarf frogs are ok but kinda boring to just have a tank with those. i love the fancy and fantail and black moor goldfish
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    Parrot fish

    recomend some wild caught africans? huh?? yeah some die and some live... but you know how many different species and animals and stuff that are cross bred and turn out to be unique in every way. everyone has their opinions, and mine, they are great.. they have a very wonderful personality!
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    Parrot fish

    i don't think it is cruel at all. I think it is 100% unique and there is no harm done to them. they live quite long for the type of "breed" that they are. and yes i did know that they are from the cichlidae family. - this should help you...
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    losing fish now...grrrr

    well i hvaent had problems yet with those liquids...and i wouldnt call them med's cause they aren't. but yes, i will keep you updated. im down to 8 fish, hopefully will stay at that if i lose my fish im ight turn my tank to a goldfish tank
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    Parrot fish

    if you know about parrot fish you know that they are all white. they are a crossbreed between a bunch of other types of fish. there is a such thing as blood parrot fish and, like the name states, they are red. there are yellow, pink and blue ones and im not sure any other color. they are...
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    losing fish now...grrrr

    hey i was just putting the aqua plus for awhile but then i was getting some algae build up again. the cycle is a very common liquid that is here, and it helps with a lot of stuff. i haven't had any problems with it yet... and the waste control, totally gets rid of the brown ugly algae. my fish...
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    Parrot fish

    hey i read a lot of parrot fish stuff.. they are man made...and injected with color and all that stuff. anyway my parents just got a 20 gallon tank and they added a parrot fish and a tiger guarmi... i thought i would show ya's some pics they are gorgous hope you liked them!!!
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    losing fish now...grrrr

    lost male guppy today i did a water test today. ammonia -0 nitrite -0 i dont have a test kit for nitrAtes ph- 7.4ish my molly is my most active fish. i'm not worried about her. i did a water change today... about 25%. added cycle , waste control, and aqua plus. we'll see from here...