losing fish now...grrrr


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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k, basics...

10 gallon tank

beginner obvious mistakes was putting fish in right away, but that was handled.

had tank for almost 2 months now.
cycle went great. had ammonia spike, lost no fish. had nitrite spike, lost no fish. was frustrating but i managed to keep all my fish :D

i had a betta, he got sick, added med and betta died, along with 1 of the original 3 fish... my sunset platy. :(

anyway over the past week or two... i have lost my mickey mouse platy, my sunset platy, ... my gold molly, replaced him, lost him today. lost my male guppy last night. and my other male guppy today doesnt look so good... just staying in the top at one corner...

why all of a sudden would i be losing my fish?!? my water results are perfect, my tank is clear as crystal. havent added no new decor or anything in.....

so frustrating........100%
1 of the 3 orginial are still living... my silver molly with black spots... if i lose her, thats it i quit.. she is the best and has been through the worst but still looking great!
if i end up losing all my fish.. i might make that tank a goldfish tank. any tips?
Don't quit yet, these are just unfortunate bumps in the road. Please state what your water levels are for all the tests you have done. Do you have any salt in your tank? Platy's and Molly's (Molly's in particular) like a degree of salinity in their tank. Please let us know anything you do add to your water chemistry and hopefully the great people here can help you along with this.

i didnt check anything else besides ammonia and nitrite two days ago. i'll test my pH tomorrow when I get home.
i add aquaplus, cycle and waste control. thats it.
i had quick-cure for ick a while ago but that didnt doa nything and im not using it anymore.
i do have snail babies. one of my snails, the one that was laying all the eggs every day, died. probably from the quick cure left in the tank. my tank is probably due for a water change so i might do that tomorrow too.
we'll see from there...
so frustrating!
If you can, post your test numbers, especially the pH. The ammonia and nitrate would be good if you have that too. What's your temperature? Last water change? Hopefully none of your other fish will sucumb to whatever is doing the damage.

As for the death of the betta's, I have no clue. I had crap luck with all my betta's but one female. She lasted a whopping 3 months and terrorized my platy's the whole time, as well as anything else smaller that came near. All my other male betta's came from the same place and died of the same ailment within 10 days. i found out later that this BIG LPS had a 6-week stretch where majority of their male betta's had the same problem. The head fish person at the competing LPS had seen many of the fish and went to the LPS selling the sick fish told them what the problem was and a very easy solution, but was told off for her efforts.

As for the platy's and molly's, I don't know how much of a contributing factor it may be, but I know both those fish like some salt in the water, and I believe the molly's liek more salt in the water.

lost male guppy today

i did a water test today.
ammonia -0
nitrite -0
i dont have a test kit for nitrAtes
ph- 7.4ish

my molly is my most active fish. i'm not worried about her.

i did a water change today... about 25%. added cycle , waste control, and aqua plus.

we'll see from here... *crosses fingers*

might have been overcrowded maybe
Are you getting all of the fish from the same place? They could be coming to you with problems.

Another thing that might be the cause is the stuff you're adding to the water. The aqua plus is fine, but the other two I feel a little iffy on. Stuff that claims to control waste, speed up the cycle, lock ammonia, etc. just seems unneccesary. Most I think are just marketing gimmicks. The less chemicals in the water, the better (for me, personally). Would you be willing to try and just use the aquaplus for a partial water change or two?
i was just putting the aqua plus for awhile but then i was getting some algae build up again. the cycle is a very common liquid that is here, and it helps with a lot of stuff. i haven't had any problems with it yet... and the waste control, totally gets rid of the brown ugly algae.

my fish were acting perfect before they die.. no blemishes, spots, nothing. they were even still eating... weird..

i have no idea...
I don't add anything to the tank unless I have to. Maybe it's the meds that's doing them in... :dunno: Keep us posted on any new developements or findings.
well i hvaent had problems yet with those liquids...and i wouldnt call them med's cause they aren't.
but yes, i will keep you updated. im down to 8 fish, hopefully will stay at that

if i lose my fish im ight turn my tank to a goldfish tank
Don't go for the goldfish, go for something a little more exotic like lizards or frogs or something.
IMO you are puting to many chemicals in your tank. Yes you may have always done this but I try to limit into my tank declorinator, water, and food. Unless necessary.

Now it may be a combination of these checmicals that are working against you.

Also, get a nitrate test, test tank and tap!

I am assuming you get you tank water from tap?

In warmer months, more bacteria, so now your city may be adding more chemical to make tap water safe for human consumption. Just test tap water, and cut down on chemicals (meds)

To me any chemical you putin tank to fix a problem can be considered meds.

There are meds for fish and meds for water IMO
thanks for your opinions and suggestions :)

eww i dont like lizards.. dwarf frogs are ok but kinda boring to just have a tank with those.
i love the fancy and fantail and black moor goldfish
Is tank aerated? either with power head/venturi or air pump and air stone?

How often do you do partial water changes?

I hear your frustration...


i was doing my water changes every day for a week and a half to get rid of the 1.6 nitrite. that worked and didnt lose any fish in the process.
i do my water changes now once a week
i have an air stone and air tubing.
you having problems too??


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