Parrot fish

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Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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i read a lot of parrot fish stuff.. they are man made...and injected with color and all that stuff. anyway my parents just got a 20 gallon tank and they added a parrot fish and a tiger guarmi... i thought i would show ya's some pics they are gorgous







hope you liked them!!!
if you know about parrot fish you know that they are all white. they are a crossbreed between a bunch of other types of fish. there is a such thing as blood parrot fish and, like the name states, they are red. there are yellow, pink and blue ones and im not sure any other color. they are $39.99-$59.99 fish around my area. and if you buy the baby ones they are about $8.99. And I do believe they are injected with color when they are eggs. They are almost impossible to breed, as the females usually turn into males and don't breed. I think they are beautiful.
I have two non colored ones. they are brwon with like patches of black.
If you knew about parrotfish you might have read they are cichlids, that have been died through cruel coloring procedures that rarely last the shortened life of the fish

want to learn more about your fish?\
In case you didn't read that
Your fish is more likely to have been died through the method of dipping it in acid to strip it's natural protetive coating where upon it is either died or hand painted, then placed in another solution designed to iraitate the fishes skin and stimulate a re growth of the slime

The fish not egg, is injected in a dye which adds pigment to a small area of the fish this is done several times until it is completely died in all areas

So I don't suport these fish, nor do the majority here...
Unique in the sense that it survived the dyeing process as the majority don't, and their are hundreds of fish that have suffered through this for a mor uniques fish I would personally
recomend some wild caught africans?
recomend some wild caught africans?


yeah some die and some live... but you know how many different species and animals and stuff that are cross bred and turn out to be unique in every way.

everyone has their opinions, and mine, they are great.. they have a very wonderful personality!
angel_eyes0857 said:
yeah some die and some live... but you know how many different species and animals and stuff that are cross bred and turn out to be unique in every way.

everyone has their opinions, and mine, they are great.. they have a very wonderful personality!
Wow...that comes off as a pretty heartless remark.

I don't believe it's cross breeding that is considered cruel.It's the dying of fish to produce various colors that is objectionable.I fail to see how this contributes in any way to the wonderful personality of the fish.And there are plenty of naturally colorful fish with great personalities.No need to subject any creature to this.

Personally, I don't have too much of a problem with hybrid fish.

But dying them.. 80% don't survive the dying process (dipped in acid to remove the slime coat, then diped in the colour dye) and buying the survivers just supports this cruel practice.

No-one who cares about living things could possibly condone this practice.

I hope for his sake that your fish lives.
(nice bike ^ up there in the pic) i love bikes

yup, i know that everyone has their own opinion. I think these fish are absolutely amazing and gorgeous. Some people don't agree with dyeing them, and some people do agree. To me, I don't dwell on the fact that it was colored by man, I think of the fact that it is a beautiful fish, with a great personality.
Yes there are many fish out there that have great personalities, I have one in my 10 gallon. my silver molly with black spots. Great fish to have. Along with my blue parrot fish.
I didn't start this thread to have an arguement about dyeing fish, I started it to show off the new addition to my house. I would appreciate it if people wouldn't ruin my thread with unneccesary remarks. If you don't agree with it, or don't like the pictures that I posted, then don't reply to start a commotion.
I have my opinion, and it's not changing.

I will keep you updated, for those of you who care, I haven't had any problems with this fish yet, and everything is so far so good! You take it day by day, just like I do with the other tank.
Don't get me wrong, I am not against the fish just the dyeing process, if you truly liked the fish i think you would have chosen not too suport tortureing them
I have nothing against crossbreeding the parrot fish

The africans are what I keep, African mbuna were bertiful naturally colorfulfish, and if you want uniqueness some wild caught imports would be a great adition to your mbuna cichlid tank
Well perhaps you shouldn't have started this thread then. Many members here are quite open about their dislike of dyeing, in fact there is even a pinned topic about it in the general chat forum.

I don't think you understand just how cruel a practice this is - most people only purchase dyed fish because they are not aware of how it is done and the suffering it causes. You on the other hand, are fully aware and yet you are not only happy to pay your lfs for this poor creature, but you flaunt your positive opinion of it openly on this forum.

Don't expect to be thought very highly of in future...
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